// Mup 7.1 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // // Hymn Source: Hymnry.org // http://www.hymnary.org/hymn/SJ1989/page/302 // Copyright: 1917 // // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 12/02/2013 // Revisions: // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR PROJECTION ===== score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.5 pad = 1 vscheme = 2f staffsep = 20 //adjust as needed scorepad= -20 scoresep= 6 scale = 1.58 // adjust as needed pageheight=7.5 pagewidth=10.0 topmargin=.350 bottommargin=.350 lyricssize = 18 //adjust as needed lyricsfontfamily=times noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //========================= staffs=2 time=3/4n key=5& staff 2 key=5& clef=bass //========================= header title (100)"" title bold (19) "" "The Love Of God" "" title (11)"" title (12) "" "\f(TI)Behold, what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us. - 1 Jn. 3:1" "" title (11)"" title (12) "D \(flat) - 3 - DO" "" "" title (13) "Frederick M. Lehman, 1917" "" "Frederick M. Lehman, 1917" title (13) "Vs. 3 Meir Ben Isaac Nehoral, 1050" "" "Arr. Claudia Lehman Mays" footer title (10) "" "Public Domain" "" title (5) "" title (10) "" "HymnsToGod.org" "" //========================= block music newpage //========================= //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BVS lyrics below 2: @ define BVS1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BVS12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BVS21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BVS22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Text - Above Staff define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ define RALL ital (15) above 1: 1 "Rall."; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Note Accents define AST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ASB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ //Repeats define RIT(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "rit."@ define FINE(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "fine"@ define SIGN(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "sign"@ define DS(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "D. S."; @ //Time Signature - Use on projection hymns only define P1 [pad 5; =t]@ define P2 [=s]@ define TIME print (t.w - 2, t.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)3"; print (t.w - 2, t.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)3"; print (t.w - 2, s.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; @ //========================= midi all: 0 "tempo=80"; //========================= // Verse 1 //1 1: P1 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 4.s; 2: P2 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 4.s; TIME VS "<1. >-1|The love of"; // VS "<2. >-1|When hoar-y"; // VS "<3. >-1|Could we with"; bar //2 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; VS "God is great-er"; // VS "time shall pass a-"; // VS "ink the o-cean"; bar //3 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "far"; // VS "way,"; // VS "fill,"; invisbar newscore //3 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "Than tongue or"; // VS "And earth-ly"; // VS "And were the"; bar //4 1: 4.ec; 8ge; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.aa-; 8; 8.; 16; VS "pen can ev-er"; // VS "thrones and king-doms"; // VS "skies of parch-ment"; bar //5 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16s; VS "tell,"; // VS "fall;"; // VS "made,"; invisbar newscore //5 1: 4.s; 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; VS "It goes be-"; // VS "When men who"; // VS "Were ev-ery"; bar //6 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; VS "yond the high-est"; // VS "here re-fuse to"; // VS "stalk on earth a"; bar //7 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "star,"; // VS "pray,"; // VS "quill,"; invisbar newscore //7 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "And reach-es"; // VS "On rocks and"; // VS "And ev-ery"; bar //8 1: 4.ec; 8gd; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.ga-; 8ba-; 8.aa-; 16ga-; VS "to the low-est"; // VS "hills and moun-tains"; // VS "man a scribe by"; bar //9 1 1: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "hell;"; // VS "call;"; // VS "trade;"; invisbar newscore //9 1 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; VS "The guilt-y"; // VS "God's love, so"; // VS "To write the"; bar //10 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; VS "pair, bowed down with"; // VS "sure, shall still en-"; // VS "love of God a-"; bar //11 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "care,"; // VS "dure,"; // VS "bove,"; invisbar newscore //11 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "God gave His"; // VS "All meas-ure-"; // VS "Would drain the"; bar //12 1 1: 4a slur; e; 4ge; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2: 2ae; 4ac; VS "Son to"; // VS "less and"; // VS "o-cean"; bar //13 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "win;"; // VS "strong;"; // VS "dry;"; invisbar newscore //13 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; VS "His err-ing"; // VS "Re-deem-ing"; // VS "Nor could the"; bar //14 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; VS "child He rec-on-"; // VS "grace to Ad-am's"; // VS "scroll con-tain the"; bar //15 