Hymnals - Internet Archive
Hymnal Index
- Beacon Light, The
- A collection of hymns and tunes for Sunday schools; Author: John Harrison Tenney, Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher: Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co.; Date: 1881
- Bells of Victory: A Collection of Music for Temperance Meetings
- Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John Harrison; Publisher: O. Ditson Date: 1888
- Best Gospel Songs And Their Composers, The
- Author: Showalter, A. J; Publisher: Dalton, Ga.: A.J. Showalter Co.; Date: 1904.
- Best Hymns
- From all the books and new ones to be made the best: selections from over one hundred of our best hymn writers. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher: Evangelical Pub. Cpo.; Date: 1894
- Beulah Songs
- A choice collection of popular hymns and music, new and old. Author: W. McDonald and Rev. L. Hartsough.; Publisher: National Publishing Association for the Promotion of Holiness; Date: 1879
- Bible School Hymnal, The
- Authors: Meredith, Isaac H. (Isaac Hickman), 1872-1962; Tullar, Grant Colfax Publisher: Tullar - Meredith Company; Date: 1907.
- Bible study songs [microform]
- For junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools - Towner, D. B.; Daniel Brin), Date: 1899.
- Bilhorn's Male Chorus No. 1
- Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Bilhorn Brothers, Chicage; Date: 1893
- Bright Jewels
- For The Sunday School by Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899; Sherwin, William F. (William Fisk), 1826-1888; Allen, Chester G., 1838-1878; Bradbury, William B. (William Batchelder), 1816-1868
- Bright Melodies
- For The Sunday School And Young People's Societies; embracing praise hymns, work songs, invitation songs, primary songs, etc., Editors: John R. Sweeney; J. Howard Entwisle; Publisher John J. Hood; Date: 1899.
- Brightest Glory
- A collection of choice original hymns and tunes, by our best composers, for the Sunday-schools, young people's meetings, and all religious gatherings. Author: Frank M. Davis; Publisher: Frank M. Davis; Date: 1896
- Carols Of Joy
- A choice collection of songs and hymns for the Sunday-school, Bible class, and the home circle, to which has been added an easy method. Author: Frank M. Davis; Publisher:J. L. Rust & Co.; Date: 1882.
- Century Gospel Songs
- Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Bilhorn Brothers, Chicago; Date: 1901
- Century Gospel Songs, The
- Contains 256 pages and 415 songs with music : sacred and secular selections for gentlemen's voices and sacred and secular selections for ladies' voices (1901)
- Century Hymnal, The
- Author: Smith, Henry Augustine, 1874-1952; Huckel, Oliver, 1864-1940. Reponsive readings: selected Psalter and other Scripture in their full antiphonal form; Date: 1921
- Children's Praise
- Authors: Isaac H. Meredith, Isaac Hickman, Tullar, Grant Colfax, C. C. Ackley; Publisher: Tullar - Meredith Company; Date: 1905
- Church and Sunday school hymnal
- A collection of hymns and sacred songs, appropriate for church services, Sunday schools and general devotional exercises (1902)
- Church Hymnal
- Date - 1886
- Church School Hymnal
- Author: Harold C. Lowden; Publisher: Philadelphia, Heidelberg Press; Date: 1922.
- Class, Choir And Congregation
- For Singing Schools, Conventions, Normal Schools, Sunday Schools, Chorus Choirs and Congregations; Author: A J Showalter; Publisher: A J Showalter; Date: 1888.
- Congregational Church Hymnal
- Date 1888
- Congregational psalmist hymnal
- Date 1886
- Corn in Egypt
- A new book of wonderful merit for the Sunday-school, revivals, Christian endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and evangel; Author: Hugg, George C.; Publisher: George C. Hugg; Date: 1900.
- Corneliu's Gospel Songs No. 3
- Publisher: R.H. Cornelius; Date: 1929.
- Crown of Glory
- A choice collection of new songs for the Sunday school, and meetings of praise, prayer and conference ; also, a responsive service for each month in the year. Author: S. W. Straub. Date: 1876
- Crowning Glory
- For use in the church, evangelistic meetings, Sunday school, young people's societies, and the home. Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Peter Bilhorn; Date: 1894.
- Crowning Glory No. 1
- A choice collection of gospel hymns. Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Peter Bilhorn; Date: 1890.
