Complete Public Domain Hymn List
- A
- A Land Of Beauty
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Tidwell, W. S.
- A Wonderful Savior
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- A Better Day Coming
- Lyrics: Davis, Grace W. / Music: Davis, Grace W.
- A Friend Indeed
- Lyrics: MacKay / Music: Sweney
- A Home Forever There
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Danks
- A Home On High
- Lyrics: Neal / Music: Neal
- A Joy In My Heart
- Lyrics: Purvis / Music: Black
- A Soldier Of The Cross
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Sankey
- Abide With Me - (Dietrick / Pollock)
- Lyrics: Dietrick / Music: Pollock
- Abide With Me - (Gould / Sweney)
- Lyrics: Gould / Music: Sweney
- Abide With Me - Chant (Lyte / Troyte)
- Lyrics: Lyte / Music: Troyte
- Able To Deliver
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey
- All Glory Be Thine
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sweney
- All Glory Laud And Honor
- Lyrics: Theodulph / Music: Teschner
- All Glory To Thee
- Lyrics: Turner / Music: Kurzenknabe
- All My Journey
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Danks
- All The Way My Savior Leads Me
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Lowry, Robert
- All Things Are Ready
- Lyrics: Homer, Charlotte G. / Music: Ogden, William A.
- Almighty King! Whose Wondrous Hand
- Lyrics: Cowper / Music: Smith, B.
- Almost Persuaded
- Lyrics: Bliss, Philip P. / Music: Bliss, Philip P.
- Always With Us
- Lyrics: Nevin / Music: O'Kane
- Amazing Grace- arr. Excell
- Lyrics: Newton / Music: McIntosh & Excell
- Amazing Grace - arr. King
- Lyrics: Newton, John / Music: McIntosh, C. M. & King, David R.
- Anchored
- Lyrics: Brooks / Music: Warren
- And Can It Be That I Should Gain
- Lyrics: Wesley / Music: Campbell
- Anywhere Is Home
- Lyrics: Henson, John M. / Music: Morris, Homer F.
- Anywhere With Jesus
- Lyrics: Pounds, Jessie Brown / Music: Towner, Daniel B.
- Are You Laying Up Your Treasure?
- Lyrics: Johnston / Music: Towner
- Are You Washed In The Blood?
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Hoffman, Elisha A.
- Arise And Shine
- Lyrics: Breck / Music: Towner
- Asking Thy Care
- Lyrics: Sanders / Music: Hodges
- At The Door
- Lyrics: Bailey / Music: Lowry
- B
- Be Slow To Speak
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: McPhail
- Be Still
- Lyrics: Ulmer, Kate / Music: Ackley, Charles C.
- Be Thou Exalted
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Farris
- Be Thou Faithful Unto Death - Kurzenknabe
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe / Music: Kurzenknabe
- Be Thou Faithful Unto Death - Melott
- Lyrics: Anon. / Music: Melott
- Be Ye Doers Of The Word
- Lyrics: Seibert / Music: McPhail
- Beautiful
- Lyrics: Warren, Barney E. / Music: Warren, Barney E.
- Beautiful City Of Gold
- Lyrics: McHose / Music: McHose
- Beautiful City Of God, The
- Lyrics: McKee / Music: Geibel
- Beautiful City Of Love
- Lyrics: Mead, Charles H. / Music: Mead, Charles H.
- Beautiful Home
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Beautiful Land On High, The
- Lyrics: Nicholson / Music: Butcher
- Beautiful River, The
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Because I Love Jesus
- Lyrics: Rowe / Music: Gabriel
- Before The Throne
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sweney, John R.
- Behold The Saviour
- Lyrics: Cleator / Music: Lehman, R. F.
- Behold, What Love
- Lyrics: Anonymous / Music: McGranaham, J.
- Believe And Obey
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey
- Benediction
- Lyrics: Phil. 4:7 / Music: Lorenz
- Bible Stands, The
- Lyrics: Lillenas / Music: Lillenas
- Bless Me Now
- Lyrics: Clark, A. / Music: Lowry
- Blessed Are The Undefiled In Heart
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Mason
- Blessed Assurance
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Knapp, Phoebe P.
- Blessed Communion
- Lyrics: Winslow, Burton H. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- Blessed Rock
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Main
- Blest Be The Tie
- Lyrics: Fawcett, John / Music: Nageli, Hans George
- Blood Of My Redeemer, The
- Lyrics: Blair / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Breathe On Me Breath Of God
- Lyrics: Hatch / Music: Rees
- Bright Forevermore, The
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Ogden
- C
- Can You Count The Stars?
- Lyrics: Hey, Johann/ Music: German Folk Tune
- Can You Stand For God
- Lyrics: Hastings, H. L. / Music: Davis, F. M.