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "ciled,"; // VS "race\(emdash)"; // VS "whole,"; invisbar newscore //15 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "And par-doned"; // VS "The saints' and"; // VS "Tho' stretched from"; bar //16 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; VS "from his"; // VS "an-gels'"; // VS "sky to"; bar //17 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; VS "sin."; // VS "song."; // VS "sky."; dblbar newpage CHORUS //18 1: 8d+d; 8.; 16; 4.s; 2: 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; 4.s; VS "Oh love of"; bar //19 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16g; VS "God, how rich and"; bar //20 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "pure!"; invisbar newscore //20 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "How meas-ure-"; bar //21 1 1: 4a slur; e; bc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 2a; 4ga-; 2 2: 4e slur; a; s; VS "less and"; bar //22 1: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "strong!"; bar //22 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; VS "It shall for-"; bar //23 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16; VS "ev-er-more en-"; bar //24 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "dure,"; invisbar newscore //24 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "The saints' and"; bar //25 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; VS "an-gels"; bar //26 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; VS "song."; right (145, 1.5) "End of Verse 1"; endbar newpage //========================= // Verse 2 //1 1: P1 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 4.s; 2: P2 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 4.s; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|The love of"; VS "<2. >-1|When hoar-y"; // VS "<3. >-1|Could we with"; bar //2 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; // VS "God is great-er"; VS "time shall pass a-"; // VS "ink the o-cean"; bar //3 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "far"; VS "way,"; // VS "fill,"; invisbar newscore //3 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "Than tongue or"; VS "And earth-ly"; // VS "And were the"; bar //4 1: 4.ec; 8ge; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.aa-; 8; 8.; 16; // VS "pen can ev-er"; VS "thrones and king-doms"; // VS "skies of parch-ment"; bar //5 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16s; // VS "tell,"; VS "fall;"; // VS "made,"; invisbar newscore //5 1: 4.s; 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; // VS "It goes be-"; VS "When men who"; // VS "Were ev-ery"; bar //6 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; // VS "yond the high-est"; VS "here re-fuse to"; // VS "stalk on earth a"; bar //7 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "star,"; VS "pray,"; // VS "quill,"; invisbar newscore //7 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "And reach-es"; VS "On rocks and"; // VS "And ev-ery"; bar //8 1: 4.ec; 8gd; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.ga-; 8ba-; 8.aa-; 16ga-; // VS "to the low-est"; VS "hills and moun-tains"; // VS "man a scribe by"; bar //9 1 1: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "hell;"; VS "call;"; // VS "trade;"; invisbar newscore //9 1 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; // VS "The guilt-y"; VS "God's love, so"; // VS "To write the"; bar //10 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; // VS "pair, bowed down with"; VS "sure, shall still en-"; // VS "love of God a-"; bar //11 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "care,"; VS "dure,"; // VS "bove,"; invisbar newscore //11 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "God gave His"; VS "All meas-ure-"; // VS "Would drain the"; bar //12 1 1: 4a slur; e; 4ge; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2: 2ae; 4ac; // VS "Son to"; VS "less and"; // VS "o-cean"; bar //13 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "win;"; VS "strong;"; // VS "dry;"; invisbar newscore //13 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; // VS "His err-ing"; VS "Re-deem-ing"; // VS "Nor could the"; bar //14 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; // VS "child He rec-on-"; VS "grace to Ad-am's"; // VS "scroll con-tain the"; bar //15 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "ciled,"; VS "race\(emdash)"; // VS "whole,"; invisbar newscore //15 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "And par-doned"; VS "The saints' and"; // VS "Tho' stretched from"; bar //16 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; // VS "from his"; VS "an-gels'"; // VS "sky to"; bar //17 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; // VS "sin."; VS "song."; // VS "sky."; dblbar newpage CHORUS //18 1: 8d+d; 8.; 16; 4.s; 2: 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; 4.s; VS "Oh love of"; bar //19 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16g; VS "God, how rich and"; bar //20 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "pure!"; invisbar newscore //20 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "How meas-ure-"; bar //21 1 1: 4a slur; e; bc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 2a; 4ga-; 2 2: 4e slur; a; s; VS "less and"; bar //22 1: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "strong!"; bar //22 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; VS "It shall for-"; bar //23 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16; VS "ev-er-more en-"; bar //24 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "dure,"; invisbar newscore //24 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "The saints' and"; bar //25 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; VS "an-gels"; bar //26 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; VS "song."; right (145, 1.5) "End of Verse 2"; endbar newpage //========================= // Verse 3 //1 1: P1 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 4.s; 2: P2 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 4.s; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|The love of"; // VS "<2. >-1|When hoar-y"; VS "<3. >-1|Could we with"; bar //2 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; // VS "God is great-er"; // VS "time shall pass a-"; VS "ink the o-cean"; bar //3 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "far"; // VS "way,"; VS "fill,"; invisbar newscore //3 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "Than tongue or"; // VS "And earth-ly"; VS "And were the"; bar //4 1: 4.ec; 8ge; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.aa-; 8; 8.; 16; // VS "pen can ev-er"; // VS "thrones and king-doms"; VS "skies of parch-ment"; bar //5 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16s; // VS "tell,"; // VS "fall;"; VS "made,"; invisbar newscore //5 1: 4.s; 8da-; 8.; 16ea-; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; // VS "It goes be-"; // VS "When men who"; VS "Were ev-ery"; bar //6 1: 4.fd; 8af; 8.bg; 16af; 2: 4.ad; 8d+d; 8.; 16; // VS "yond the high-est"; // VS "here re-fuse to"; VS "stalk on earth a"; bar //7 1: 4af slur; 8fd; s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4d+ slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "star,"; // VS "pray,"; VS "quill,"; invisbar newscore //7 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16fd; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16ad; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "And reach-es"; // VS "On rocks and"; VS "And ev-ery"; bar //8 1: 4.ec; 8gd; 8.fd; 16ec; 2: 4.ga-; 8ba-; 8.aa-; 16ga-; // VS "to the low-est"; // VS "hills and moun-tains"; VS "man a scribe by"; bar //9 1 1: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "hell;"; // VS "call;"; VS "trade;"; invisbar newscore //9 1 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; // VS "The guilt-y"; // VS "God's love, so"; VS "To write the"; bar //10 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; // VS "pair, bowed down with"; // VS "sure, shall still en-"; VS "love of God a-"; bar //11 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "care,"; // VS "dure,"; VS "bove,"; invisbar newscore //11 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "God gave His"; // VS "All meas-ure-"; VS "Would drain the"; bar //12 1 1: 4a slur; e; 4ge; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2: 2ae; 4ac; // VS "Son to"; // VS "less and"; VS "o-cean"; bar //13 1: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "win;"; // VS "strong;"; VS "dry;"; invisbar newscore //13 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; // VS "His err-ing"; // VS "Re-deem-ing"; VS "Nor could the"; bar //14 1: 4.bd; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.bg; 8; 8.bg-; 16gb-; // VS "child He rec-on-"; // VS "grace to Ad-am's"; VS "scroll con-tain the"; bar //15 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "ciled,"; // VS "race\(emdash)"; VS "whole,"; invisbar newscore //15 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; // VS "And par-doned"; // VS "The saints' and"; VS "Tho' stretched from"; bar //16 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; // VS "from his"; // VS "an-gels'"; VS "sky to"; bar //17 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; // VS "sin."; // VS "song."; VS "sky."; dblbar newpage CHORUS //18 1: 8d+d; 8.; 16; 4.s; 2: 8fd; 8.ge; 16af; 4.s; VS "Oh love of"; bar //19 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16g; VS "God, how rich and"; bar //20 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "pure!"; invisbar newscore //20 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; 8fd; 8.; 16gd; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "How meas-ure-"; bar //21 1 1: 4a slur; e; bc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 2a; 4ga-; 2 2: 4e slur; a; s; VS "less and"; bar //22 1: 4.ad; 8s; 8.; 16; 2: 4.fd; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "strong!"; bar //22 1: 4.s; 8d+d; 8.; 16; 2: 4.s; 8df; 8.ge; 16af; VS "It shall for-"; bar //23 1: 4.d+d; 8; 8.c+d; 16bd; 2 1: 4.bg; 8; 8.a; 16g; 2 2: 4.s; 8; 8.g; 16; VS "ev-er-more en-"; bar //24 1 1: 4a slur; 8f; s; 8.; 16; 1 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4f slur; 8a; s; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.d; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "dure,"; invisbar newscore //24 1 1: 4s; 8; ad; 8.; 16bd; 1 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; 2 1: 4s; 8; fd; 8.; 16; 2 2: 4.s; 8s; 8.; 16; VS "The saints' and"; bar //25 1 1: 4a slur; e; fc; 1 2: 2c; 4s; 2 1: 4e slur; g; aa-; 2 2: 2a-; 4s; VS "an-gels"; bar //26 1 1: 4.d; s; 1 2: 4.d; s; 2: 4.fd; s; VS "song."; right (145, 1.5) "End of Hymn"; endbar