// !Mup 7.1 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be in the public // domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: // Great Songs of the Church // A Comprehensive Collection of Psalms, Hymn, // and Spiritual Songs of first rank. Suitable // for all Services of the Church. // Compiled by E. L. Jorgenson // Word and Work, Louisville, KY // Copyright 1921 // Hymn No.: 187 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 06/17/2024 // Revisions: //[Note] Verse three is not in the hymn used. It was added for this transcription. // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR PROJECTION ===== score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.5 pad = 1 vscheme = 2f staffsep = 20 //adjust as needed scorepad= -20 scoresep= 6 scale = 1.60 // adjust as needed pageheight=7.5 pagewidth=10.0 topmargin=.350 bottommargin=.350 lyricssize = 18 //adjust as needed lyricsfontfamily=times noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //========================= staffs=2 time=4/4n key=2& staff 2 key=2& clef=bass //========================= header title (100) "" title bold (19) "" "Love Divine" "" title (11)"" title (11)"" "\f(TI)and above all these things put on love," "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)which is the bond of perfectness. - Col 3:14" "" title (11)"" title (11) "B \(flat) - 4 - SOL" "" "" title (13) "Carles Wesley, 1747" " " "John Zundel, 1870" footer title (10) "" "Public Domain" "" title (5) "" title (10) "" "HymnsToGod.org" "" //========================= block music newpage //========================= //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BVS lyrics below 2: @ define BVS1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BVS12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BVS21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BVS22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Text - Above Staff define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ define RALL ital (15) above 1: 1 "Rall."; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Note Accents define AST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ASB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ //Repeats define RIT(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "rit."@ define FINE(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "fine"@ define SIGN(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "sign"@ define DS(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "D. S."; @ //Time Signature - Use on projection hymns only define P1 [pad 5; =t]@ define P2 [=s]@ define TIME print (t.w - 2, t.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, t.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; @ //========================= //set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=100"; //========================= // Verse 1 //1 1: P1 4df; ; eg; df; 2: P2 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; TIME VS "<1. >-1|Love di-vine, all"; // VS "<2. >-1|Breathe, O breathe Thy"; // VS "<3. >-1|Come, Al-might-y"; // VS "<4. >-1|Fin-ish then Thy"; bar //2 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; ; b-b; VS21 "love ex-cel-ing,"; // VS21 "lov-ing Spir-it"; // VS21 "to de-liv-er,"; // VS21 "new cre-a-tion,"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fa; eg; gb; eg; 2: 4eb; ; ; ; VS "Joy of heav'n, to"; // VS "In-to ev-'ry"; // VS "May we all Thy"; // VS "Pure, un-spot-ted,"; bar //4 1 1: 4df; 8e bm; f ebm; 2b-d; 1 2: 4s; c; 2s; 2 1: 4fb; f-a; 2b-f; VS21 "earth come down!"; // VS21 "troub-led