- Carry It All To Jesus
- Lyrics: Zelley / Music: McPhail
- Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
- Lyrics: Neumeister, Erdmann / Music: MacGranahan, James
- Christ The Light
- Lyrics: Pierson / Music: Towner
- City Of Gold
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Doane
- City Of Gold, The
- Lyrics: Davis / Music: Davis
- Cleanse Thou Me
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Cleansing Fountain, The
- Lyrics: Dykes, R. A. / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Cleft Of The Rock, The
- Lyrics: Good / Music: Good
- Cleft For Me
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: O'Kane
- Cling To Jesus Alone
- Lyrics: Bills / Music: McPhail
- Close To Thee
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Vail
- Closer Draw Me
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: Gabriel
- Closer To Jesus
- Lyrics: McDaniel, R. H. / Music: Gabriel, C. H.
- Closer To Thee Blessed Saviour
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe. J. H. / Music: Chambers
- Come, And Sin No More
- Lyrics: Tullar, G. C. / Arranager: Tullar, G. C.
- Come And Walk With Jesus
- Lyrics: Frisbie / Arranager: Bilhorn
- Come, Come To Jesus
- Lyrics: Peck / Music: Main
- Come In Thy Love To Me
- Lyrics: Reed / Music: Fithian
- Come Just As You Are
- Lyrics: Hoffman / Music: Showalter
- Come, Prodigal, Come
- Lyrics: Ogden / Music: Ogden
- Come, Sound His Praise Abroad
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Smith
- Come To Christ To-Day
- Lyrics: Bennett / Music: Bennett
- Come To The Cross
- Lyrics: Martin, J. H. / Music: Lorenz
- Come To The Living Waters
- Lyrics: Alleman / Music: Alleman
- Come Unto Me
- Lyrics: Ashbach / Music: Kurzenknabe, H. J.
- Committed To Jesus- Arranged
- Lyrics: Johnson / Music: Bryant
- Count Thy Mercies
- Lyrics: Hoffman / Music: Hoffman
- Cross, The
- Lyrics: DeVenter, J. W. Van / Music: DeVenter, J. W. Van
- Cross And The Bible, The
- Lyrics: Day / Music: Kirkpatrick, W. J.
- Cut It Down
- Lyrics: P. P. Bliss / Music: P. P. Bliss
- G
- Give Me Jesus
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sweney
- Give Me The Bible
- Lyrics: Owens, Priscilla J. / Music: Lorenz, Edmund S.
- Give Me Thy Love, Dear Saviour
- Lyrics: Reed / Music: J. H. Kurzenknabe
- Give To God The Glory
- Lyrics: Macartney / Music: Smith, H. E.
- Glad New Song, The
- Lyrics: Ashbaugh / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Glory To His Name
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Ekisha A. / Stockton, John H.
- Glory To God, Hallelujah!
- Lyrics: Crosby / Kirkpatrick, W. J.
- Glory To The Bleeding Lamb
- Lyrics: Breck, C. E. / Music: Tullar, G. C.
- God Be With You Till We Meet Again
- Lyrics: Rankin, J. E. / Music: Tomar, W. G.
- God Is Faithful
- Lyrics: Hewitt / Music: Kirkpatrick
- God Is Love
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- God Is Love
- Lyrics: Hewitt, E. E. / Music: Dan Ward Milam
- God Is Present Everywhere
- Lyrics: Holden, Oliver / Music: Handel, George F.
- God Knows Thy Need
- Lyrics: Anon. / Music: Gabriel
- God Leads Us Along
- Lyrics: Young, G. A. / Music: Young, G. A.
- God Of Eternity
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: I. A. Sankey
- God The Father Almighty - Croft
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Croft
- God The Father Almighty - Willcox
- Lyrics: Anon. / Music: Willcox
- God Will Take Of Me
- Lyrics: Hewitt, E. E. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- God Will Take Care Of You - Crosby
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey
- God Will Take Care of you - Martin
- Lyrics: Martin, C. D. / Music: Martin, W. S.
- Good News
- Lyrics: Edmund / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Gospel Call, The
- Lyrics: Ogden / Music: Robertson, F. J.
- Great Is His Mercy
- Lyrics: Frazer / Music: Sankey, I. A.
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Lyrics: Chisholm, Thomas O. / Music: Runyan, William M.
- Great Physcian, The
- Lyrics: Hunter, William / Refrain: Kempenfelt, Richard / Music: Stockton, John H.
- Guide Me, O My Saviour, Guide Me
- Lyrics: Bourne / Music: Bixby
- H
- Hallelujah And Praise
- Lyrics: Crosby, F. J. / Music: Gabriel, C. H.
- Hallelujah Praise Jehovah
- Lyrics: Psalm 148 / Music: McGranahan, H. H.
- Hallelujah, We Shall Rise
- Lyrics: J. E. Thomas and R. E. W. / Music: J. E. Thomas
- Hark! The Gentle Voice
- Lyrics: Slade, Mary Bridges Canady / Music: Everett, Asa Brooks
- Hast Thou Heard Of Jesus?
- Lyrics: Ellsworth, Mrs. E. C. / Music: Tenney, J. H.
- He Bore It All
- Lyrics: Baxter Jr., J. R. / Music: Stamps, Virgil O.
- He Brings Me Peace
- Lyrics: Wadsworth / Music: Black
- He Is So Precious To Me
- Lyrics: Gabriel / Music: Gabriel
- He Knows
- Lyrics: Elliott / Music: Hunter
- He Leadeth Me
- Lyrics: Gilmore, Joseph H. / Music: Bradbury, William B.
