// Coded with Mup vs. 5.8 - http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be in the public // domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: Praise in Song // A Collection of // Hymns and Sacred Melodies // Editors: Jno. R. Sweeney, W.J. Kikrpatrick, // and H.L. Gilmour // Philadelphia: // John J. Hood, // 1024 Arch Street // Copyright 1893 // Hymn no.: 16 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 12/19/2009; Rev. 07/17/12 // HymnsToGod.org // **************************************************************************************** top title bold (19) "" "For He Careth for You" "" title (2)"" title (11) "E \(flat) - 4 - MI" "\s(18)\f(TI)\:casting\ all\ your\ anx\|iety\ upon\ him,\ because he\ careth\ for\ y\|ou.\ -\ 1\ Pet.\ 5:7""" title (13) "H. B. Bengle" " " "Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, 1893" bottom title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" staffs=2 time=4/4 key=3& packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.9 pad = 0 noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" vscheme = 3f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6,20 scorepad=0 scale = .72 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino // *********************************** staff 2 key=3& clef=bass music midi all: 0 "tempo=100"; //1 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8ge; 8af; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "<1. >-1|While as"; lyrics 1: "<2. >-1|When our"; lyrics 1: "<3. >-1|Does the"; lyrics 1: "<4. >-1|Though our"; bar //2 1: 4bg; 8.bg; 16c+a; 8bg; 8bg; 8ge; 8af; 2: 4e+e; 8.e+e; 16e+e; 8e+e; 8e+e; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "Christ-ians we jour-ney to the"; lyrics 1: "bur-dens grow heav-y, and our"; lyrics 1: "path-way grow thorn-y are our"; lyrics 1: "cross-es are heav-y, and our"; bar //3 1: 4bg; 8.bg; 16c+a; 4s; 8.s; 16s; 2: 4e+e; 8.e+e; 16e+e; 4s; 8.s; 16s; lyrics 1: "man-sions of"; lyrics 1: "strength is all"; lyrics 1: "feet bruised and"; lyrics 1: "con-flicts se-"; invisbar newscore 1: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4bg; 8.e+g; 16e+g; 2: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4e+e; 8.be; 16be; lyrics 1: "light, Ma-ny"; lyrics 1: "spent. And the"; lyrics 1: "sore? Do our"; lyrics 1: "vere, Till in"; bar //4 1: 4d+a; 8.ad; 16ad; 8ad; 8ad; 8c+d; 8c+d; 2: 4bb-; 8.fb-; 16fb-; 8fb-; 8fb-;8fb-; 8fb-; lyrics 1: "tri-als a-wait us, ma-ny"; lyrics 1: "way long and wea-ry, and our"; lyrics 1: "foes smite and wound us, and our"; lyrics 1: "an-guish of spir-it, we are"; bar //5 1: 4bd; 8.fd; 16fd; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4fb-; 8.bb-; 16bb-; 4s; 8s; 8s; lyrics 1: "bat-tles to"; lyrics 1: "cour-age but"; lyrics 1: "friends smile no"; lyrics 1: "tempt-ed to"; invisbar newscore 1: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4ge; 8ge; 8af; 2: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4be; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "fight; But what-"; lyrics 1: "faint; Hear the"; lyrics 1: "more? He will"; lyrics 1: "fear; Let us"; bar //6 1: 4bg; 8.bg; 16c+a; 8bg; 8bg; 8ge; 8af; 2: 4e+e; 8.e+e; 16e+e; 8e+e; 8e+e; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "ev-er may trou-ble, We have"; lyrics 1: "words full of com-fort, bring-ing"; lyrics 1: "turn all to bless-ing, If but"; lyrics 1: "fol-low God's or-der, and be"; bar //7 1: 4bg; 8.e+g; 16e+g; 4.s; 8s; 2: 4be; 8.be; 16be; 4.s; 8s; lyrics 1: "but this to"; lyrics 1: "cour-age a-"; lyrics 1: "this we will"; lyrics 1: "faith-ful and"; invisbar newscore 1: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4.e+g; 8bg; 2: 4s; 8.s; 16s; 4.be; 8e+e; lyrics 1: "do; \"Cast"; lyrics 1: "new; \"Cast"; lyrics 1: "do; \"Cast"; lyrics 1: "true, \"Cast"; bar //8 1: 8c+a; 8e+a; 8d+a; 8c+a; 8c+a; 8bg; 8ge; 8bd; 2: 8e+a; 8c+a; 8d+a; 8e+a; 8e+e; 8e+e; 8be; 8ge; lyrics 1: "all your care on Je-sus for he"; lyrics 1: "all your care on Je-sus for he"; lyrics 1: "all your care on Je-sus for he"; lyrics 1: "all your care on Je-sus for he"; bar //9 1: 4bd; 8.fd; 16gd; 4eb-; 4s; 2: 4fb-; 8.ab-; 16ab-; 4ge; 4s; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; //10 repeatstart newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8ge; 8af; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8be; 8be; ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; lyrics 1: "For he"; bar //11 1 1: 4bg; 8.b; 16b; 4be; 8ge; 8bg; 1 2: 4s; 8.a; 16a; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4e+e; 8.d+f; 16d+f; 4e+g; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you, He is"; bar //12 1: 4e+g; 8.e+f#; 16e+f; 4.e+g; 8bg; 2: 4be; 8.ane; 16c+e; 4.be; 8e+e; lyrics 1: "faith-ful and true; \"Cast"; bar //13 1: 8c+a; 8e+a; 8d+a; 8c+a; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; 2: 8e+a; 8c+a; 8d+a; 8e+a; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; lyrics 1: "all your care on"; invisbar ending "1st" 1: 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8c+a; 8bg; 8ge; 8bg; 2: 8s; 8s; 8s; 8s; 8e+e; 8e+e; 8be; 8be; lyrics 1: "Je-sus, for he"; bar //14 1: 4be; 8ad; 8ge; 4fd; 4s; 2: 4bg; 8bf; 8be; 4bb-; 4s; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; repeatend ending "2nd" //15 1: 8c+a; 8bg; 8ge; 8be; 4s; 4s; 2: 8e+e; 8e+e; 8be; 8ge; 4s; 4s; lyrics 1: "Je-sus, for he"; bar //16 1: 4bd; 8.fd; 16gd; 4eb-; 4s; 2: 4fb-; 8.ab-; 16bb-; 4ge; 4s; lyrics 1: "car-eth for you.\""; endbar