breast;"; // VS21 "life re-ceive;"; // VS21 "may we be;"; bar newscore //5 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; VS "Fix in us Thy"; // VS "Let us all in"; // VS "Sud-den-ly re-"; // VS "Let us see our"; bar //6 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; VS21 "hum-ble dwell-ing"; // VS21 "Thee in-her-it,"; // VS21 "turn, and nev-er,"; // VS21 "whole sal-va-tion,"; bar newscore //7 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; VS "All Thy faith-ful"; // VS "Let us find the"; // VS "Nev-er-more Thy"; // VS "Per-fect-ly se-"; bar //8 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; VS21 "mer-cies crown."; // VS21 "prom-ised rest."; // VS21 "tem-ples leave;"; // VS21 "cured by Thee."; bar newscore //9 1: 4db; gb; ; f#a; 2:4 g-g; b-d+; dd+; dc+; VS "Je-sus, Thou art"; // VS "Take a-way the"; // VS "Thee we would be"; // VS "Changed from glo-ry"; bar //10 1 1: 4g; 8a bm; g ebm; 4df#; d; 1 2: 4g; d; s; d; 2 1: 4s; 8c+ bm; b ebm; 4s; d; 2 2: 4db; d; da; d; VS22 "all com-pas-sion,"; // VS22 "love of sin-ning,"; // VS22 "al-ways bless-ing,"; // VS22 "in-to glo-ry,"; bar newscore //11 1: 4dd+; fd+; ge+; fd+; 2 1: 4b-b; ; b; b-b; 2 2: 4s; ; b; s; VS "Pure, un-bound-ed"; // VS "Take our load of"; // VS "Serve Thee as Thy"; // VS "Till in heav'n we"; bar //12 1 1: 4fc+; 8c+ bm; d+ ebm; 2c+; 1 2: 4s; en; f slur; e&; 2: 4ca; cb; 2fa; VS21 "love Thou art;"; // VS21 "guilt a-way;"; // VS21 "host a-bove,"; // VS21 "take our place;"; bar newscore //13 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; VS "Vis-it us with"; // VS "End the work of"; // VS "Pray, and praise Thee,"; // VS "Till we cast our"; bar //14 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; VS21 "Thy sal-va-tion,"; // VS21 "Thy be-gin-ning,"; // VS21 "with-out ceas-ing,"; // VS21 "crowns be-fore Thee,"; bar newscore //15 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; VS "En-ter ev-'ry"; // VS "Bring is to e-"; // VS "Glo-ry in Thy"; // VS "Lost in won-der,"; bar //16 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; VS21 "trem-bling heart!"; // VS21 "ter-nal day."; // VS21 "per-fect love."; // VS21 "love and praise."; right (143, 1.5) "End of Verse 1"; endbar newpage //========================= // Verse 2 //1 1: P1 4df; ; eg; df; 2: P2 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Love di-vine, all"; VS "<2. >-1|Breathe, O breathe Thy"; // VS "<3. >-1|Come, Al-might-y"; // VS "<4. >-1|Fin-ish then Thy"; bar //2 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; ; b-b; // VS21 "love ex-cel-ing,"; VS21 "lov-ing Spir-it"; // VS21 "to de-liv-er,"; // VS21 "new cre-a-tion,"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fa; eg; gb; eg; 2: 4eb; ; ; ; // VS "Joy of heav'n, to"; VS "In-to ev-'ry"; // VS "May we all Thy"; // VS "Pure, un-spot-ted,"; bar //4 1 1: 4df; 8e bm; f ebm; 2b-d; 1 2: 4s; c; 2s; 2 1: 4fb; f-a; 2b-f; // VS21 "earth come down!"; VS21 "troub-led breast;"; // VS21 "life re-ceive;"; // VS21 "may we be;"; bar newscore //5 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Fix in us Thy"; VS "Let us all in"; // VS "Sud-den-ly re-"; // VS "Let us see our"; bar //6 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "hum-ble dwell-ing"; VS21 "Thee in-her-it,"; // VS21 "turn, and nev-er,"; // VS21 "whole sal-va-tion,"; bar newscore //7 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "All Thy faith-ful"; VS "Let us find the"; // VS "Nev-er-more Thy"; // VS "Per-fect-ly se-"; bar //8 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "mer-cies crown."; VS21 "prom-ised rest."; // VS21 "tem-ples