- He Leadeth Me
- Lyrics: Woolston / Music: Woolston
- He Leadeth My Soul
- Lyrics: Psalm 23; arr. Tullar / Music: Tullar
- He Loved Me So
- Lyrics: Dailey, James Gerald / Music: Dailey, James Gerald
- He Redeemed Me
- Lyrics: Avis / Music: Avis
- He Saves
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: Avis, Edward C.
- He Wept For Me
- Lyrics: Beddome / Music: Armen
- He Will Keep Me
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: McPhail
- Hear Me, Blessed Jesus
- Lyrics: Anon. / Music: Burke
- Hear The Call For Reapers
- Lyrics: Martin / Music: Bilhorn
- Hear The Sweet Voice Of Jesus Say
- Lyrics: Gabriel, Charles H. / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- Heaven
- Lyrics: Anonymous / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Higher Ground
- Lyrics: Oatman, Jr., Johnson / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- His Love Is Far Better Than Gold
- Lyrics: Ackley / Music: Ackley
- His Love Is Over All
- Lyrics: De Armond / Music: Geibel
- His Way is Best
- Lyrics: Seibert / Music: McPhail
- Hold Thou My Hand
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Main, Hubert P,
- Holy Bible, The
- Lyrics: Beery / Music: Bowdish, T. M.
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Lyrics: Heber, Reginald / Music: Dykes, John B.
- Holy Is The Lord
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Bradbury
- Home
- Lyrics: Griffin / Music: Penn
- Home Of The Soul
- Lyrics: Gates / Arranager: Funk
- How Can I Keep From Singing?
- Lyrics: Hartley / Music: Lowry
- How Gentle God's Commands
- Lyrics: Doddridge / Music: Nagali
- How Many Are Your Works, Lord
- Lyrics: Peterson / Music: Smart
- How Precious The Promise
- Lyrics: Sterling / Music: Sankey
- I
- I Am Sheltered In Thee
- Lyrics: Davis / Music: Davis
- I Am So Happy
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, John H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, John H.
- I am Standing On The Word Of God
- Lyrics: Wadsworth / Music: Towner
- I Am Thine Own
- Lyrics: Bradley / Music: Wright
- I Am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus
- Lyrics: Havergal / Music: Bullinger
- I Gave My Life For Thee
- Lyrics: Havergal, Frances / Music: Bliss, Philip P.
- I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
- Lyrics: Bonar / Music: Brunk
- I Know He Is Mine
- Lyrics: Bilhorn / Music: Bilhorn
- I Know My Name Is There
- Lyrics: Warner / Music: Warren
- I Know Whom I Have Believed
- Lyrics: Whittle, Daniel Webster / Music: McGranahan, James
- I Love Thee
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- I Love To Hear The Story
- Lyrics: Ree, Jeannie / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- I Love To Tell The Story
- Lyrics: Hankey, Katherine / Music: Fischer, William G.
- I Must Tell Jesus
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Hoffman, Elisha A.
- I Need The Prayers
- Lyrics: Vaughan / Music: Vaughan
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- Lyrics: Hawks / Music: Lowry, R.
- I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: der Herzogl
- I Think Of A Land
- Lyrics: Davis, F. M. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- I Think When I Read That Sweet Story
- Lyrics: Luke / Music: Bradbury
- I Will Do What I Can
- Lyrics: McLean / Music: Myers
- I Will Give You Rest
- Lyrics: Esling / Music: O'Kane
- I Will Go
- Lyrics: Burroughs / Music: Gilmour
- I Will Not Forget Thee
- Lyrics: Gabriel, Charles H. / Music : Gabriel, Charles H.
- I Will Praise Thee
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. A.
- I Will Sing Of Him
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Kirkpatrick, M. D.
- I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord
- Lyrics: Ray / Music: Kirkpatrick
- I Will Sing Of Thy Power
- Lyrics: Reed, Ida L. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- I Will Sing Of Thy Redemption
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music:Benke
- I Will Tell Jesus
- Lyrics: Bowdish, T. M. / Music: Bowdish, T. M.
- I Will Trust In The Lord
- Lyrics: Wisner / Music: Funk
- If We Walk In The Light
- Lyrics: Deason, Kittie / Music: Milam, Dan Ward
- I'll Be With Thee
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Ogden
- I'll Be With Thee
- Lyrics: Ulmer, Kate / Music: McPhail, M. L.
- I'll Pray Unto God
- Lyrics: Trickett, Henry Robert / Music: Lorenz, Edmund Simon
- I'm A Poor Sinner
- Lyrics: Habershon / Music: Harkness
- I'm Not Ashamed To own My Lord
- Lyrics: Watts, Isaac / Music: Glaser, Carl and Mason, Lowell
- I'm Redeemed
- Lyrics: O'Kane / Music: O'Kane
- I'm Thine, Forever Thine
- Lyrics: William Warren Bentley / Music: William Warren Bentley
- In That Home Of The Soul
- Lyrics: Gaines, James W. / Music: Gaines, James W.