- Crowning Glory No. 2
- A collection of gospel hymns; Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Peter Bilhorn; Date: 1890.
- Crystal Notes
- A choice collection of new temperance hymns and songs for red, white and blue ribbon clubs, gospel meetings and every phase of the temple Date:1878
- Echoes of Paradise
- A Choice Collection of Christian Hymns Suitable for Sabbath Schools and etc.; Author: Thoro Harris; Publisher: C. H. Woodman; Date: 1903.
- English Hymnal, The
- Date - 1906
- Emory Hymnal
- A collection of sacred hymns and music for use in public worship, Sunday schools, social meetings and family worship. Publisher John J. Hood; Date:1887
- Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal
- Date - 1896
- Evergreen, The
- Songs for the Sunday school, sanctuary and home circle. Author:Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher: W. F. Schneider, Cleveland; Date: 1873
- Eternal Praise
- For the church and Sunday school; Authors: Marion Lawrance; E. O. Excell; Date: 1917
- Every Sabbath
- A new collection of music adapted to the wants and capacities of Sunday-schools, the home circle and devotional gatherings (1874)
- Fair As The Morning
- Hymns and tunes for praise in the Sunday-school; Date: 1891.
- Fairer Than Day
- For Sunday school and revival work; Author: George C. Hugg; Publisher: Philadelphia : G. C. Hugg; Date: 1903.
- Favorite Gospel Songs
- A Hymn and Tune Book, Adapted to Evangelistic Meetings, Prayer Meetings: Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, Grace Weiser Davis, Ira Orwig Hoffman; Publisher: J.N. Davis; Date: 1894
- Finest of The Wheat, The
- Hymns new and old for missionary and revival meetings and Sabbath-schools (1890)
- Fresh Leaves
- For the use of Sabbath schools; Author: T. C. O'Kane; Date: 1868.
- Gates Ajar
- A collection of hymns and tunes for use in Sunday-schools, praise and prayer meetings, etc.; Date: 1885.
- Gems Of Gospel Songs
- Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney, R. E. Hudson; Publisher:R. E. Hudson, Alliance, OH; Date: 1881.
- Gems Of Gospel Songs
- Author: Grace Weiser Davis; Publiusher: John J. Hood, Philadelphia; Date: 1885.
- Gleams of Glory
- A choice collection of gospel songs suitable for all occasions where songs are needed. Publisher J. M. Henson. Date: 1946
- Gloria Deo
- A collection of hymns and tunes for public worship in all departments of the church. Copyright by: S. M. Bixby; Publisher: Funk and Wagnalls Date: 1901
- Glorious Theme
- A superior all-purpose compilation of sacred songs. Author: Ruebush, W. H. (William Howe), 1873-1957; Ruebush, J. H. (James Hott), 1865-1948; Beazley, Samuel W., b. 1873; Shirley, G. L; Taylor, Curtis; Harrison, Alph; Publisher: Dayton, Va. : The Ruebush-Kieffer Co.; Date: 1927.
- Glorious Things In Sacred Song
- For use in Sabbath-schools and gospel meetings; Author: T. C. O'Kane; Date: 1886.
- Glory Songs
- Pentecostal churches-Hymns, English, Revival hymns. Publisher: Mr and Mrs .John T. Benson. Date 1916
- Gipsy Smith's Mission Hymnal
- A collection of sacred songs specially selected for use in evangelistic and church services, Sunday schools, and all prayer and praise meetings : to this has been added Church hymns and gospel songs by kind permission of the authors (1906)
- Golden Censer, The
- A musical offering to the Sabbath Schools, of Children's Hosannas to the Son of David; Editor: William B. Bradbury; Publisher: Biglow & Main, New York; Date: 1864
- Golden Sheaf Of Sunday School Music
- Suitable for Sunday-schools, Bible classes and the home circle; Authors: Asa Hull; R. G. Staples; Publisher: Asa Hull Date: 1874
- Golden Sheaf
- A collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, Loyal Worker's meeting, prayer and social services; Authors: Geo. J. French, Fredk. S. Stanton, Geo. W. Sederquist, Wm. A. Burch; Publisher: Advent Christian Publication Society; Date: 1902
- Golden Sheaf, The- No. 1
- A collection of sacred songs and gospel hymns for Sabbath schools, praise meetings, and the home circle. Author: O. W. Schaffer; Publisher: O. W. Schaffer; Date: 1885
- Golden Sheaf, The - No. 2
- A collection of gospel hymns, new and old, responsive readings, hymns for Sunday school, young people's societies, male voices. Author: Fim Murra; Publisher:Advent Christian Publication Society; Date: 1916
- Good News Or Songs And Tunes For Sunday Schools
- Edited By R. M. Mcintosh; Published By Oliver Ditson & Company. Date - 1876
- Gospel Choir, The
- Date - 1886
- Gospel Gems
- A new and choice collection of popular hymns and music, for gospel meetings, camp meetings, family devotions, Christian associations; Author:W. Warren Bentley; Publisher: G. D. Russell, Boston; Date: 1879.
