// !Mup vs. 6.9 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // The lyrics to this song are in the the Public Domain of the United States of America. // Hymn / Lyric Source: // Songs Of The Evening Light // For Sunday Schools, Missionary and // Revival Meetings and Gospel Work // In General // Edited by Barney E. Warren and // Andrew L. Byerws // Gospel Trumpet Company // Anderson, Indiana, U.S.A. // Copyright 1897 // Hymn No.: 17 // Lyrics from http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Do_You_Love_the_World/ // Copyright 1911 // // Transcribed by: // Ted Gatza, Jr. 07/19/2011 // Revisions: // 10/15/2021 // 08/31/2022 // http://HymnsUntoGod.org //******************************************** top title (100)"" title bold (19) "" "Do You Love The World?" "" title (11)"" title (11)"" "\f(TI)For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and" "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)the vainglory of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. - 1 Jn. 2:16" "" title (11)"" title (11) "F - 4 - DO" "" "" title (11) "Barney E. Warren, 1897" "" "Clarence E. Hunter, 1911" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "" title (11) "" title (11) "" "HymnsToGod.org" "" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.5 pad = 1 vscheme = 2f staffsep = 20 scorepad= -20 scoresep= 6 scale = 1.58 lyricssize = 15 pageheight=7.5 pagewidth=10.0 topmargin=.350 bottommargin=.350 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=4/4 key=2# staff2 key=2# clef=bass //========================== block newpage music //define macros //Lyrics define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVS lyrics below 2: @ //Chorus define CHORUS ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (13) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ //Fermatas define SFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define BFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Time Signature define P1 [pad 5; =t]@ define P2 [=s]@ define TIME print (t.w - 2, t.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, t.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; @ // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=90"; bar // Remove this page in PDF editor newpage //================= //Verse 1 //1 1: P1 2.s; 8fc; 8gc; 2: P2 2.s; 8af; 8bf; TIME VS "<1. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<3. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<4. >-1|Do you"; bar //2 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2 : 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; VS "love the world, in its"; // VS "love the world, it's ap-"; // VS "love the world? Is it"; // VS "love the world more than"; bar //3 1 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "pomp and show?"; // VS "plause and fame?"; // VS "dear to thee?"; // VS "Christ who died?"; dblbar newscore 1 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; VS "In its"; // VS "Soon 'twill"; // VS "Can it"; // VS "How the"; bar //4 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8bg; 8af; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8c+e; 8c+f; VS "course of sin will you"; // VS "end in sor-row, re-"; // VS "help thy soul in e-"; // VS "blood flowed free from His"; bar //5 1: 4af; 4ge; 4ge; 8s; 8s; 2:4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8s; 8s; VS "on-ward go?"; // VS "morse, and shame;"; // VS "ter-ni-ty?"; // VS "pierc-ed side?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8gc; 2:4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; VS "Is the"; // VS "Je-sus"; // VS "Will you"; // VS "When it"; bar //6 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; VS "pride of life more than"; // VS "bids you come and re-"; // VS "choose its way more than"; // VS "cost His life to pre-"; bar //7 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "heav'n a-bove?"; // VS "deem your soul"; // VS "god-ly fear,"; // VS "pare that place,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; VS "Will you"; // VS "From its"; // VS "Seal-ing"; // VS "Will you"; bar //8 1 1: 4c+f; 4af; 4c+f; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4af; 4c+f; 4af; 8ad; 8d+b-; VS "lose your soul for the"; // VS "aw-ful doom, ere the"; // VS "thus your doom, when the"; // VS "die in sin, and re-"; bar //9 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4af; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) VS "sin you love?"; // VS "judg-ments roll."; // VS "Lord is near?"; // VS "fuse His grace?"; dblbar newpage //10 CHORUS 1: 8c+f; 8c+f; 4s; 4s; 4s; 2: 8af; 8af; 4s; 4s; 4s; VS "Do you"; bar //11 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "love the world? Will you"; bar //12 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8; VS "self-ish be,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; [up]8c+a; [up]8c+a; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; VS "When the"; bar //13 1: 4bg; 4bg; 4be; 8af; 8bg; 2: 4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8c+c; 8c+c; VS "Lord pro-vides ev'-ry-"; bar //14 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "thing for thee?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8af; VS "Can you"; bar //15 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "still re-fuse? Will you"; bar //16 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; VS "come and bow?