- In The Arms Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Gardner / Music: Langley
- In The Book Of Life
- Lyrics: Edwards / Music: Kirkpatrick
- In The Cleft Of The Rock Let Me Hide
- Lyrics: Ashbach / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- In The Hollow Of His Hand
- Lyrics: Kirkwood / Music: Stebbins
- In The Master's Name
- Lyrics: Barnes / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Into His Marvellous Light
- Lyrics: Hewitt / Music: Sweney
- Is It Not Wonderful?
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Hoffman, Elisha A.
- Is My Name Written There?
- Lyrics: Kidder, Mary A. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Is Your All On The Altar?
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Hoffman, Elisha A.
- It Is Thy Blood, My Jesus
- Lyrics: Kean / Music: Gabriel
- It Is Well With My Soul
- Lyrics: Spafford, H. G. / Music: Bliss, P. P.
- I've Found The Way
- Lyrics: Harris, T. / Music: Harris, T.
- Ivory Palaces
- Lyrics: Barraclough, Henry / Music: Barraclough, Henry
- J
- Jesus At The Door
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Robertson
- Jesus, Blessed Saviour
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Main
- Jesus Calls
- Lyrics: Unknown / Music: Showalter, A. J.
- Jesus Calls Thee
- Lyrics: Collins / Music: Doanne
- Jesus, I Come To Thee
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- Jesus Is Calling
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Stebbins, George C.
- Jesus Is Living With Me
- Lyrics: Moyer / Music: Meredith
- Jesus Knocks At Thy Heart
- Lyrics: Showalter, A. J. / Music: Showalter, A. J.
- Jesus Lover Of My Soul
- Lyrics: Wesley / Music: Anon.
- Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
- Lyrics: Collins, Henry / Music: Barnby, Joseph
- Jesus My Refuge Eternal
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Jesus Near
- Lyrics: Clark / Music: Fithian
- Jesus, Our Wonderful Saviour
- Lyrics: Reed / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Jesus Remembers You
- Lyrics: Morton / Music: Lorenz
- Jesus Shall Have It All
- Lyrics: Hoffman, E. A. / Music: Hoffman, E. A.
- Jesus, The Light Of The World
- Lyrics: Robinson, F. S. / Music: Moore
- Jesus Wept
- Lyrics: Leinbach / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Jesus Will Bear Me O'er
- Lyrics: Jones, L. E. / Music: Nickle
- Judgment, The
- Lyrics: Muffitt / Music: Funk
- Just As I Am, O Lamb Of God
- Lyrics: Hastings, H. L. / Music: Bixby, S. M.
- Just When I Need Him
- Lyrics: Hadley, Florence Jones / Music: Beazley, Samuel W.
- Just When I Need Him Most
- Lyrics: Poole / Music: Gabriel
- L
- Labor On
- Lyrics: Mund / Music: Lorenz
- Lamb Of God, My Savior Dear
- Lyrics: Powley / Music: McPhail
- Land Beyond
- Lyrics: Slade, Mary Bridges Canady / Music: Everett, Asa Brooks
- Land Of Light
- Lyrics: Stevenson / Music: Lowry
- Land Of The Blessed
- Lyrics: Miller, Emily H. / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Lead Me
- Lyrics: Emanuel / Music: Sankey, I. A.
- Lead Me, O My Saviour
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- Lead Me, O My Saviour, Lead Me
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Unseld
- Lead Me On
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Parthemore
- Let Me Cling To Thee
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Sweney, John R.
- Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
- Lyrics: O'Kane, T. C. / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Let Others See Jesus In You
- Lyrics: Hewitt / Emerson
- Let The Light Shine Out
- Lyrics: Blenkhorn / Music: Black
- Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
- Lyrics: Bliss, Philip P. / Music: Bliss, Philip P.
- Let Us Be Lights
- Lyrics: Gregory / Music: Gabriel
- Let Us Build On The Rock
- Lyrics: Davis / Music: Davis
- Let Us Exalt The Lord
- Lyrics: Barnes / Music: Sweney
- Let Your Lamps Be Bright
- Lyrics: Doddridge / Music: St. Alban's Tune Book
- Lift Up Your Hearts To Things Above
- Lyrics: Wesley / Music: Williams
- Lift Your Light A Little Higher
- Lyrics: Martin, Mrs. C. D. / Music: Martin, W. S.
- Living For Christ
- Lyrics: Loomis / Music: Pollock
- Living Water, The
- Lyrics: Hull, Asa / Music: Hull, Asa
- Lo, He Is God Alone
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- Looking To Thee
- Lyrics: Rowe, James / Music: Eagle, H. M.
- Lord Behold Us With Thy Blessing
- Lyrics: Buckoll / Music: Vinder
- Lord How Thy Wonders Are Displayed
- Lyrics: Watts /Music: Webbe
- Lord I Bow At Thy Throne
- Lyrics: Stevenson / Music: Lowry
- Lord Is My Light, The
- Lyrics: Nicholson / Music: Bischoff
- Lord Is My Refuge, The
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Lord Is Thy Keeper, The
- Lyrics: De Armond / Music: De Kovan
- Lord Of Glory, The
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Mosley
- Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
- Lyrics: Hammond / Music: Bowman
- Lord's My Shepherd, The
- Lyrics: Rous, Frances / Music: Havergal, William H.
