// Mup vs. 6.8 - http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // // This source code is donated to the public domain. // // Hymn Source: The Golden Sheaf // A Collection of Choice Hymns and Songs // Especially Designed For // Sunday Schools, Loyal Worker Meetings // Prayer and Social Services // Boston // The Advent Christian Publication Society // 160 Warren Street // Copyright 1902 by Chas. H. Woodman // Hymn No. 59 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 07/24/2020 // HymnsToGod.org // ****************************************** top title bold (19) "" "I Must Tell Jesus" "" title (2) "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. - 1 Pet. 5:7" "" title (11)"E\(flat) - 3 - SOL" "" "" title (13) "Elisha A. Hoffman" "" "Elisha A. Hoffman, 1893" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.9 pad = 2 vscheme = 2f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6 staffpad=2 scorepad=0 scale = .725 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=9/8 key=3& staff 2 key=3& clef=bass // **************************************** music //define macros define VERSE lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVERSE lyrics below 2: @ // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=100"; // Enter music //1 1 1: 4.s; 4.; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s; 4.; 8e;; 8s; 2: 4.s; 4.; 8eg; ea; eb; VERSE "<1. >-1|I must tell"; VERSE "<2. >-1|I must tell"; VERSE "<3. >-1|Tempt-ed and"; VERSE "<4. >-1|Oh, how the"; bar //2 1 1: 4.eb;; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e;; s; 2: 4.eg;; 8; ea; eb; VERSE "Je-sus all of my"; VERSE "Je-sus all of my"; VERSE "tried, I need a great"; VERSE "world to e-vil al-"; bar //3 1 1: 4.df; e; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s; e; 8;; s; 2: 4.b-b; eg; 8; ea; eb; VERSE "tri-als; I can-not"; VERSE "trou-bles; He is a"; VERSE "Sav-iour, One who can"; VERSE "lures me! Oh, how my"; bar //4 1 1: 4.eb;; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e;; s; 2: 4.eg;; 8eg; ea; eb; VERSE "bear these bur-dens a-"; VERSE "kind, com-pas-sion-ate"; VERSE "help my bur-dens to"; VERSE "heart is tempt-ed to"; bar //5 1 1: 4.d~f~; 4; 8r; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s; 4; 8; e;; s; 2: 4.b-~b~; 4; 8r; eg; ea; eb; VERSE "lone; In my dis-"; VERSE "Friend; If I but"; VERSE "bear; I must tell"; VERSE "sin! I must tell"; bar //6 1 1: 4.eb;; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e; e; s; 2: 4.eg;; 8; ea; eb; VERSE "tress he kind-ly will"; VERSE "ask him, he will de-"; VERSE "Je-sus, I must tell"; VERSE "Je-sus, and he will"; bar //7 1 1:4.df; e; 8ee+;;; 1 2: 4.s;e; 8s;;; 2: 4.b-a; cg; 8c&f#;;; VERSE "help me; He ev-er"; VERSE "liv-er, Make of my"; VERSE "Je-sus; He all my"; VERSE "help me O-ver the"; bar //8 1 1: 4.eb; eg; 8e; eg; df; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e; s;; 2: 4.b-g; b-b; 8b-g; b-b; b-a; VERSE "loves and cares for his"; VERSE "trou-bles quick-ly an"; VERSE "cares and sor-rows will"; VERSE "world the vic-t'ry to"; bar //9 1 1: 4.e~; 4; 8r; 4.s; 1 2: 4.e~; 4; 8s; 4.s; 2: 4.e~g~; 4; 8r; 4.s; VERSE "own."; VERSE "end."; VERSE "share."; VERSE "win."; dblbar newscore //10 1: 8ge+;;; 4.s;; 2: 8eb;;; 4.s;; ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; VERSE "I must tell"; bar //11 1: 4.ge+; gb; 8be+;;; 2: 4.eb; ee+; 8ge+;;; VERSE "Je-sus! I must tell"; bar //12 1 1: 4.c+e+; 4.ac+; 8a; b; ac+; 1 2: 4.s;; 8a;; s; 2: 4.ae+;; 8ac+; ad+; ae+; VERSE "Je-sus! I can-not"; bar //13 1: 4.gb;; 8fb; fa; eg; 2: 4.ee+; eb; 8db;; eb; VERSE "bear my bur-dens a-"; bar//14 1 1: 4.d~f~; 4; 8r; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s; 4; 8; e;; s; 2: 4.b-~b~; 4; 8r; eg; ea; eb; VERSE "lone; I must tell"; bar //15 1 1: 4.eb;; 8e; f; eg; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e; e; s; 2: 4.eg;; 8; ea; eb; VERSE "Je-sus! I must tell"; bar //7 1 1:4.df; e; 8ee+;;; 1 2: 4.s;e; 8s;;; 2: 4.b-a; cg; 8c&f#;;; VERSE "Je-sus! Je-sus can"; bar //8 1 1: 4.eb; eg; 8e; eg; df; 1 2: 4.s;; 8e; s;; 2: 4.b-g; b-b; 8b-g; b-b; b-a; VERSE "help me, Je-sus a-"; bar //9 1 1: 4.e~; 4; 8r; 4.s; 1 2: 4.e~; 4; 8s; 4.s; 2: 4.e~g~; 4; 8r; 4.s; VERSE "lone."; endbar