- Gospel Glory
- For singing schools, singing conventions, etc. Author: James D. Vaughn. Date: 1948
- Gospel Jewels For Sabbath Schools
- Author: Hudson, R. E. (Ralph E.), 1842-1901; Publisher: Cleveland, Ohio : Pub. House of the Evangelical Association; Datee: 1890
- Gospel Hosannas
- For church and Sabbath school, young people's services and evangelistic meetings; Editor: Clarence B. Strouse; Publisher: Glad Tiding Publishing Co, Chicago; Date: 1911
- Gospel Hosannas
- A choice collection of hymns and tunes for use in evangelistic, brotherhood and mission meetings, Sunday-school, etc.; Editor: John R. Sweney; Publisher: Union Press, Philadelphia; Date: 1898
- Gospel Hymn Book
- A collection of new and standard hymns for Sunday schools, young people's societies, gospel and social meetings. - Towner, D. B., Daniel Brink, Date: 1903.
- Gospel Hymns Vols. 1-6
- Date - 1895
- Gospel Hymns. With Standard Selections
- Date - 1890
- Gospel Jewels For Sabbath Schools
- Author: Hudson, R. E. (Ralph E.), 1842-1901; Publisher: Cleveland, Ohio : Pub. House of the Evangelical Association; Datee: 1890
- Gospel Pilot Hymnal, The
- A collection of new and standard hymns for Sunday schools, young people's societies, gospel and social meetings : Author: D. B. Towner, Publisher: Towner and Oliver; Date: 1899.
- Gospel Praises
- For use in meetings of Christian worship; Author: Kirkpatrick, William J, Gilmour, H. L.; Publisher: Philadelphia : Hall-Mack Co.; Date: 1899.
- Gospel Songs and Hymns No. 1
- Gospel songs and hymns for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, social meeting, general song service by Holsinger, Geo. B. (George Blackburn), 1857-1908. Publication: date 1899
- Gospel Songs Of Grace And Glory
- Authors: W. S. Weeden, Leonard Weaver, J. W. Van de Venter; Publisher: Sebring Publishing Co.; Date: 1896
- Grace And Glory
- A choice collection of sacred songs, original and selected, for Sabbath-schools, revivals, etc. Author: D.E. Dortch. Date: 1885
- Grateful Praise
- A collection of new songs for the Sunday-school - Publisher: James H. Fillmore; Date: 1884
- Great Awakening
- A choice collection of new and standard gospel songs. Author: Sam Porter Jones; Publisher: John Church Co. Date: 1886.
- Great Joy!:
- A new and favorite collection of hymns and music, for gospel meetings, prayer, temperance, and camp meetings, and for Sunday schools; Author: Warren W. Bentley; Publisher: George D. Newhill & Co. Cincinnati, OH.; Date: 1881
- Great Songs Of The Church
- A comprehensive collection of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of first rank, suitable for all services of the church. Compiled by E. L. Jorgenson. Date: 1921
- Great Tabernacle Hymns:
- For use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services, Sunday Schools, Prayer Meetings and Young People's Societies.; Author:Charles F. Weigle & George J. Meyer; Publisher: Meyer & Brother; Date: Unknown
- Grove Songs
- A choice collection of original and selected hymns and tunes suitable for the service of sacred song in the church or grove: Author: Asa Hull; Publisher: Asa Hull; Date: 1873.
- Hallowed Hymns, New and Old
- For use in prayer and praise meetings, evangelistic services, Sunday schools, young people's societies, and all other departments of church work : responsive scripture readings, chants, etc. (1909)
- Happy Songs
- For The Sunday School, the social meeting and the home circle; Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher:W. F. Schneider, Cleveland, OH; Date: 1876.