- Love Divine Arr. T. C. O'Kane
- Lyrics: Wesley, Charles / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Love Divine Arr. J. Zundel
- Lyrics: Wesley, Charles / Music: Zundel, John
- Love Lifted Me
- Lyrics: Wesley / Music: O'Kane
- Love Of God, The - (Lehman)
- Lyrics: Lehman, Frederick M. & Nehoral, Meir Ben Isaac / Music: Mays, Claudia
- Loving Voice, The
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Doane
- M
- Many Mansions Up There
- Lyrics: Lehman, R. F. / Music: Lehman R. F.
- Master's Call, The
- Lyrics: Crosby, F. J. / Music: Davis, F. M.
- Meet Me There
- Lyrics: Blair / Music: Kirkpatrick, W. J.
- Mercies Of The Lord
- Lyrics: Wilson / Music: Avis
- Mighty Deliv'rer
- Lyrics: Shacklock, / Music: Kirkpatrick, W. J
- More About Jesus
- Lyrics: Hewitt, Eliza E. / Music: Sweney, John R.
- More Faith In Thee
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Doane
- More Like Jesus
- Lyrics:Stillman, J. M. / Music: Stillman, J. M.
- More Like My Savior
- Lyrics: Ackley, Charles C. / Music: Ackley, Charles C.
- Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone?
- Lyrics: Shepherd, Thomas/ Music: Allen, George Nelson
- My Faith, It Is An Oaken Staff
- Lyrics: Lynch, Thomas T./ Music: Traditional Swiss Melody
- My God, How Endless Is Thy Love
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Schumann
- My Greatest Desires
- Lyrics: Zelly, Henry J. / Music: McPhail, M. L.
- My Jesus, I Love Thee
- Lyrics: Featherston, William R. / Music: Gordon, Adoniram J.
- My Only Plea
- Lyrics: Wesley / Music: O'Kane
- My Prayer
- Lyrics: Bliss, Philip P. / Music: Bliss, Philip P.
- My Presence Shall Go With thee
- Lyrics: Ashbach / Music: Davis
- My Redeemer
- Lyrics: Bliss, Philip P. / Music: McGranahan, James
- My Saviour
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Doane
- My Saviour First Of All
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sweney
- My Saviour Hath Loved Me
- Lyrics:Turner / Music: Kurzenknabe
- My Shepherd Is The Lord Most High
- Lyrics: Anon / Music: Taylor
- My Saviour Is With Me
- Lyrics: Blenkhorn / Music: Jackson & Black
- My Soul Sings Hallelujah!
- Lyrics: Bilhorn / Music: Bilhorn
- N
- Near The Cross
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J./ Music: Doane, William H.
- Nearer, My God, To Thee
- Lyrics: Adams, Sarah F. / Bickersteth, Jr., Edward H. / Music: Mason, Lowell
- Nearer The Cross
- Lyrics: Abbey / Music: Hall
- Nearer To Thee
- Lyrics: Clark, L / Music: Selle
- New Song, The
- Lyrics: Sammis / Music: Towner
- No Night In Heaven
- Lyrics: Gabriel, Charles H. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- No Other Name
- Lyrics: Bliss, P. P. / Music: Bliss, P. P.
- No Other Refuge
- Lyrics: Garnett, Jennie / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- None But Christ Can Satisify
- Lyrics: Bevan, Emma / Music: McGranahan, James
- Not One Forgotten
- Lyrics: Hewitt / Music: Gilmour
- O
- O Blessed Bible
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Davis
- O Child Of God
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- O Christ, Our Immortality
- Lyrics: Burroughs / Music: McPhail
- O Glad And Glorious Gospel
- Lyrics: Fraser / Music: McGranahan
- O Gracious Father
- Lyrics: Seibert / Music: McPhail
- O How He Loves Me
- Lyrics: Oatman, Jr., Johnson / Music: Gilmour, H. L.
- O! How Sweet To Trust The Lord
- Lyrics: Watkins / Music: Funk
- O Joyful Sound Of Gospel Grace
- Lyrics: Wesley, Charles / Music: Unkown
- O Lord, Abide With Me
- Lyrics: Jones / Music: Bryant
- O May Thy Word
- Lyrics: Marsh / Music: Kirkpatrick
- O My Dear Saviour! I Am Thy Debtor
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- O Prodigal Child, Come Home
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: Babb, Edward M.
- O Sing Of His Mighty Love
- Lyrics: Bottome, F. / Music: Bradbury, W. B.
- O Sing Of My Redeemer
- Lyrics: Crosby, F. J. / Music: Stebbins, G. C.
- O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Frances, S. Trevor / Music: Williams, Thomas, J.
- O Thou Fount Of Every Blessing - (arr. Bixby)
- Lyrics: Robinson, Robert / Music: Bixby, S. M.
- O Wonderful Savior
- Lyrics: Miller, E. F. / Music: Miller, E. F.
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Lyrics: Whitfield, Frederick / Music: Anonymous
- Oh, Live Thy Life In Me
- Lyrics: Anderson / Music: Anderson
- Oh, Wondrous Name!