leave;"; // VS21 "cured by Thee."; bar newscore //9 1: 4db; gb; ; f#a; 2:4 g-g; b-d+; dd+; dc+; // VS "Je-sus, Thou art"; VS "Take a-way the"; // VS "Thee we would be"; // VS "Changed from glo-ry"; bar //10 1 1: 4g; 8a bm; g ebm; 4df#; d; 1 2: 4g; d; s; d; 2 1: 4s; 8c+ bm; b ebm; 4s; d; 2 2: 4db; d; da; d; // VS22 "all com-pas-sion,"; VS22 "love of sin-ning,"; // VS22 "al-ways bless-ing,"; // VS22 "in-to glo-ry,"; bar newscore //11 1: 4dd+; fd+; ge+; fd+; 2 1: 4b-b; ; b; b-b; 2 2: 4s; ; b; s; // VS "Pure, un-bound-ed"; VS "Take our load of"; // VS "Serve Thee as Thy"; // VS "Till in heav'n we"; bar //12 1 1: 4fc+; 8c+ bm; d+ ebm; 2c+; 1 2: 4s; en; f slur; e&; 2: 4ca; cb; 2fa; // VS21 "love Thou art;"; VS21 "guilt a-way;"; // VS21 "host a-bove,"; // VS21 "take our place;"; bar newscore //13 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Vis-it us with"; VS "End the work of"; // VS "Pray, and praise Thee,"; // VS "Till we cast our"; bar //14 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "Thy sal-va-tion,"; VS21 "Thy be-gin-ning,"; // VS21 "with-out ceas-ing,"; // VS21 "crowns be-fore Thee,"; bar newscore //15 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "En-ter ev-'ry"; VS "Bring is to e-"; // VS "Glo-ry in Thy"; // VS "Lost in won-der,"; bar //16 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "trem-bling heart!"; VS21 "ter-nal day."; // VS21 "per-fect love."; // VS21 "love and praise."; right (143, 1.5) "End of Verse 2"; endbar newpage //========================= // Verse 3 //1 1: P1 4df; ; eg; df; 2: P2 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Love di-vine, all"; // VS "<2. >-1|Breathe, O breathe Thy"; VS "<3. >-1|Come, Al-might-y"; // VS "<4. >-1|Fin-ish then Thy"; bar //2 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; ; b-b; // VS21 "love ex-cel-ing,"; // VS21 "lov-ing Spir-it"; VS21 "to de-liv-er,"; // VS21 "new cre-a-tion,"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fa; eg; gb; eg; 2: 4eb; ; ; ; // VS "Joy of heav'n, to"; // VS "In-to ev-'ry"; VS "May we all Thy"; // VS "Pure, un-spot-ted,"; bar //4 1 1: 4df; 8e bm; f ebm; 2b-d; 1 2: 4s; c; 2s; 2 1: 4fb; f-a; 2b-f; // VS21 "earth come down!"; // VS21 "troub-led breast;"; VS21 "life re-ceive;"; // VS21 "may we be;"; bar newscore //5 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Fix in us Thy"; // VS "Let us all in"; VS "Sud-den-ly re-"; // VS "Let us see our"; bar //6 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "hum-ble dwell-ing"; // VS21 "Thee in-her-it,"; VS21 "turn, and nev-er,"; // VS21 "whole sal-va-tion,"; bar newscore //7 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "All Thy faith-ful"; // VS "Let us find the"; VS "Nev-er-more Thy"; // VS "Per-fect-ly se-"; bar //8 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "mer-cies crown."; // VS21 "prom-ised rest."; VS21 "tem-ples leave;"; // VS21 "cured by Thee."; bar newscore //9 1: 4db; gb; ; f#a; 2:4 g-g; b-d+; dd+; dc+; // VS "Je-sus, Thou art"; // VS "Take a-way the"; VS "Thee we would be"; // VS "Changed from glo-ry"; bar //10 1 1: 4g; 8a bm; g ebm; 4df#; d; 1 2: 4g; d; s; d; 2 1: 4s; 8c+ bm; b ebm; 4s; d; 2 2: 4db; d; da; d; // VS22 "all com-pas-sion,"; // VS22 "love of sin-ning,"; VS22 "al-ways bless-ing,"; // VS22 "in-to glo-ry,"; bar newscore //11 1: 4dd+; fd+; ge+; fd+; 2 1: 4b-b; ; b; b-b; 2 2: 4s; ; b; s; // VS "Pure, un-bound-ed"; // VS "Take our load of"; VS "Serve Thee as Thy"; // VS "Till in heav'n we"; bar //12 1 1: 4fc+; 8c+ bm; d+ ebm; 2c+; 1 2: 4s; en; f slur; e&; 2: 4ca; cb; 2fa; // VS21 "love Thou art;"; // VS21 "guilt a-way;"; VS21 "host a-bove,"; // VS21 "take our place;"; bar newscore //13 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Vis-it us with"; // VS "End the work of"; VS "Pray, and praise Thee,"; // VS "Till we cast our"; bar //14 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "Thy sal-va-tion,"; // VS21 "Thy be-gin-ning,"; VS21 "with-out ceas-ing,"; // VS21 "crowns be-fore Thee,"; bar newscore //15 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "En-ter ev-'ry"; // VS "Bring is to e-"; VS "Glo-ry in Thy"; // VS "Lost in won-der,"; bar //16 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "trem-bling heart!"; // VS21 "ter-nal day."; VS21 "per-fect love."; // VS21 "love and praise."; right (143, 1.5) "End of Verse 3"; endbar newpage //========================= // Verse 4 //1 1: P1 4df; ; eg; df; 2: P2 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Love di-vine, all"; // VS "<2. >-1|Breathe, O breathe Thy"; // VS "<3. >-1|Come, Al-might-y"; VS "<4. >-1|Fin-ish then Thy"; bar //2 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; ; b-b; // VS21 "love ex-cel-ing,"; // VS21 "lov-ing Spir-it"; // VS21 "to de-liv-er,"; VS21 "new cre-a-tion,"; bar newscore //3 1: 4fa; eg; gb; eg; 2: 4eb; ; ; ; // VS "Joy of heav'n, to"; // VS "In-to ev-'ry"; // VS "May we all Thy"; VS "Pure, un-spot-ted,"; bar //4 1 1: 4df; 8e bm; f ebm; 2b-d; 1 2: 4s; c; 2s; 2 1: 4fb; f-a; 2b-f; // VS21 "earth come down!"; // VS21 "troub-led breast;"; // VS21 "life re-ceive;"; VS21 "may we be;"; bar newscore //5 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Fix in us Thy"; // VS "Let us all in"; // VS "Sud-den-ly re-"; VS "Let us see our"; bar //6 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "hum-ble dwell-ing"; // VS21 "Thee in-her-it,"; // VS21 "turn, and nev-er,"; VS21 "whole sal-va-tion,"; bar newscore //7 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "All Thy faith-ful"; // VS "Let us find the"; // VS "Nev-er-more Thy"; VS "Per-fect-ly se-"; bar //8 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "mer-cies crown."; // VS21 "prom-ised rest."; // VS21 "tem-ples leave;"; VS21 "cured by Thee."; bar newscore //9 1: 4db; gb; ; f#a; 2:4 g-g; b-d+; dd+; dc+; // VS "Je-sus, Thou art"; // VS "Take a-way the"; // VS "Thee we would be"; VS "Changed from glo-ry"; bar //10 1 1: 4g; 8a bm; g ebm; 4df#; d; 1 2: 4g; d; s; d; 2 1: 4s; 8c+ bm; b ebm; 4s; d; 2 2: 4db; d; da; d; // VS22 "all com-pas-sion,"; // VS22 "love of sin-ning,"; // VS22 "al-ways bless-ing,"; VS22 "in-to glo-ry,"; bar newscore //11 1: 4dd+; fd+; ge+; fd+; 2 1: 4b-b; ; b; b-b; 2 2: 4s; ; b; s; // VS "Pure, un-bound-ed"; // VS "Take our load of"; // VS "Serve Thee as Thy"; VS "Till in heav'n we"; bar //12 1 1: 4fc+; 8c+ bm; d+ ebm; 2c+; 1 2: 4s; en; f slur; e&; 2: 4ca; cb; 2fa; // VS21 "love Thou art;"; // VS21 "guilt a-way;"; // VS21 "host a-bove,"; VS21 "take our place;"; bar newscore //13 1: 4df; ; eg; df; 2: 4b-f; ; b-g; b-b; // VS "Vis-it us with"; // VS "End the work of"; // VS "Pray, and praise Thee,"; VS "Till we cast our"; bar //14 1: 4fd+; 8ec+ bm; fd+ ebm; 4ec+; db; 2: 4b-b; fa; f#a; gb; // VS21 "Thy sal-va-tion,"; // VS21 "Thy be-gin-ning,"; // VS21 "with-out ceas-ing,"; VS21 "crowns be-fore Thee,"; bar newscore //15 1: 4eg; ge+; 4fd+; fb; 2: 4eb; ; fb; fd+; // VS "En-ter ev-'ry"; // VS "Bring is to e-"; // VS "Glo-ry in Thy"; VS "Lost in won-der,"; bar //16 1 1: 4ea; 8g bm; a ebm; 2db; 1 2: 4s; e; 2s; 2: 4fc+; f-f; 2b-f; // VS21 "trem-bling heart!"; // VS21 "ter-nal day."; // VS21 "per-fect love."; VS21 "love and praise."; right (143, 1.5) "End of Hymn"; endbar