// !Mup 7.1 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be in the public // domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: // The Revival Number Four // Publisher Charlie D. Tillman // Atlanta, GA,., Cincinnati, Ohio, Kansas City, MO. // Copyright 1903 // Hymn No.: 232 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 07/30/2024 // Revisions: // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR LETTER SIZE==================== score label="" packexp=0.0 packfact=0.9 pad=2 vscheme=2f staffscale=.95 staffpad=0 scoresep=6 scorepad=0 leftmargin=.750 rightmargin=.750 lyricssize=14 lyricsfontfamily=times noteheads="isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //========================= staffs=2 time=4/4 key=1& staff 2 key=1& clef=bass //========================= header title bold (19) "" "The Promised Land" "" title (2) "" title (11) "" "\f(TI)But now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly: why God is not" "" title (11) "" "\f(TI)ashamed to be called their God: for he has prepared for them a city. - Heb. 11:16" "" title (11) "F - 4 - DO" "" "" title (13) "Samuel Stennett, 1787" "" "Arr. by Rigdon M. McIntosh, 1895" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" //========================= music //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BVS lyrics below 2: @ define BVS1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BVS12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BVS21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BVS22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Text - Above Staff define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ define RALL ital (15) above 1: 1 "Rall."; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Note Accents define AST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ASB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ //Repeats define RIT(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "rit."@ define FINE(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "fine"@ define SIGN(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "sign"@ define DS(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "D. S."; @ //========================= //set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=97"; //========================= // Verse //1 1 1: 2.s; [ho 0] 8.f bm; 16g ebm; 1 2: 2.s; 4f; 2 1: 2.s; 8.a bm; 16 b ebm; 2 2: 2.s; 4f; VS12 "<1. >-1|On"; VS12 "<2. >-1|O'er"; // VS12 "<3. >-1|No"; VS12 "<3. >-1|When"; bar //2 1: 4fa; ; 8 bm; gb ebm; 4ac+; 2 1: 4fc+; ; f; a-f; 2 2: 4s; ; f; s; VS21 "Jor-dan's storm-y"; VS21 "all those wide-ex-"; // VS21 "chill-ing winds nor"; VS21 "shall I reach that"; bar //3 1: 4gb; ; 8 bm; af ebm; 4s; 2: 4ce; ; cc+; s; VS21 "banks I stand,"; VS21 "tend-ed plains"; // VS21 "poi-sonous breath"; VS21 "hap-py place,"; invisbar //3 1: 4s; ; ; eg; 2: 4s; ; ; cc+; VS "And"; VS "Shines"; // VS "Can"; VS "And"; bar //4 1 1: 4fa; ; 8a bm; b ebm; 4fc+; 1 2: 4s; ; f; s; 2: 4fc+; ; ; a-c+; VS21 "cast a wish-ful"; VS21 "one e-ter-nal"; // VS21 "reach that health-ful"; VS21 "be for-ev-er"; bar //5 1: 2.eg; 4s; 2: 2.cc+; 4s; VS "eye,"; VS "day;"; // VS "shore;"; VS "blest?"; bar //6 1 1: 2.s; 8.a bm; 16g ebm; 1 2: 2.s; 4e; 2 1: 2.s; 8.c+ bm; 16b ebm; 2 2: 2.s; 4c; VS12 "To"; VS12 "There"; // VS12 "Sick-"; VS12 "When"; bar //7 1 1: 4f; 8 bm; g ebm; 4s; ; 1 2: 4f; ; fa; gb; 2 1: 4s; 8a bm; b ebm; 4s; ; 2 2: 4fa; f; fc+; ; VS12 "Ca-naan's fair and"; VS12 "God, the Sun, for-"; // VS12 "ness and sor-row,"; VS12 "shall I see my"; bar //8 1: 4ac+; af+; ac+; 4s; 2: 4fc+; ; ; s; VS "hap-py land,"; VS "ev-er reigns,"; // VS "pain and death,"; VS "Fa-ther's face,"; invisbar //8 1 1: 4s; ; ; 8c+ bm; b ebm; 1 2: 4s; ; ; 4f; 2: 4s; ; ; 8a-c+ bm; b-d+ ebm; VS12 "Where"; VS12 "And"; // VS12 "Are"; VS12 "And"; bar //9 1 1: 4s; 8a bm; f ebm; 4s; ; 1 2: 4fa; f; eg; ; 2 1: 4s; 8c+bm; a ebm; 4s; ; 2 2: 4cc+; c; cc+; cb; VS12 "my pos-ses-sions"; VS12 "scat-ters night a-"; // VS12 "felt and feared no"; VS12 "in His bo-som"; bar //10 1 1: 2.f; 4s; 1 2: 2.f; 4s; 2: 2.fa; 4s; VS "lie."; VS "way."; // VS "more."; VS "rest?"; dblbar newscore REFRAIN //11 1 1: 2.s; 8.f; 16g; 1 2: 2.s; 8.f; 16; 2: 2.s; 8.fa; 16fb; VS "I am"; bar //12 1: 4fa; 8.; 16; 8 bm; gb ebm; 4ac+; 2 1: 4fc+; 8.; 16; 4f; a-f; 2 2: 4s; 8.; 16; 4f; s; VS21 "bound for the prom-ised"; bar //13 1: 4.gb; 8ac+; gb bm; fa ebm; 8s; ; 2: 4ce; 8.; 16; 4cc+; 8s; ; phrase above 1: 1 til 3.5; phrase below 1: 1 til 3.5; VS 4.; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; "land,_"; VS 4s; 8.; 16; 4; 8s; 8s; "prom-ised land,"; invisbar //13 1: 8eg; ; 2.s; 2: 8cc+; 8; 2.s; VS "I am"; bar //14 1 1: 4fa; 8.; 16; 8a bm; b ebm; 4fc+; 1 2: 4s; 8.; 16; 4f; s; 2: 4fc+; 8.; 16; 4; a-c+; VS21 "bound for the prom-ised"; bar //15 1: 2.eg; 4s; 2: 2.cc+; 4s; VS "land;"; invisbar //15 1 1: 2.s; 8.a bm; 16g ebm; 1 2: 2.s; 4e; 2 1: 2.s; 8.c+ bm; 16b ebm; 2 2: 2.s; 4c; VS12 "O,"; bar //16 1 1: 4f; 8f bm; g ebm; 4s; ; 1 2: 4f; f; fa; gb; 2 1: 4s; 8a bm; b ebm; 4s; ; 2 2: 4fa; f; fc+; ; VS12 "who will come and"; bar //17 1: 4ac+; af+; ac+; 8s; ; 2: 4fc+; ; ; 8s; ; VS "go with me,"; invisbar //17 1: 4s; ; ; 8fc+; fb; 2: 4s; ; ; 8a-c+; b-d+; VS "I am"; bar //18 1 1: 4fa; 8; f; 4eg; ; 1 2: 4s; 8; f; 4s; ; 2: 4cc+; 8; ca; 4cc+; cb; VS "bound for the prom-ised"; bar //19 1 1: 2.f; 4s; 1 2: 2.f; 4s; 2: 2.fa; 4s; VS "land."; endbar