- Highway Hymnal
- A choice collection of popular hymns and music, new and old ; arranged for work in camp, convention, church and home. Author: Isaiah Reid and Geo. L teal. Publisher " The Highway Office, Nevada, Iowa. Date: 1890.
- His Praise
- Editor: Charlie D. Tillman; Publisher Charlie Tillman Song Book Co., Tillman's Crossing, Lee Street, Atlanta Georga; Date: 1916
- Holy Voices For The Sunday School, And Other Services Of The Church
- A comprehensive collection of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of first rank, suitable for all services of the church. Compiled by E. S. Lorenz. Publiusher: W.J. Shuey. Date: 1883
- Hosannas To The King
- A collection of gospel hymns suited to church, Sunday school and evangelistic services; Editot: Clarence B. Strouse; Publisher: Pepper Publishing Co. Philadelphia; Date: 1901.
- Hymn And Tune Book For Use In Old School Or Primitive Baptist Churches
- Author: Durand, Silas H.; Publisher: Greenfield, Ind. : D.H. Goble Printing Co.; Date: 1886.
- Hymnal, The
- Date - 1895
- Hymnal, The
- As authorized and approved for use by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord MCMXVI ; together with the canticles at morning and evening prayer and occasional anthems; Author: Episcopal Church; Publisher: New York : Church Pension Fund; Date: 1916.
- Hymns For His Praise, No. 2
- Authors: Biederwolf, William E.; Rodeheaver, Homer A.; Publisher: Chicago; McCrea-Taylor; Date: 1906
- Hymns new and old : for use in gospel meetings and other religious services
- Towner, D. B. Daniel Brink, Date 1887.
- Hymns new and old revised
- Towner, D. B. Daniel Brink, Date 1891.
- Hymns of Consecration and Faith
- For use at general Christian conferences, meetings for the deepening of the spiritual life, and consecration meetings (1902?)
- Hymns of His Grace
- For the evangelist, church, Sunday school, and young people's society (1907)
- Hymns of Consecration and Faith
- For use at general Christian conferences, meetings for the deepening of the spiritual life, and consecration meetings (1902?)
- Hymns of Praise
- For the church and Sunday school; Editor: F. G. Kingsbury; Publisher: chicago: Hope Publishing Co. Date: 1922
- Hymns Of The Heart
- For public worship, evangelistic campaigns, prayer meetings, young people's services, etc.; Author: Berry, Joseph F; Publisher: New York : Methodist Book Concern; Date: 1914.
- Hymns Of The Kingdom
- For use in religious meetings; Author: Geibel, Adam; Publisher: Philadelphia: Geibel and Lehman; Date; 1905.
- Jasper and Gold
- A choice collection of song-gems for Sunday- schools, social meetings, and times of refreshing; Date: 1877.
- Jewel Songs
- Suitable for all kinds of religious services; Author: John T. Benson; Publisher: Nashville Pentecostal Mission Publishing Co. Date: 1910
- Joy To The World
- Sacred songs for gospel meetings; Author: T. C. O'Kane; Date: 1879.
- Jubilant Voices For Sunday Schools and Devotional Meetings
- Author: William Doane; William J. Kirkpatrick; Elisha A. Hoffman, Charles H. Gabriel; Publisher: Hope, Chicage; Date: 1905
- Junior Song And Service Book, The
- For Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies: Editors: I.H. Meredith and Grant Colfax Tullar; Publusher: Tullar - Meradith; Date: 1922
- Kindly Light
- A new collection of hymns and music for praise in the Sunday school; Published by: John H. Kurzenknabe; Date:1896
- King of Glory, The
- a collection of choice gospel hymns for the church, the Sunday school and evangelistic meetings : with special selections for the different departments of church work. Editors:Charles Reign Scoville, D. B. Towner. Date: Pre. 1916.
- Lasting Hymns
- Lasting hymns: A collection of songs specially designed for every department of worship and suitable for all the services of the churches: Publisher: Publisher: Cincinnati [etc.] : Jno. A. Lee; Date: 1901.
