// Coded with Mup vs. 5.6 - http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be in the public // domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: Christian Endeavor Hymns // by Ira D. Sankey // Pub. by The United Christian Society of Christian Endeavor // 646 Washington St, Boston, Mass., The Biglow and Main Co. // 76 East 9th St., New York, // Copyright,1894 // Hymn 49 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 02/05/2010 // HymnsToGod.org // ************************************ top title bold (19) "" "Lord I Bow At Thy Throne" "" title (2)"" title (11) "b \(flat) - 4 - MI" "\s(18)\f(TI)\:For\ godly\ sorrow\ worketh\ r\|epentance\ unto\ salvation,\ a repentance\ which\ bringet\|h\ no\ regret:\ -\ 2\ Cor.\ 7:10""" title (13) "William Stevenson" " " "Robert Lowry, 1886" bottom // title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" staffs=2 time=4/4 key=2& packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.0 pad = 0 noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" vscheme = 3f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6,6 scorepad=0 scale = .73 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino staff 2 key=2& clef=bass // *********************************** music midi all: 0 "tempo=70"; //1 1: 2.s; 8db-; 8ec; 2: 2.s; 8fb-; fb-; lyrics 1: "<1. >-1|Lord I"; lyrics 1: "<2. >-1|If my"; lyrics 1: "<3. >-1|Lord, my"; bar //2 1: 4fd; 8ge; 8fd; 4db-; 8db-; 8fd; 2: 4bb-; 8bb-; 8bb-; 4fb-; 8fb-; 8bb-; lyrics 1: "bow at Thy throne, My un-"; lyrics 1: "sins I con-fess, Thou wilt"; lyrics 1: "guilt I la-ment, And in"; bar //3 1: 4bd; 8c+f; 8bf; 4ge; 8bg; 8ge; 2: 4bb-; 8bd; 8bd; 4be; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "wor-thi-ness own, To Thy"; lyrics 1: "heark-en and bless, For Thy"; lyrics 1: "sor-row re-pent; Red like"; bar //4 1: 4fd; 8s; 8s; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4bb-; 8s; 8s; 4s; 8s; 8s; lyrics 1: "cross"; lyrics 1: "mer-"; lyrics 1: "crim-"; invisbar newscore 1: 4s; 8db-; 8fd; 4bf; 8ae; 8bd; 2: 4s; 8fb-; 8bb-; 4bd; 8fc; 8fb; lyrics 1: "and Thy prom-ise I"; lyrics 1: "cy is bound-less and"; lyrics 1: "son my sins are, I"; bar //5 1 1: 2.c+; 8bd; 8c+e; 1 2: 2f slur; 4e; 8s; 8s; 2: 2.af; 8bb-; 8bb-; lyrics 1: "cling; O how"; lyrics 1: "free; All Thy"; lyrics 1: "know; Naught can"; bar //6 1: 4d+f; 8bd; 8ge; 4fd; 8db-; 8s; 2: bb-; 8bb-; 8bb-; 4bb-; 8fb-; 8s; lyrics 1: "bless-ed the tho't, Thou"; lyrics 1: "good-ness may share, None"; lyrics 1: "save but Thy blood; Cleanse"; invisbar newscore 1: 4s; 8s; 8s; 4s; 8s; 8fd; 2: 4s; 8s; 8s; 4s; 8s; 8bb-; lyrics 1: "my"; lyrics 1: "need"; lyrics 1: "me"; bar //7 1: 4ge; 8c+en; 8bg; 4af; 8bf; 8c+f; 2 1: 4be; 8c+c; 8c+c; 4c+; 8bd; 8ac; 2 2: 4s; 8s; 8s; 8f bm; 8e& ebm; 8s; 8s; lyrics 1: "par-don hast bought, And no"; lyrics 1: "ev-er de-spair, But re-"; lyrics 1: "now in that flood, And my"; bar //8 1: 4d+f; 8c+f; 8bf; 4ge; 8bd; 8c+e; 2 1: 4bb-; 8ac; 8bd; 4be; 8f; 8f; 2 2: 4s; 8s; 8s; 4s; 8f; 8f; lyrics 1: "mon-ey or price need I"; lyrics 1: "joice Thy sal-va-tion to"; lyrics 1: "soul shall be whit-er than"; bar //9 1: 2.bd; 4s; 2: 2.fb-; 4s; lyrics 1: "bring."; lyrics 1: "see."; lyrics 1: "snow."; endbar title (11) "" title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org"