// Mup vs. 6.1 - http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: The Emory Hymnal // A Collection Of Sacred Hymns And Music // For use In Public Worship, Sunday Schools, // Social Meetings and Family Worship // Publisher John J. Hood // 1018 Arch Street, Philadelphia // 203 Camden Street, Baltimore // Copyright 1887 // Hymn no. 125 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 01/07/2013 // HymnsToGod.org // **************************************** top title bold (19) "" "Come, Prodigal, Come" "" title (2)"" title (11) "A \(flat) - 2 - DO" "\s(17)\f(TI)\:I\ will\ arise\ and\ go\ to\ my\ father\|,\ and\ will\ say\ unto\ him,\ Father, I\ have\ sinned\ against\ heaven\|,\ and\ in\ thy\ sight:\ -\ Lk.\ 15:18" "" title (13) "W. A. Ogden" " " "W. A. Ogden, 1883" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.9 pad =0 vscheme = 2f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6,20 scorepad=0 scale = .73 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=6/8 key=4& staff 2 key=4& clef=bass // **************************************** music define VERSE lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVERSE lyrics below 2: @ midi all: 0 "tempo=85"; //1 1: 8ac; 4.s; 4; 2: 8aa-; 4.s; 4; VERSE "<1. >-1|The"; VERSE "<2. >-1|I"; VERSE "<3. >-1|His"; bar //2 1 1: 4c+e; 8ac; 8b bm; a ebm; 8fd; 1 2: 4s; 8; 4f; 8s; 2: 4aa-; 8; 4ad; 8; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "foun-tain of sal-"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "hear his cry, \"'Tis"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "bles-sed in-vi-"; bar //3 1: 4.ec; 4ca-; 8ec; 2: 4.aa-; 4ea-; 8aa-; VERSE "va-tion Is"; VERSE "fin-ished,\" His"; VERSE "ta-tion I"; bar //4 1 1: 4ac; 8; 8a bm; b ebm; 8c+d; 1 2: 4s; 8; 4dn; 8s; 2: 4af; 8; 4ab-; 8; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "flow-ing full and"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "bleed-ing bo-dy"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "will no long-er"; bar //5 1: 4.be tie; 4; 8ac; 2: 4.ge tie; 4; 8aa-; VERSE "free, And"; VERSE "see; His"; VERSE "spurn, And"; bar //6 1 1: 4c+e; 8ac; 8b bm; a ebm; 8fd; 1 2: 4s; 8; 4f; 8s; 2: 4aa-; 8; 4ad; 8; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "Je-sus stands in-"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "lov-ing ac-cents"; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; "from my great ex-"; bar //7 1: 4.ec; 4ca-; 8ec; 2: 4.aa-; 4ea-; 8aa-; VERSE "vit-ing: O"; VERSE "thrill me, His"; VERSE "exam-ple I"; bar //8 1: 4ac; 8; 4c+e; 8bd; 2: 4af; 8; 4ae; 8ge; VERSE "sin-ner, come to"; VERSE "bless-ed \"Come to"; VERSE "will no long-er"; bar //9 1: 4.ac tie; 4; 8c+e; 2 1: 4.aa- tie; 4; 8a; 2 2: 4.s; 4; 8a; VERSE "me. <>"; VERSE "me.\" I"; VERSE "turn. <>"; rom above 1 dist -20!: 4 "\s(15)\(bracerighttp)"; rom above 1 dist -24.3!: 4 "\s(15)\(bracerightmid)"; rom above 1 dist -28.6!: 4 "\s(15)\(bracerightbt)"; bar //10 1 1: 4e+e; 8c+e; 8c+ bm; b ebm; a; 1 2: 4s; 8s; 4e; 8a; 2 1: 4c+a; 8a; 8a bm; b ebm; 8c+a; 2 2: 4s; 8a; 4a; 8s; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; [c]"hear his sweet voice"; bar //11 1: 4.bg; 4; 8c+e; 2 1: 4.e+e; 4; 8a; 2 2: 4.s; 4; 8a; VERSE [c]"plead-ing, For"; bar //12 1 1: 4e+e; 8c+e; 8c+ bm; b ebm; a; 1 2: 4s; 8; 4e; 8a; 2 1: 4c+a; 8a; a bm; b ebm; 8c+a; 2 2: 4s; 8a; 4; 8s; VERSE 4; 8; 4; 8; [c]"me 'tis in-ter-"; bar newscore //13 1: 4.bg; 4; 8c+a; 2: 4.e+e; 4; 8; VERSE [c]"ced-ing; The"; bar //14 1: 4d+b; 8; 4; 8bg; 2: 4e+e; 8; 4; 8; VERSE "way I know, And"; bar //15 1 1: 4c+a; 8; 4; 8a; 1 2: 4s; 8; 4; 8a; 2: 4e+a; 8; 4; 8e+c; VERSE "I will go,\(emdash) My"; bar //16 1: 4bg; 8; 4c+g; 8bg; 2: 4d+e; 8; 4e+e; 8d+e; VERSE "Sav-iour calls for"; bar //17 1 1: 4.a tie; 4; 8r; 1 2: 4.a tie; 4; 8s; 2: 4.c+a- tie; 4; 8r; VERSE "me."; dblbar //18 1 1: 4.ec; 8c; ea; ac; 1 2: 4.s; 8c; s;; 2: 4.aa-; 8ea-;;; ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; VERSE "Come, pro-di-gal,"; bar //19 1: 4.ec tie; 4; 8r; 2: 4.aa- tie; 4; 8r; VERSE "come,"; bar //20 1: 4.fd; 8af bm; ge ebm; 8fd; 2: 4.ad; 4; 8; VERSE 4.; 4; 8; "While yet there's"; bar //21 1: 4.ec tie; 4; 8r; 2: 4.aa- tie; 4; 8r; VERSE "room;"; bar //22 1: 4.ac; 8; bd; c+e; 2 1: 4.aa-; 8a;;; 2 2: 4.s; 8a;;; VERSE "Come, pro-di-gal,"; bar //23 1: 4.d+f tie; 4; 8bf; 2: 4.ad tie; 4; 8d+d; VERSE "come! Thy"; bar //24 1: 4ae; 8; 4c+e; 8bd; 2: 4c+e; 8; 4ae; 8ge; VERSE "Sav-iour call-eth"; bar //25 1: 4.ac tie; 4; 8r; 2: 4.aa- tie; 4; 8r; VERSE "thee."; endbar //20