- Master's Call, The
- A collection of new songs and standard hymns for the use of Sunday-schools, young people's societies, devotional meetings, etc.; Authors: Marks, William Edie; McPhail, M. L; Tenney, J. H.; Gabriel, Chas. H.; Lorenz, Edmund S.; Publisher: Lorenz & Co.; Date: 1901.
- Melodies of Salvation
- A collection of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs for use in all church and evangelistic services, prayer meetings, Sunday schools, young people's meetings, family worship by John R. Sweney, 1837-1899; Hugh E Smith, Frank E. Robinson Publication date: 1901.
- Missionary Triumph, The
- A collection of songs suitable for all kinds of missionary services / by Brown, S. M. and Hunt, J. M. Date: 1889
- New Canadian Hymnal, The
- A collection of hymns and music for Sunday schools, young people's societies, prayer & praise meetings, family circles, Publisher: Toronto: William Briggs, Date: 1916.
- New Cokesbury Hymnal, The
- For General Use In Religious Meetings, Publisher: The Cokesbury Press Nashville, Tenn. Charles C.Washburn, Date: 1928.
- New Gospel Song Book, The
- A rare collection of songs designed for Christian work and worship; Author: Showalter, George Henry Pryor; Publisher: Austin, Tex. : Firm Foundation PUblishing House; Date: 1914
- New Pearls of Song
- A choice collection for Sabbath schools and the home circle. Date: 1877
- New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined
- Editor: J. Lincoln Hall; Publisher: Philadelphia: Hall-Mack; Date: 1922
- New Songs Of The Gospel No. 2
- For use in religious meetings. Editors: Herbert J. Lacey, C. Austin Miles, Maurice A. Clifton. Date: 1905
- New Soul Winning Songs
- For the church, Sunday school, evangelism and social service (1926)
- New Spiritual Songs
- Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney; Publisher: O. Ditson; Date: 1887.
- Northfield Hymnal
- For use in evangelistic and church services, conventions, Sunday schools, and all prayer and social meetings of the church and home. Author: George C. Stebbins, Date: 1904.
- Northfield Hymnal No. 2.
- Author: Moody, William R.; Publisher: New York [etc.]: Fleming H. Revell; Date: 1916.
- Northfield Hymnal No. 3:
- Author: Alexander, Charles M., Moody, May Whittle; Publisher: East Northfield, Mass. : The Bookstore (The Northfield Schools); Date: 1918.
- Notes of Praise
- A collection of choice original hymns and tunes, by our best composers, for the Sunday-school, devotional, and praise meetings; Date: 1890
- Notes of Triumph
- Notes of Triumph for the Sunday-school, by E. S. Lorenz and I. Baltzell.; Date: 1888
- Peacemaker
- A collection of sacred songs and hymns for use in all services of the church, Sunday school, home circle and all kinds of evangelistic work; Author: W. S. Weeden, Geo. Beaverson; Publisher: W. S. Weeden and J. W. Van De Venter; Date: 1894
- Pearls Of Gospel Song For Gospel Workers
- A choice collection of hymns and tunes, written and prepared for gospel meetings, conventions, Y.M.C.A. meetings, Sunday schools, camp meetings, prayer meetings, and other religious meetings; Authors: William A. Ogden; W. Warren Bentley; Publisher: S. T. Gordem & Son, New York; Date: 1884.
- Peerless Praise
- A collection of hymns and music for the Sabbath school, with a complete department of elementary instruction in the theory and pract; Date: 1882
- Pentecostal hymns
- A winnowed collection for evangelistic services, young people's societies and Sunday-schools. Author: Henry Date, Elisha Hoffman, William A. Ogden; John H. Tenney; Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Chicage; Date: 1894
- Pentecostal Hymns No. 2
- A winnowed collection for evangelistic services, young people's societies, and Sunday schools. Author: Henry Date, Elisha Hoffman, William A. Ogden; John H. Tenney; Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Chicage; Date: 1898.
- Pentecostal Hymns No. 3
- A Winnowed Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People's Societies. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Henry Date, T. Martin Towne; Publisher: Hope Co.; Date: 1902.
- Pentecostal Hymns: Number 4
- A winnowed collection for young people's societies, church prayer meetings, evangelistic services and Sunday schools. Author: Henry Date, Elisha Hoffman, William A. Ogden; John H. Tenney; Editor: W. W. Bengley; Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Chicage Date: 1907
- Perfect Praise
- For revivals, Sunday-schools, singing schools, conventions, and general use in all kinds of religious meetings; Publisher: James D. Vaughan; Date: 1905.
