// !Mup vs.6.9 http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // // Hymn Source: Sermons In Song No. 3 // For use in sunday school, church prayer meeting, // young people's societies and general religious // work and worship // Edited by I. H. Meredith and // Grant Colfax Tullar // Publisher: Tullar - Meredith Co. // 108 Washington Street, Chicago Ill. // 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. // Copyright: 1901 // Hymn No. 69 // // // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 03/24/2014; rev. 03/21/2022 // HymnsToGod.org // ****************************************** top title (100) "" title bold (19) "" "More Like My Savior" "" title (11)"" title (11)"" "\f(TI)For hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for you," "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)leaving you an example, that ye should follow his steps: - 1 Pet. 2:21" "" title (11)"" title (11) "D \(flat) - 4 - MI" "" "" title (13) "Charles C. Ackley" "" "Charles C. Ackley, 1901" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.5 pad = 1 vscheme = 2f staffsep = 19 //18 //adjust as needed staffscale=1.0 scorepad=-20 scoresep=10 // adjust as needed scale = 1.75 //adjust as needed lyricssize = 15 //adjust as needed pageheight=7.5 pagewidth=10.0 topmargin=.450 //adjust as needed bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=4/4 key=5& staff 2 key=5& clef=bass // **************************************** block newpage music // Define macros //Lyrics define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVS lyrics below 2: @ //Chorus define CHORUS ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (13) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ //Fermatas define SFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define BFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Time Signature define P1 [pad5; =t]@ define P2 [=s]@ define TIME print (t.w - 2, t.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; // Adjust t.w - 2 as needed on all 4 lines print (t.w -2, t.y -4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; // Adjust the \s(Number) as needed on all 4 lines print (t.w - 2, s.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w -2, s.y -4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; @ // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=95"; // Enter music bar // Remove this page in PDF editor newpage //========================= //Verse 1 //1 1: P1 2fd; 4;; 2: P2 2ad; 4;; TIME ital (13) above 1: 0 "Prayerfully"; VS "<1. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<2. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<3. >-1|O bless-ed"; // VS "<4. >-1|More like my"; bar //2 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fc; ec; da-; ec; 2: 4aa-; ga-;fa-;aa-; VS "I would ev-er"; // VS "pa-tient, kind and"; // VS "teach me thro' Thy"; // VS "how my heart is"; bar //4 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; VS "be,"; // VS "true,"; // VS "word,"; // VS "stirred,"; bar newscore //5 1: 2bd; 4; be; 2 1: 2g; 4bg; c+g; 2 2: 2g; 4s;; VS "This is the"; // VS "Seek-ing each"; // VS "Give me a"; // VS "When-e'er I"; bar //6 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; VS "pray'r my"; // VS "day the"; // VS "vis-ion"; // VS "read in"; bar newscore //7 1: 4ec; ae; ad; bd; 2 1: 4ae; c+e; f; gne; 2 2: 4s;;e; s; VS "heart would raise to"; // VS "Fa-ther's will to"; // VS "of my ris-en"; // VS "His own bless-ed"; bar //8 1: 2.ac; 4r; 2: 2.aa-; 4r; VS "Thee,"; // VS "do,"; // VS "Lord,"; // VS "word,"; bar newscore //9 1: 2ec; 4fc; ec; 2 1: 2a; 4;; 2 2: 2a; 4; g; VS "Thou who did'st"; // VS "Find-ing in"; // VS "O may it's"; // VS "\"I shall be"; bar //10 1 1: 2d; ad; 1 2: 2d; s; 2: 2af;; VS "give thine"; // VS "Him, my"; // VS "glo-ry"; // VS "like Him\"\(emdash)"; bar newscore //11 1: 4gd;; fc; ec; 2 1: 4be; b&&e; a; aa-; 2 2: 4s;; a; s; VS "on-ly Son to"; // VS "sphere of great-est"; // VS "fill my life each"; // VS "O what won-drous"; bar //12 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; VS "die,"; // VS "joy,"; // VS "hour,"; // VS "bliss,"; bar newscore //13 1 1: 2d; 4fd; af; 1 2: 2d; 4s;; 2: 2fd; 4ad; c&+d; VS "Hear me, O"; // VS "Pleas-ures un-"; // VS "That I may"; // VS "For I at"; bar //14 1 1: 4af; ge; fd; e; 1 2: 4s;;; d; 2: 4bdn; be; af; bg; VS "Fa-ther, while to"; // VS "dimmed, and peace with-"; // VS "wit-ness with the"; // VS "last shall see Him"; bar newscore //15 1 1: 2fd; e; 1 2: 2s; 4d slur; c; 2 1: 2a; 4 slur; g; 2 2: 2a; a-; VS "Thee I"; // VS "out al-"; // VS "Spir-it's"; // VS "as He"; bar //16 1 1: 2.d; 4r; 1 2: 2.d; 4s; 2: 2.fd; 4r; VS "cry."; // VS "loy."; // VS "pow'r."; // VS "is."; //==================== right (131, 1.5) "End of Verse 1"; endbar newpage //==================== //Verse 2 //1 1: P1 2fd; 4;; 2: P2 2ad; 4;; TIME ital (13) above 1: 0 "Prayerfully"; // VS "<1. >-1|More like my"; VS "<2. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<3. >-1|O bless-ed"; // VS "<4. >-1|More like my"; bar //2 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "Sav-ior"; VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fc; ec; da-; ec; 2: 4aa-; ga-;fa-;aa-; // VS "I would ev-er"; VS "pa-tient, kind and"; // VS "teach me thro' Thy"; // VS "how my heart is"; bar //4 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "be,"; VS "true,"; // VS "word,"; // VS "stirred,"; bar newscore //5 1: 2bd; 4; be; 2 1: 2g; 4bg; c+g; 2 2: 2g; 4s;; // VS "This is the"; VS "Seek-ing each"; // VS "Give me a"; // VS "When-e'er I"; bar //6 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "pray'r my"; VS "day the"; // VS "vis-ion"; // VS "read in"; bar newscore //7 1: 4ec; ae; ad; bd; 2 1: 4ae; c+e; f; gne; 2 2: 4s;;e; s; // VS "heart would raise to"; VS "Fa-ther's will to"; // VS "of my ris-en"; // VS "His own bless-ed"; bar //8 1: 2.ac; 4r; 2: 2.aa-; 4r; // VS "Thee,"; VS "do,"; // VS "Lord,"; // VS "word,"; bar newscore //9 1: 2ec; 4fc; ec; 2 1: 2a; 4;; 2 2: 2a; 4; g; // VS "Thou who did'st"; VS "Find-ing in"; // VS "O may it's"; // VS "\"I shall be"; bar //10 1 1: 2d; ad; 1 2: 2d; s; 2: 2af;; // VS "give thine"; VS "Him, my"; // VS "glo-ry"; // VS "like Him\"\(emdash)"; bar newscore //11 1: 4gd;; fc; ec; 2 1: 4be; b&&e; a; aa-; 2 2: 4s;; a; s; // VS "on-ly Son to"; VS "sphere of great-est"; // VS "fill my life each"; // VS "O what won-drous"; bar //12 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "die,"; VS "joy,"; // VS "hour,"; // VS "bliss,"; bar newscore //13 1 1: 2d; 4fd; af; 1 2: 2d; 4s;; 2: 2fd; 4ad; c&+d; // VS "Hear me, O"; VS "Pleas-ures un-"; // VS "That I may"; // VS "For I at"; bar //14 1 1: 4af; ge; fd; e; 1 2: 4s;;; d; 2: 4bdn; be; af; bg; // VS "Fa-ther, while to"; VS "dimmed, and peace with-"; // VS "wit-ness with the"; // VS "last shall see Him"; bar newscore //15 1 1: 2fd; e; 1 2: 2s; 4d slur; c; 2 1: 2a; 4 slur; g; 2 2: 2a; a-; // VS "Thee I"; VS "out al-"; // VS "Spir-it's"; // VS "as He"; bar //16 1 1: 2.d; 4r; 1 2: 2.d; 4s; 2: 2.fd; 4r; // VS "cry."; VS "loy."; // VS "pow'r."; // VS "is."; //==================== right (131, 1.5) "End of Verse 2"; endbar newpage //==================== //Verse 3 //1 1: P1 2fd; 4;; 2: P2 2ad; 4;; TIME ital (13) above 1: 0 "Prayerfully"; // VS "<1. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<2. >-1|More like my"; VS "<3. >-1|O bless-ed"; // VS "<4. >-1|More like my"; bar //2 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fc; ec; da-; ec; 2: 4aa-; ga-;fa-;aa-; // VS "I would ev-er"; // VS "pa-tient, kind and"; VS "teach me thro' Thy"; // VS "how my heart is"; bar //4 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "be,"; // VS "true,"; VS "word,"; // VS "stirred,"; bar newscore //5 1: 2bd; 4; be; 2 1: 2g; 4bg; c+g; 2 2: 2g; 4s;; // VS "This is the"; // VS "Seek-ing each"; VS "Give me a"; // VS "When-e'er I"; bar //6 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "pray'r my"; // VS "day the"; VS "vis-ion"; // VS "read in"; bar newscore //7 1: 4ec; ae; ad; bd; 2 1: 4ae; c+e; f; gne; 2 2: 4s;;e; s; // VS "heart would raise to"; // VS "Fa-ther's will to"; VS "of my ris-en"; // VS "His own bless-ed"; bar //8 1: 2.ac; 4r; 2: 2.aa-; 4r; // VS "Thee,"; // VS "do,"; VS "Lord,"; // VS "word,"; bar newscore //9 1: 2ec; 4fc; ec; 2 1: 2a; 4;; 2 2: 2a; 4; g; // VS "Thou who did'st"; // VS "Find-ing in"; VS "O may it's"; // VS "\"I shall be"; bar //10 1 1: 2d; ad; 1 2: 2d; s; 2: 2af;; // VS "give thine"; // VS "Him, my"; VS "glo-ry"; // VS "like Him\"\(emdash)"; bar newscore //11 1: 4gd;; fc; ec; 2 1: 4be; b&&e; a; aa-; 2 2: 4s;; a; s; // VS "on-ly Son to"; // VS "sphere of great-est"; VS "fill my life each"; // VS "O what won-drous"; bar //12 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "die,"; // VS "joy,"; VS "hour,"; // VS "bliss,"; bar newscore //13 1 1: 2d; 4fd; af; 1 2: 2d; 4s;; 2: 2fd; 4ad; c&+d; // VS "Hear me, O"; // VS "Pleas-ures un-"; VS "That I may"; // VS "For I at"; bar //14 1 1: 4af; ge; fd; e; 1 2: 4s;;; d; 2: 4bdn; be; af; bg; // VS "Fa-ther, while to"; // VS "dimmed, and peace with-"; VS "wit-ness with the"; // VS "last shall see Him"; bar newscore //15 1 1: 2fd; e; 1 2: 2s; 4d slur; c; 2 1: 2a; 4 slur; g; 2 2: 2a; a-; // VS "Thee I"; // VS "out al-"; VS "Spir-it's"; // VS "as He"; bar //16 1 1: 2.d; 4r; 1 2: 2.d; 4s; 2: 2.fd; 4r; // VS "cry."; // VS "loy."; VS "pow'r."; // VS "is."; //==================== right (131, 1.5) "End of Verse 3"; endbar newpage //==================== //Verse 4 //1 1: P1 2fd; 4;; 2: P2 2ad; 4;; TIME ital (13) above 1: 0 "Prayerfully"; // VS "<1. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<2. >-1|More like my"; // VS "<3. >-1|O bless-ed"; VS "<4. >-1|More like my"; bar //2 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; // VS "Sav-ior"; VS "Sav-ior"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fc; ec; da-; ec; 2: 4aa-; ga-;fa-;aa-; // VS "I would ev-er"; // VS "pa-tient, kind and"; // VS "teach me thro' Thy"; VS "how my heart is"; bar //4 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "be,"; // VS "true,"; // VS "word,"; VS "stirred,"; bar newscore //5 1: 2bd; 4; be; 2 1: 2g; 4bg; c+g; 2 2: 2g; 4s;; // VS "This is the"; // VS "Seek-ing each"; // VS "Give me a"; VS "When-e'er I"; bar //6 1: 2af; fd; 2: 2d+d; ad; // VS "pray'r my"; // VS "day the"; // VS "vis-ion"; VS "read in"; bar newscore //7 1: 4ec; ae; ad; bd; 2 1: 4ae; c+e; f; gne; 2 2: 4s;;e; s; // VS "heart would raise to"; // VS "Fa-ther's will to"; // VS "of my ris-en"; VS "His own bless-ed"; bar //8 1: 2.ac; 4r; 2: 2.aa-; 4r; // VS "Thee,"; // VS "do,"; // VS "Lord,"; VS "word,"; bar newscore //9 1: 2ec; 4fc; ec; 2 1: 2a; 4;; 2 2: 2a; 4; g; // VS "Thou who did'st"; // VS "Find-ing in"; // VS "O may it's"; VS "\"I shall be"; bar //10 1 1: 2d; ad; 1 2: 2d; s; 2: 2af;; // VS "give thine"; // VS "Him, my"; // VS "glo-ry"; VS "like Him\"\(emdash)"; bar newscore //11 1: 4gd;; fc; ec; 2 1: 4be; b&&e; a; aa-; 2 2: 4s;; a; s; // VS "on-ly Son to"; // VS "sphere of great-est"; // VS "fill my life each"; VS "O what won-drous"; bar //12 1: 2.fd; 4r; 2: 2.ad; 4r; // VS "die,"; // VS "joy,"; // VS "hour,"; VS "bliss,"; bar newscore //13 1 1: 2d; 4fd; af; 1 2: 2d; 4s;; 2: 2fd; 4ad; c&+d; // VS "Hear me, O"; // VS "Pleas-ures un-"; // VS "That I may"; VS "For I at"; bar //14 1 1: 4af; ge; fd; e; 1 2: 4s;;; d; 2: 4bdn; be; af; bg; // VS "Fa-ther, while to"; // VS "dimmed, and peace with-"; // VS "wit-ness with the"; VS "last shall see Him"; bar newscore //15 1 1: 2fd; e; 1 2: 2s; 4d slur; c; 2 1: 2a; 4 slur; g; 2 2: 2a; a-; // VS "Thee I"; // VS "out al-"; // VS "Spir-it's"; VS "as He"; bar //16 1 1: 2.d; 4r; 1 2: 2.d; 4s; 2: 2.fd; 4r; // VS "cry."; // VS "loy."; // VS "pow'r."; VS "is."; //==================== right (131, 1.5) "End of Hymn"; endbar