- Lyrics: Frances, V. / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Oh! Word Of Words!
- Lyrics: Sammis / Music: Towner
- Old Rugged Cross, The
- Lyrics: Bennard, George / Music: Bennard, George
- On The Rock
- Lyrics: Jones, H. E. / Music: Towner
- On Zion's Glorious Sunnit
- Lyricst: Kent, John / Music: Skene, Robert
- One By One
- Lyricst: Bowdish, W. A. / Music: Bowdish, T.M.
- One Sweetly Solemn Thought
- Lyrics: Carey / Music: O'Kane
- Open Wide The Door
- Lyrics: Kitching / Music: Burk, J. H.
- Our Glorious King
- Lyrics: The Psalter, 1912 / Music: Sullivan
- Our Great Saviour
- Lyrics: Chapman, J. Wilbur / Music: Harkness, Robert
- Our Risen King
- Lyrics: Alleman, J. H. / Music: Alleman, J. H.
- Over The Border Land
- Lyrics: Alleman / Music: Alleman
- Over Yonder
- Lyrics: Harkness / Music: Harkness
- P
- "Passeth Understanding"
- Lyrics: Hewitt, Eliza E. / Music: Hewitt, Eliza E
- Peace
- Lyrics: Corwin, Eli / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Peace At The Cross
- Lyrics: Lyon / Music: Lowry
- Peace In Jesus
- Lyrics: Kenyon, A. / Music : Lowry, R.
- Pearl Of Greatest Price, The
- Lyrics: Mason, J. / Music: Bliss, P. P.
- Pearly White City, The
- Lyrics: Ingler, A.F. / Music: Ingler, A. F.
- Praise Him! Praise Him!
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Allen, Chester G.
- Praise His Name Forever
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Praise The Lord - Fithian
- Lyrics: Mackay / Arrnager: Fithian
- Praise The Lord Jehovah's Name
- Lyrics: Garnett / Music: Sweney
- Praise The Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him - Smart
- Lyrics: Osler / Music: Smart
- Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him - Wilcox
- Lyrics: Kempthorne / Music: Wilcox
- Pray For One Another
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: McPhail
- Precious Name, The
- Lyrics: Baxter, Lydia / Music: Doane, William H.
- Press Forward, O Soldiers
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Promised Land, The (McIntosh)
- Lyrics: Stennett, Samuel / Music: McIntosh, Rigdon M.
- Purer In Heart, O God
- Lyrics: Davison, Fannie E. / Music: Fillmore, James H.
- R
- Rejoice In The Lord - (Kurzenknabe)
- Lyrics: Barnes / Music: Kurzenknabe, H. J.
- Rejoice In The Lord - (O'Kane)
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- Rejoice, The Lord is King - (Darwall)
- Lyrics: Wesley, charles / Music: Darwall, John
- Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart
- Lyrics: Plumptre / Music: Messiter
- Rest By And By
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Clemm
- Resting On My Saviour's Love
- Lyrics: Hewitt / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Riven Rock, The
- Lyrics: James, Mary D. / Music: Hull, Asa
- Rock Of Ages
- Lyrics: Toplady / Music: Bliss
- Rock That Is Higher Than I, The
- Lyrics: Burgess / Music: Burgess & Bilhorn
- Room In The Heart Of Jesus!
- Lyrics: Comfort / Music: Towner
- S
- Safe In The ARms Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Crisby, Fanny J. / Music: Doane, William H.
- Safely Hide Me
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Saved Through The Blood
- Lyrics: Muffitt / Music: Funk
- Saved To Save Others
- Lyrics: Kirkland, Flora / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- Saved To Serve
- Lyrics: Morgan, John D. / Music: Foster, Percy S.
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- Lyrics: Thrupp, Dorothy A. / Music: Bradbury, William B.
- Saviour, Again
- Lyrics: Ellerton / Music: Hopkins
- Saviour, Help Us
- Lyrics: Hewett / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Saviour, Hide Me
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Doane
- Saviour, Lead Me Lest I Stray
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Saviour, We Come To Thee
- Lyrics: Evilsizer / Music: Perry
- Search The Scriptures
- Lyrics: Wingate / Music: Towner
- Seeking The Lost
- Lyrics: Lee, J. A. / Music: Pollock, Charles E.
- Send Me Light
- Lyrics: Bonar / Music: Hugg
- Send The Gospel Light - Avis
- Lyrics: Avis / Music: Avis
- Send The Gospel Light - Sankey, I. D.
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Shall Angels Sing O'er You?
- Lyrics: Martin, William C. / Music: McPhail, Matthew L.
- Silent Night
- Lyrics: Mohr, Joseph/ Music: Gruber, Franz
- Since I Have Been Redeemed
- Lyrics: Excell, E. O. / Music: Excell, E. O.
- Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
- Lyrics: McDaniel, R. F. / Music: Gabriel, C. H.
- Sing A New Song To Jehovah
- Lyrics: Unknown / Music Haydn
- Sing, My Soul!
- Lyrics: Lankton / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Sing, O Sing The Love Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Clifton / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Sing On, Ye Joyful Pilgrims
- Lyrics: Wilson, Carrie M. / Music: Sweney, John R.