- Pinebrook Choruses
- Compiled By Percy B. Crawford, M.A.; Philadelphia, Pa; Copyright 1934 By Percy B. Crawford
- Popular Hymnal, The
- Publisher The Judson Press Date: 1918.
- Praise And Rejoicing
- Authors: Showalter, A. J; Hugg, George C; Hood, John J; Publisher: Dalton, Ga. : A.J. Showalter Co.; Date: 1904.
- Primitive Baptist Hymnal, The
- A choice collection of hymns and tunes of early and late composition: Compiled by: M. J. Sears and T. B. Ausmus; Publisher: St. Louis, MO: John T. Smith; Date: 1879
- Quartet, The
- Four Complete Works in One Volume, for Use in Prayer Meetings, etc. John R. Sweney , William James Kirkpatrick, Charles Cardwell McCabe , Tullius Clinton O 'Kane; Publisher: J.J. Hood; Date: 1882.
- Quiver of Sacred Song
- For use in Sunday schools, prayer meetings, gospel meetings, etc.; By John R. Sweney and William J. Kirkpatrick;Date: 1880.
- Redeemer's Praise
- For the Sunday-school, church, and family; Author: T. C. O'Kane; Date: 1881.
- Relief Society Song Book
- A collection of selected hymns and songs especially arranged for the use of the Relief Societies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Author: Relief Society. (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints); Publisher: Salt Lake City : General Board of Relief Society; Date: 1919.
- Revival Gems
- A Small Book With A Big Mission: Author: Beazley, Samuel W.; Publisher: Philadelphia : Judson Press; Date 1921
- Revival Gems Number Two
- For Use In Evangelistic Meetings, Church Services, Mid-Week Meetings, Sabbath Schools, Young People's Meetings, Published By Samuel W. Beazley & Son, 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Il, Copyright: 1927
- Revival Hymns
- A collection of new and standard hymns for gospel and social meetings, Sunday schools and young people's societies - Towner, D. B., Daniel Brink, Date 1905.
- Revival Number four, The
- Publisher: Charlie D. Tillman, Date 1903.
- River Of Life, The
- For our Sunday schools: A superior and rich collection of new and popular music, consisting of choruses, part songs, solos, duets, together with selections for every department of Sunday school work, including anniversaries, institutes, concerts; Authors: Henry Southwick Perkins; Bentley, W. Warren Date: 1873.
- Rodeheaver Collection For Male Voices
- Author: DR.J.B.Herbert; Publisher: The Rodeheaver Company; Date: 1916.
- Rodeheaver's Gospel Songs
- For Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services: Author: Rodeheaver, Homer A.; Publisher: Chicago : Rodeheaver Company; Date: 1922.
- Sabbath-School Bell
- A new collection of choice hymns and tunes, original and standard; carefully and simply arranged as solos, duetts, trios, semi-c; Publisher: Horace Waters; Date: 1859
- Sabbath-School Bell, No. 1
- A new collection of choice hymns and tunes, original and standard; carefully and simply arranged as solos, duetts, trios, Publisher: Horace Waters; Date: 1862.
- Sabbath-School Bell, No. 2
- A superior collection of choice tunes, newly arranged and composed, and a large number of excellent hymns; Publisher: Horace Waters; Date: 1860
- Sacred And Secular Selections
- For gentlemen's voices. Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Bilhorn Brothers, Chicago; Date: 1900.
- Sacred Songs And Solos
- Author: Ira D. Sankey; Publisher: Publisher: London : Marshall, Morgan and Scott; Date: 1921
- Sacred Songs And Solos No. 1 and 2 Combined
- Author: Ira D. Sankey; Publisher: Publisher: London : Marshall, Morgan and Scott; Date: 1880
- Sacred Songs no.1
- Date - 1896
- Sacred Songs no.2
- Date - 1899
- Salvation Army music With Supplementary Tunes (Formerly Published as “Revival Music”)
- Compiled by William Booth, Date: 1882
- Scriptural Songs
- Mrs. Currier was composer of most tunes in the book. Many of the texts are by her friend, Fanny Crosby. Portraits of both are included; Author: Mary E. Upham Currier; Fanny Crosby; Publisher: R. B. Currier; Springfield Mass; Date: 1908
- Select revival hymns : a collection of new and old hymns suitable for every department of church work ... /
- Towner D. B., Daniel Brink), Date 1915.