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8ge; 2 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8bg; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8s; VS "Give your"; bar //17 1: 4af; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8bf; 2: 4c+f; 4af; 4af; 8c+f; 8d+b-; VS "heart and life to his"; bar //18 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4aff-; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) VS "ser-vice now?"; right (144, 1.5) "End of Verse 1"; endbar //================= //Verse 2 //1 1: P1 2.s; 8fc; 8gc; 2: P2 2.s; 8af; 8bf; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Do you"; VS "<2. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<3. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<4. >-1|Do you"; bar //2 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2 : 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "love the world, in its"; VS "love the world, it's ap-"; // VS "love the world? Is it"; // VS "love the world more than"; bar //3 1 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "pomp and show?"; VS "plause and fame?"; // VS "dear to thee?"; // VS "Christ who died?"; dblbar newscore 1 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "In its"; VS "Soon 'twill"; // VS "Can it"; // VS "How the"; bar //4 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8bg; 8af; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8c+e; 8c+f; // VS "course of sin will you"; VS "end in sor-row, re-"; // VS "help thy soul in e-"; // VS "blood flowed free from His"; bar //5 1: 4af; 4ge; 4ge; 8s; 8s; 2:4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8s; 8s; // VS "on-ward go?"; VS "morse, and shame;"; // VS "ter-ni-ty?"; // VS "pierc-ed side?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8gc; 2:4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Is the"; VS "Je-sus"; // VS "Will you"; // VS "When it"; bar //6 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "pride of life more than"; VS "bids you come and re-"; // VS "choose its way more than"; // VS "cost His life to pre-"; bar //7 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "heav'n a-bove?"; VS "deem your soul"; // VS "god-ly fear,"; // VS "pare that place,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Will you"; VS "From its"; // VS "Seal-ing"; // VS "Will you"; bar //8 1 1: 4c+f; 4af; 4c+f; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4af; 4c+f; 4af; 8ad; 8d+b-; // VS "lose your soul for the"; VS "aw-ful doom, ere the"; // VS "thus your doom, when the"; // VS "die in sin, and re-"; bar //9 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4af; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) // VS "sin you love?"; VS "judg-ments roll."; // VS "Lord is near?"; // VS "fuse His grace?"; dblbar newpage //10 CHORUS 1: 8c+f; 8c+f; 4s; 4s; 4s; 2: 8af; 8af; 4s; 4s; 4s; VS "Do you"; bar //11 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "love the world? Will you"; bar //12 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8; VS "self-ish be,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; [up]8c+a; [up]8c+a; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; VS "When the"; bar //13 1: 4bg; 4bg; 4be; 8af; 8bg; 2: 4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8c+c; 8c+c; VS "Lord pro-vides ev'-ry-"; bar //14 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "thing for thee?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8af; VS "Can you"; bar //15 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "still re-fuse? Will you"; bar //16 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; VS "come and bow?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8ge; 2 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8bg; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8s; VS "Give your"; bar //17 1: 4af; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8bf; 2: 4c+f; 4af; 4af; 8c+f; 8d+b-; VS "heart and life to his"; bar //18 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4aff-; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) VS "ser-vice now?"; right (144, 1.5) "End of Verse 2"; endbar //================= //Verse 3 //1 1: P1 2.s; 8fc; 8gc; 2: P2 2.s; 8af; 8bf; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Do you"; VS "<3. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<4. >-1|Do you"; bar //2 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2 : 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "love the world, in its"; // VS "love the world, it's ap-"; VS "love the world? Is it"; // VS "love the world more than"; bar //3 1 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "pomp and show?"; // VS "plause and fame?"; VS "dear to thee?"; // VS "Christ who died?"; dblbar newscore 1 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "In its"; // VS "Soon 'twill"; VS "Can it"; // VS "How the"; bar //4 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8bg; 8af; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8c+e; 8c+f; // VS "course of sin will you"; // VS "end in sor-row, re-"; VS "help thy soul in e-"; // VS "blood flowed free from His"; bar //5 1: 4af; 4ge; 4ge; 8s; 8s; 2:4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8s; 8s; // VS "on-ward go?"; // VS "morse, and shame;"; VS "ter-ni-ty?"; // VS "pierc-ed side?