- So Near To The Kingdom
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Lowry
- Solid Rock, The
- Lyrics: Mote, Edward / Music: Bradbury, William
- Some More Convenient Time
- Lyrics: Sherman, Eliza / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Soul, A Savior Thou Art Needing
- Lyrics: Pounds, Jessie B. / Music: Fillmore, James H.
- Stand Firm, Be Not Afraid
- Lyrics: Seibert / Music: McPhail
- Steadfast Faith
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Kirkpatrick
- Step By Step
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: McPhail
- Story Must Be Told, Story
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Story That Never Grows Old, The
- Lyrics: Yates / Music: McPhail
- Such Is His Love To Me
- Lyrics: Morris / Music: Harkness
- Such Love Was Never Known
- Lyrics: Martin, W. C. / Music: McPhail
- Sun Of My Soul
- Lyrics: Keble, John / Music: Ritter, Peter
- Sure Foundation, The
- Lyrics: McCutcheon / Music: Chamberlin
- Sweet By And By
- Lyrics: Bennett, Sanford F. / Music: Webster, Joseph P.
- Sweet Communion
- Lyrics: Wray / Music: Robinson, Z. M.
- Sweet Moments Of Prayer
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Sweet Rest
- Lyrics: Bennett, S. Fillmore / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- Sweet Resting By And By
- Lyrics: Hoffman / Music: O'Kane
- Sweet Story Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sweney
- Sweet Will Of God
- Lyrics: Kirkland, Flora / Music: McPhail, M. L.
- Sweeter And Dearer
- Lyrics: Rowe, James / Music: Reynolds, I. E.
- Sweetest Name, The
- Lyrics: Newton / Music: Ellenberger
- Sweetest Praises
- Lyrics: Ashbaugh / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. E.
- Sweetest Praises We Will Sing
- Lyrics: Parker / Music:Davis
- Sweetly Resting
- Lyrics: James / Music: Bently
- Sweetly Saved
- Lyrics: Yohe, B. T. / Music: Ward, R. C.
- Sweetly The Saviour
- Lyrics: Edington / Music: Williams
- T
- Take My Heart, O Father!
- Lyrics: Anon. / Music: Pollock
- Take My Life, And Let It Be
- Lyrics: Havergal, F. / Music: Strattner
- Take Up Thy Cross
- Lyrics: Everest / Arrnager: Hatton
- Take Wings To Thy Soul
- Lyrics: Hewitt, Eliza E. / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- Teach Us Thy Will
- Lyrics: King / Music: Funk
- Teach Me Thy Will, O Lord
- Lyrics: Grimes, Katharine A. / Music: Excell, Edwin O.
- Tell Me Of Jesus
- Lyrics: Hoffman, Elisha A. / Music: Hoffman, Elisha A.
- Tenderly Calling
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey
- That Beautiful Land
- Lyrics: Engle / Music: Engle
- That Home Above
- Lyrics: Chadwick / Music: Davis
- There Is A Habitation
- Lyrics: Jameson, Love Humphreys / Music: Rosecrans, James Holmes
- There Is Always Time For Prayer
- Lyrics: Kinney / Music: Billhorn
- There Is Cleansing In The Precious Blood
- Lyrics: Naylor / Black, J. M.
- There Is Joy In My Soul
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. A.
- There Is Pardon Free
- Lyrics: Webster / Music: Webster
- There Stands A Rock
- Lyrics: Journal, S. S. / Music: O'Kane, T. C.
- There's A Beautiful Home
- Lyrics: Parthemore / Music: Parthemore
- There's A Better Day
- Lyrics: Avis / Music: Avis
- There's No Disappointment In Heaven
- Lyrics: Lehman / Music: Mays
- There's Room For All
- Lyrics: Miller, Laura / Music: Sweney, John R.
- They Who Seek The Throne Of Grace
- Lyrics: Holden / Music: Pleyel
- Thou Knowest
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- Though I Walk Through Death's Dark Valley
- Lyrics: Reed / Music: Kurzenknabe, G. J.
- Thy Hand Upholdeth Me
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Thy Word Is A Lamp
- Lyrics: Frances, G. J. / Music: Main
- 'Tis Finished!, So The Saviour Cried
- Lyrics: Stennett / Music: Dykes, J. B.
- 'Tis Found Alone In Prayer
- Lyrics: Davis, Frank M. / Music: Davis, Frank M.
- 'Tis God The Spirit Leads
- Lyrics: Montgomery / Music: Tansur
- 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
- Lyrics: Stead, Louisa M. R. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- To Be There
- Lyrics: Cushing / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- To God Be The Glory!
- Lyrics: Crosby, Fanny J. / Music: Doane, William H.
- To Whom Shall I Go?
- Lyrics: De Koven / Music: De Koven
- Treasures Of Heaven
- Lyrics: O'Kane / Music: O'Kane
- Trim Your Lamp
- Lyrics: Griswald / Arrnager: Towne
- Trusting
- Lyrics: Ulmer / Music: McPhail
- Trusting Jesus, That Is All
- Lyrics: Stites / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Trustingly, Trustingly
- Lyrics: Bonar / Music: Mason, W. L.
