// Mup 7.1 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // // Hymn Source: Kingdom of Song // A Collection of Songs // For Sunday Schools, Young people's Societies // And All Religious Services // Edited By T. M. Bowdish // Copyrigh by the W. W. Whitney Co. // Entered at stationer's Hall, London, England // Copyright 1900 // Hymn No.: 44 // // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 11/08/2011 // Revisions: // 06/09/2024 [1] Updated Mup code // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR LETTER SIZE==================== score label="" packexp=0.0 packfact=0.9 pad=2 vscheme=2f staffscale=1 scale=1 lyricssize=14 scoresep=6 staffpad=0 scorepad=-1.4 leftmargin=.750 rightmargin=.750 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads="isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //========================= staffs=2 time=9/8 key=3& staff 2 key=3& clef=bass //========================= header title bold (19) "" "I Will Tell Jesus" "" title (2)"" title (11) "" "\f(TI)Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may" "" title (11) "" "\f(TI)receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need. - Heb. 4:16" "" title (11) "E \(flat) - 3 - MI" "" "" title (11) "T. M. Bowdish" "" "T. M. Bowdish" //========================= footer title (13) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" //========================= music //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BVS lyrics below 2: @ define BVS1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BVS12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BVS21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BVS22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Text - Above Staff define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ define RALL ital (15) above 1: 1 "Rall."; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Note Accents define AST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ASB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ //Repeats define RIT(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "rit."@ define FINE(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "fine"@ define SIGN(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "sign"@ define DS(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "D. S."; @ //========================= //set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=100"; //========================= //Verse //1 1 1: 8ge; f; e; 4.s;; 1 2: 8s; e; e; 4.s;; 2: 8be; ae; ge; 4.s;; VS "<1. >-1|I will tell"; VS "<2. >-1|I will tell"; VS "<3. >-1|Doubt-ings and"; VS "<4. >-1|Sin-ful and"; bar //2 1 1: 4.fd; e; 8; ge; bg; 1 2: 4.s; e; 8; s;; 2: 4.ab-; ge; 8; be; e+e; VS "Je-sus all of my"; VS "Je-sus when in temp-"; VS "fears my soul o-ver-"; VS "weak, I have a dear"; bar //3 1: 4.c+a; bg; 8s; ; ; 2: 4.e+e;; 8s; ; ; VS "sor-row,"; VS "ta-tion,"; VS "shad-ows,"; VS "Sav-iour,"; invisbar newscore //3 1: 4.s; ; 8bg; ge; be; 2: 4.s;; 8e+e; be; ge; VS "I will in-"; VS "He will a-"; VS "Com-fort and"; VS "One who in"; bar //4 1: 4.c+e; e+e; 8be; ge; be; 2 1: 4.a; ac; 8ge; be; bg-; 2 2: 4.a; s; 8;;; VS "trust my all to his"; VS "bide so sweet-ly with-"; VS "peace he gives in his"; VS "mer-cy hears when I"; bar //5 1 1: 4.fd tie;; 8s; ; ; 1 2: 4.s;; 8s; ;; 2: 4.bb- tie;; 8s; ; ; VS "care;"; VS "in,"; VS "word;"; VS "call;"; invisbar newscore //5 1 1: 4.s;; 8ge; f; e; 1 2: 4.s;; 8; e;; 2: 4.s;; 8be; ae; ge; VS "Heav-i-ly"; VS "Trust-ing his"; VS "I can re-"; VS "He will be"; bar //6 1 1: 4.fd; e; 8e; ge; bg; 1 2: 4.s; e; 8e; s;; 2: 4.bb-; ge; 8ge; be; e+e; VS "la-den, foot-sore and"; VS "prom-ise, trust-ing him"; VS "ly on him to de-"; VS "near to bless and to"; bar //7 1: 4.c+a; bg; 8s; ; ; 2: 4.e+e; ; 8s; ; ; VS "wea-ry,"; VS "ful-ly,"; VS "liv-er,"; VS "cheer me,"; invisbar newscore 1: 4.s; ; 8e+c+; d+b; c+a; 2: 4.s; ; 8e+a-; ; ; VS "He will my"; VS "Je-sus will"; VS "Oh, what a"; VS "Je-sus my"; bar //8 1 1: 4.bg; ge; 8; e; fd; 1 2: 4.s;; 8; e; s; 2: 4.e+b-; bb-; 8; gb-; ab-; VS "bur-dens will-ing-ly"; VS "save and keep me from"; VS "Friend is Je-sus, my"; VS "Sav-iour, Je-sus my"; bar //9 1 1: 4.e tie;; s; 1 2: 4.e tie;; s; 2: 4.ge tie;; s; VS "bear."; VS "sin."; VS "Lord."; VS "all."; dblbar newscore CHORUS //10 1: 8bg; ge; bg; 4.s;; 2: 8be;;; 4.s;; VS [c]"I will tell"; bar //11 1: 4.e+g; bg; 8; ge; c+e; 2: 4.be; e+e; 8; be; ae; VS [c]"Je-sus, I will tell"; bar //12 1: 4.be; eg; 8s; ; ; 2: 4.ge; eb; 8s; ; ; VS [c]"Je-sus,"; invisbar newscore //12 1: 4.s; ; 8eg; ae; be; 2: 4.s; ; 8eg; bf; bg; VS [c]"He is a"; bar //13 1: 4.c+e; e+e; 8be; ge; be; 2 1: 4.a; ac; 8ge; be; bg-; 2 2: 4.a; s; 8;;; VS "Friend in time of dis-"; bar //14 1 1: 4.fd tie;; 8s; ; ; 1 2: 4.s;; 8s; ; ; 2: 4.bb- tie;; 8s; ; ; VS "tress;"; invisbar newscore //14 1 1: 4.s; ; 8ge; f; e; 1 2: 4.s ;; 8; e;; 2: 4.s; ; 8be; ae; ge; VS "I will tell"; bar //15 1 1: 4.fd; e; 8; ge; bg; 1 2: 4.s; e; 8; s;; 2: 4.bb-; ge; 8; be; e+e; VS "Je-sus, I will tell"; bar //16 1: 4.c+a; bg; 8s; ; ; 2: 4.e+e;; 8s; ; ; VS "Je-sus,"; invisbar newscore //16 1: 4.s; ; 8e+c+; d+b; c+a; 2: 4.s; ; 8e+a-;;; VS "Je-sus will"; bar //17 1 1: 4.bg; ge; 8; e; fd; 1 2: 4.s;; 8; e; s; 2: 4.e+b-; bb-; 8; gb-; ab-; VS "com-fort, Je-sus will"; bar //18 1 1: 4.e tie;; s; 1 2: 4.e tie;; s; 2: 4.ge tie;; s; VS "bless."; endbar