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8gc; 2:4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Is the"; // VS "Je-sus"; VS "Will you"; // VS "When it"; bar //6 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "pride of life more than"; // VS "bids you come and re-"; VS "choose its way more than"; // VS "cost His life to pre-"; bar //7 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "heav'n a-bove?"; // VS "deem your soul"; VS "god-ly fear,"; // VS "pare that place,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Will you"; // VS "From its"; VS "Seal-ing"; // VS "Will you"; bar //8 1 1: 4c+f; 4af; 4c+f; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4af; 4c+f; 4af; 8ad; 8d+b-; // VS "lose your soul for the"; // VS "aw-ful doom, ere the"; VS "thus your doom, when the"; // VS "die in sin, and re-"; bar //9 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4af; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) // VS "sin you love?"; // VS "judg-ments roll."; VS "Lord is near?"; // VS "fuse His grace?"; dblbar newpage //10 CHORUS 1: 8c+f; 8c+f; 4s; 4s; 4s; 2: 8af; 8af; 4s; 4s; 4s; VS "Do you"; bar //11 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "love the world? Will you"; bar //12 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8; VS "self-ish be,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; [up]8c+a; [up]8c+a; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; VS "When the"; bar //13 1: 4bg; 4bg; 4be; 8af; 8bg; 2: 4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8c+c; 8c+c; VS "Lord pro-vides ev'-ry-"; bar //14 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "thing for thee?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8af; VS "Can you"; bar //15 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "still re-fuse? Will you"; bar //16 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; VS "come and bow?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8ge; 2 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8bg; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8s; VS "Give your"; bar //17 1: 4af; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8bf; 2: 4c+f; 4af; 4af; 8c+f; 8d+b-; VS "heart and life to his"; bar //18 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4aff-; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) VS "ser-vice now?"; right (144, 1.5) "End of Verse 3"; endbar newpage //================= //Verse 4 //1 1: P1 2.s; 8fc; 8gc; 2: P2 2.s; 8af; 8bf; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Do you"; // VS "<3. >-1|Do you"; VS "<4. >-1|Do you"; bar //2 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2 : 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "love the world, in its"; // VS "love the world, it's ap-"; // VS "love the world? Is it"; VS "love the world more than"; bar //3 1 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "pomp and show?"; // VS "plause and fame?"; // VS "dear to thee?"; VS "Christ who died?"; dblbar newscore 1 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "In its"; // VS "Soon 'twill"; // VS "Can it"; VS "How the"; bar //4 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8bg; 8af; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8c+e; 8c+f; // VS "course of sin will you"; // VS "end in sor-row, re-"; // VS "help thy soul in e-"; VS "blood flowed free from His"; bar //5 1: 4af; 4ge; 4ge; 8s; 8s; 2:4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8s; 8s; // VS "on-ward go?"; // VS "morse, and shame;"; // VS "ter-ni-ty?"; VS "pierc-ed side?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8gc; 2:4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Is the"; // VS "Je-sus"; // VS "Will you"; VS "When it"; bar //6 1 1: 4af; 4af; 4af; 8f; 8af; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8s; 2: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8c+f; // VS "pride of life more than"; // VS "bids you come and re-"; // VS "choose its way more than"; VS "cost His life to pre-"; bar //7 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; // VS "heav'n a-bove?"; // VS "deem your soul"; // VS "god-ly fear,"; VS "pare that place,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8bf; // VS "Will you"; // VS "From its"; // VS "Seal-ing"; VS "Will you"; bar //8 1 1: 4c+f; 4af; 4c+f; 8f; 8g; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8f; 8f; 2: 4af; 4c+f; 4af; 8ad; 8d+b-; // VS "lose your soul for the"; // VS "aw-ful doom, ere the"; // VS "thus your doom, when the"; VS "die in sin, and re-"; bar //9 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4af; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) // VS "sin you love?"; // VS "judg-ments roll."; // VS "Lord is near?"; VS "fuse His grace?"; dblbar newpage //10 1: 8c+f; 8c+f; 4s; 4s; 4s; 2: 8af; 8af; 4s; 4s; 4s; CHORUS VS "Do you"; bar //11 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "love the world? Will you"; bar //12 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8; VS "self-ish be,"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; [up]8c+a; [up]8c+a; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; VS "When the"; bar //13 1: 4bg; 4bg; 4be; 8af; 8bg; 2: 4c+c; 4c+c; 4c+c; 8c+c; 8c+c; VS "Lord pro-vides ev'-ry-"; bar //14 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; VS "thing for thee?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8c+f; 8c+f; 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8af; 8af; VS "Can you"; bar //15 1: 4d+f; 4d+f; 4bf; 8d+f; 8d+f; 2: 4bb-; 4bb-; 4bd; 8bb-; 8bb-; VS "still re-fuse? Will you"; bar //16 1: 4c+f; 4c+f; 4af; 8s; 8s; 2 1: 4af; 4af; 4c+f; 8s; 8s; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8s; 8s; VS "come and bow?"; dblbar newscore 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8fc; 8ge; 2 1: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8bg; 2 2: 4s; 4s; 4s; 8a; 8s; VS "Give your"; bar //17 1: 4af; 4c+f; 4c+f; 8af; 8bf; 2: 4c+f; 4af; 4af; 8c+f; 8d+b-; VS "heart and life to his"; bar //18 1: 4af; 4ge; 4fc; 4s; 2: 4c+c; 4bc; 4aff-; 4s; SFERM (3) BFERM (3) VS "ser-vice now?"; right (144, 1.5) "End of Hymn"; endbar