- Sermons In Song
- Editor: Grant Colfax Tullar; Publisher: Chicage: Meyer & Brother; Date: 1894.
- Sermons In Song No. 2
- Editor: Grant Culfax Tullar; Publisher: Tullar-Meredith Co.; Date: 1899
- Sermons In Song No. 3
- Editors: Grant Colfax Tullar, Isaac H. Meredith; Publisher: Tullar-Meredith company; Date: 1901
- Silver trumpet
- A collection of new and selected hymns; for use in public worship, revival services, prayer and social meetings, and Sunday schools; Publisher: Henry L. Gilmore; Date: 1889.
- Silvery Echoes of Praise and Prayer
- A collection of hymns and music, especially adapted for children and youth in the primary and intermediate depar; Date: 1880.
- Sodalist's Hymnal
- Containing a collection of Catholic hymns set to original and selected harmonized melodies ; also the Little Office of the Immacul, Author E. F. MacGonigle, Publisher Philadelphia: [s.n.] Date: 1887
- Song and study for God's little ones : a collection of songs, studies and services for primary classes and junior societies
- Vella, Bertha F. Date: 1894.
- Song-land Messenger Complete
- A new song book for revivals, praise and prayer meetings, singing and Sunday schools, and churches, and for the home circle; Authors:H. N. Lincoln, A. J. Showalter; Publisher: Dallas : Showalter-Lincoln Co. ; Dalton, Ga. : A. J. Showalter Co.; Date: 1894.
- Songs for men
- A collection of gospel songs for male quartettes and choruses. Author: Towner, D. B., Daniel Brink. Date: 1949
- Songs For Service
- For the church, Sunday school and evangelistic services Date: Author: Rodeheaver, Homer A.; Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson; Publisher: Chicago: The Rodeheaver Gospel Music Co.; Date: 1915
- Songs For Worship
- In the Sunday-school, social-meeting, and family; Author: T. C. O'Kane; Date: 1873.
- Songs Of Faith
- A Collection of Sacred Songs Especially Adapted for Devotional. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney; Publisher: S. Brainard's Sons; Date: 1876
- Songs of Grace and Glory
- Hymnal and musical treasures of the Church of Christ from many centuries. Authors: Snepp, Charles B; Havergal, Frances Ridley, Date: 1876
- Songs of Grace and Glory
- Sunday schools, Hymns, English, Tune-books, Children's. Authors: Sherwin, William Fisk. Date: 1874
- Songs of Grace and Glory
- Revivals, Hymns, English. Authors: Weeden, W. S; Weaver, Leonard; Van de Venter, J. W. Date: 1896
- Songs of Grace and Glory
- A new and inspiring selection of sacred songs for evangelistic use and general worship. Author: Byers, Andrew L. Date: 1918
- Songs of Glory No. 2
- Songs of glory a collection of beautiful songs for Sunday schools and the family circle. Author: Fillmore, James H. Date: 1888
- Songs of Glory-Land
- for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and social circle. Authors: W. H. Burgett and John McPherson Date: 1880
- Songs Of Love And Praise
- For use in meetings for Christian worship or work; Authors: John R. Sweney, WM. J. Kirkpatrick, and H. L. Gilmour; Publisher: John J. Hood; Date: 1894.
- Songs Of Love And Praise No. 5
- For use in meetings for Christian worship or work; Authors: John R. Sweney; J. Howard Entwisle; Frank M. Davis; Publisher: John J. Hood; Date: 1898.
- Songs Of Perfect Love
- Author Russell Kelso Carter, John R. Sweney; Publisher John J. Hood; Date 1886.
- Songs of Praise: A Collection of Gospel Songs for Men's Voices
- Daniel Brink, Towner, Edmund Simon Lorenz , Ira B. Wilson. Date: 1906.
- Songs Of Promise
- For Sunday schools, prayer, praise, and conference meetings. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney; Publisher: Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston; Date: 1886.
- Songs Of Redeeming Love No. 2
- Authors: John R. Sweney, C. C. McCabe, T. C. O'kane, William J, Kirkpatrick; Publisher: Philadelphia: John J. Hood; Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe; Date: 1887.