- W
- Walk Daily With Your Saviour
- Lyrics: Hoffman / Music: Pollock
- Walk In The Light - Christy
- Lyrics Christy / Music: Christy
- Walk In The Light - Showalter
- Lyrics: Barton, Benard / Music: Showalter, J. Henry
- Walking In The Sunlight
- Lyrics: Zelley / Music: McPhail
- Washed And Cleansed
- Lyrics: Horffman, E. A. / Music: Hoffman, E. A.
- Watch And Pray
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Kirkpatrick, W. J.
- Way Of The Cross Leads Home, The
- Lyrics: Pounds, Jessie teal / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- We Are Going
- Lyrics: Foster / Music: Sweney
- We Are Guided Every Day
- Lyrics: Thomas / Music: J. H. Kurzenknabe
- We Are Weak, But Christ Is Strong
- Lyrics: Reed / Music: Fillmore, F. A.
- We Need Never Fear
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Straub
- We Shall Reap By And By
- Lyrics: Lankton, Martha J. / Music: Kirkpatrick, William J.
- We Shall Stand Before The King - (Arranged)
- Lyrics: Excell, E. O. / Music: Excell, E. O.
- We Thank Thee, Lord! For This Fair Earth
- Lyrics: Cotton / Music: Barthelemon
- We Worship Thee
- Lyrics: Havergal, F. / Music: McGranahan, J.
- We Worship Thee
- Lyrics: Havergal, F. / Music: Showalter, Anthony J..
- We'll Understand It All By And By
- Lyrics: Lindsay, W. E. / Music: Lindsay, W. E. and Adams, G. C.
- We're Marching To Zion
- Lyrics: Watts, Isaac / Music: Lowry, Robert
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- Lyrics: Scriven, Joseph Medlicott / Music: Converse, Charles Crozat
- What A Gath'ring That Will Be
- Lyrics: Kurzenknabe, J. H. / Music: Kurzenknabe, J. H.
- What A Saviour
- Lyrics: Homer / Gabriel, C. H.
- What Have I Done For Jesus?
- Lyrics: Newell / Music: Pease
- When He Shed His Blood
- Lyrics: Harkness / Music: Harkness
- When I Stand On The Streets Of Gold
- Lyrics: Whittenmeyer, Annie / Music: Black, James M.
- When I Survey
- Lyrics: Watts / Music: Miller, E.
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
- Lyrics: Watts, Isaac / Music: Mason, Lowell
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
- Lyrics: Watts, Isaac / Music: Woodbury, Isaac B.
- When Jesus Comes Again
- Lyrics: Gaines, James W. / Music: Gaines, James W.
- Where Jesus Died For Me
- Lyrics: DeVenter, J. W. Van / Music: DeVenter, J. W. Van
- When We All Get To Heaven
- Lyrics: Hewitt, E. E. / Music: Wilson, Mrs. J. G.
- Where The Gates Swing Outward Never
- Lyrics: Gabriel, Charles H. / Music: Gabriel, Charles H.
- Where The Saviour Leads
- Lyrics: Crosby / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Where The Soul Never Dies
- Lyrics: Golden, William M. / Music: Golden, William M.
- Where We'll Never Grow Old
- Lyrics: Moore, James C. / Music: Moore, James C.
- Who Is On The Lord's Side?
- Lyrics: Havergal, F. / Music: Sankey, I. D.
- Why Do You Wait?
- Lyrics: Root, George F. / Music: Root, George F.
- Why Longer Wait?
- Lyrics: Hall, H. H. / Music: Beaverson, Geo.
- Will Our Work Be Done?
- Lyrics: Chisholm, Thomas O. / Music: Beasley, Samuel O.
- Will You Go?
- Lyrics: Yatman / Music: Geistweit
- Wonderful Blood, The
- Lyrics: Lorenz / Music: Lorenz
- Wonderful Hands Of Jesus
- Lyrics: F. G. B. / Music: Murray, James R.
- Wonderful Love - Bowdish
- Lyrics: Berry / Music: Bowdish, T. M.
- Wonderful Love - Main
- Lyrics: Frances / Music: Main
- Wonderful Songs Of Salvation
- Lyrics: Stillwell / Music: Mason, W. L.
- Wonderful Story, The
- Lyrics: Gabriel / Music: Gabriel
- Wonderful Story Of Love
- Lyrics: Driver, John Merritte / Music: Driver, John Merritte
- Wonderful Words
- Lyrics: Parthemore / Music: Parthemore
- Wonderful Words Of Life
- Lyrics: Bliss, Philip P. / Music: Bliss, Philip P.
- Wondrous Story
- Lyrics: Koch / Music: Pollock
- Word Of Life, The
- Lyrics: King / Music: Funk
- Word Of Life, Most Pure
- Lyrics: Bahnmaier / Music: Pleyel
- Word Of Promise, The
- Lyrics: Beery, A. H. / Music: Bowdish, T. M.
- Work For Jesus
- Lyrics: Fillmore, J. H. / Music: Leslie
- Would You Live For Jesus?
- Lyrics: Nusbaum, Cyrus S. / Music: Nusbaum, Cyrus S.