- Songs Of Redemption
- Author: Thoro Harris; Publisher: Thoro Harris, Eureka Springs, Ark.; Date: 1937.
- Songs Of The Assembly, Number One
- Author: Carson, John F.; Publisher: New York : Fleming H. Revell; Date: 1916.
- Songs Of The New Crusade
- A collection of twentieth century temperance songs. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher: Chicage: Hope; Date: 1916
- Songs Of The New Life
- A collection of gospel hymns and choicest music for use in gospel meetings, devotional meetings, and the Sabbath-school. Author:W. Warren Bentley; Publisher: John J. Hood, Philadelphia; Date: 1883.
- Songs of Triumph
- Adapted to prayer meetings, camp meetings, and all other seasons of religious worship. Selected and Arranged By Inskip, John Swanel, - Date 1882.
- Songs of Zion
- The new official hymnal of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1915)
- Soul Inspiring Songs
- Soul inspiring songs: A book of the best, selected by thousands of God's children. By Winsett, R. E. Publication date: 1929
- Soul Stirring Songs
- Author, John T. Benson; Publusher: Nashville Penticostal Mission Publishing Co.; Date:1918.
- Spicy Breezes
- A book of praise for the Sabbath-school; Publisher: John J. Hood; Date: 1883.
- Spiritual Songs For Gospel Meetings And The Sunday School
- Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney; Publisher: Samuel Barker, Cleveland; Date: 1878.
- Spiritual Songs No. 2
- For gospel meetings and the Sunday school. Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, John H. Tenney; Publisher: Sanuel Baker, Cleveland; Date: 1888
- Sunday School Songs
- A treasury of devotional hymns and tunes for the Sunday-school; Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Publisher: Publishing House of the Evangelical Association, Cleveland, Ohio; Date: 1880
- Sunshine for Sunday-Schools
- A new collection of original and selected music (1873)
- Sun-Shine Songs For The Sunday School
- Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Bilhorn Brothers, Chicago; Date: 1895.
- Sunrise In Glory
- Our 1936 book for Sunday-schools, singing-schools, revivals, conventions and general use in Christian worship. Author: James D. Vaughan. Date: 1936
- Victorious Life Hymns
- Authors: Alexander, Charles McCallon, 1867-1920.; Publisher: Philadelphia : Sunday School Times Co.; Date: 1919.
- Victorious Revival Songs
- Authorized by the International Federation of Christian Workers; compiled and edited by Albert C. Fischer and William M. Runyan. Date: 1925.
- Victory Songs
- Author: Samuel W. Beazley , James Hott Ruebush; Publisher: Ruebush-Kieffer; Date: 1910.
- Voice of Thanksgiving, The
- Edited by: Daniel B. Towner; Publisher: F. H. Revell; Date: 1913.
- Voices of Praise
- Compiled by: William B. Olmstead, David S. Warner, Mary L. Coleman, Emma L Hodge, William B. Rose; Publisher: W. B. Rose; Date 1909
- Voices of Victory
- Author: Peter Bilhorn; Publisher: Bilhorn Brothers, Chicago; Date: 1913.
- Waters' Choral Harp
- A new and superio collection of choice hymns and tunes, mostly new, writen and composed for Sunday schools, missionary, revival; Publisher: Horace Waters; Date: 1863.
- Winnowed Anthems:
- For quartet and chorus choirs : a collection of one hundred and fifty-five anthems Editor: M. L. McPhail; Date: (1916)
- Winnowed Songs for Sunday Schools
- Date - 1890
- Wondrous Love!
- A collection of songs and services for Sunday schools; Author: George Frederick Root; Publisher: John Church Co. Cincinnati; Date: 1885.
- Zion's Glad Songs
- Date - 1908. Hymn book published by M.L. McPhail. At this time, McPhail was a travelling representative ("Pilgrim") of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (now known as Jehovah's Witnesses), working under the direction of Charles Taze Russell. McPhail had printed several editions of this hymn book. The first edition was published in 1896 in the February 1, 1896 Zion's Watch Tower. Other editions are 1900, 1902, 1905.
- Zion's Refreshing Showers
- A new revival hymn and tune book, containing nearly 300 hymns and tunes principally used by Whitfield, Wesley, Knapp, Nett; Publisher: Horace Waters; Date:1867