//!Mup vs.6.9 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: // The Best Gospel Songs And Their Composers // By A. J. Showalter // Published by The A. J. Show Alter Co., // Dalton, Georgia. // The Showalter-Patton Co., // Dallas, Texas // Copyright 1904 // Hymn No. 28 // Transcribed by: // Ted Gatza, Jr. 11/17/2020 // Revisions: // 09/03/2022 // HymnsToGod.org // ****************************************** //6x9 Hymn Format top title bold (19) "" "Beautiful" "" title (2) "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)And I say unto him, My lord, thou knowest. And he said to me, These" "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)are they that come out of the great tribulation, and they washed their" "" title (11)"" "\f(TI)robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. - Rev. 7:14" "" title (11)"D\(flat) - 4 - DO" "" "" title (13) "Barney Elliott Warren" "" "Barney Elliott Warren, 1897" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.9 pad=2 vscheme = 2f staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6 staffpad=0 scorepad=0 scale=.724 lyricssize=13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=12/8 key=d& staff 2 key=d& clef=bass // **************************************** music //define macros //Lyrics define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVS lyrics below 2: @ //Chorus define CHORUS ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (13) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ //Fermatas define SFERM(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define BFERM(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=127"; //============ //1 1 1: 8d; e; df; 4.s;;; 1 2: 8d;; s; 4.s;;; 2: 8df; dg; da; 4.s;;; VS 8; 8; 8; 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; "<1. >-1|Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; "<2. >-1|Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; "<3. >-1|Beau-ti-ful"; bar //2 1: 4.fa;; df; 8af+; ge+; fd+; 2: 4.dd+;; da; 8dd+;;; VS "robes so white, Beau-ti-ful"; VS "tho't to me, We shall for-"; VS "things on high, O-ver in"; bar //3 1: 4.fa;; df; 8fa; eg; df; 2: 4.dd+;; da; 8;;; VS "land of light, Beau-ti-ful"; VS "ev-er be Thine in e-"; VS "yon-der sky, Thus I shall"; bar //4 1: 4.eg;; ce; 8gb; fa; eg; 2: 4.a-a;;; 8a-a; b-a; ca; VS "home so bright, Where there shall"; VS "ter-ni-ty, When from this"; VS "leave this shore, Count-ing my"; bar //5 1: 4.df; cg; da; 8fa; engn; fa; 2: 4.da; ea; fa; 8dd+;;; VS "come no night; Beau-ti-ful"; VS "world we're free; Free from its"; VS "treas-ures o'er, Where we shall"; bar //6 1: 4.af+;; fd+; 8; gc+; ad+; 2: 4.dd+;; da; 8da; ea; fd+; VS "crown I'll wear, Shin-ing with"; VS "toils and care, Heav-en-ly"; VS "nev-er die, Car-ry me"; bar //7 1: 4.gb;; bd+; 8bd+; ac+; gb; 2: 4.gd+;;; 8;;; VS "stars o'er there, Yon-der in"; VS "joys to share, Let me cross"; VS "by and by, Nev-er to"; bar //8 1: 4.fa;; 4.gc+; 8ge+; fd+; ec+; 2: 4.ad+;; ae+; 8a-a;;; VS "man-sions fair, Gath-er us"; VS "o-ver there, This is my"; VS "sor-row more, Heav-en-ly"; bar //9 1: 4.f~d+~; 4.f~d+~; 4fd+; 8r; 8s;;; 2: 4.d~a~; 4.d~a~; 4da; 8r; 8s;;; VS "there."; VS "pray'r."; VS "store."; dblbar //10 REFRAIN 1: 8fd+; ec+; fd+; 4.s;;; 2: 4.r; 4.s;;; VS "Beau-ti-ful"; bar //11 1: 4.g~e+~; 4. g~e+~; 4.ge+; 8bd+; ac+; gb; 2: 8ac+;;; 4ac+; 8; 4.; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "robes,_ Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4.s; "Beau-ti-ful robes of white,"; bar //12 1: 4.f~a~; 4.f~a~; 4; 8r; fa; eg; df; 2: 8dd+;;; 4; 8; 4; 8r; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "land,_ Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8s; 4.s; "Beau-ti-ful land of light"; bar //13 1: 4.e~g~; 4.e~g~; 4.eg; 8gb; fa; eg; 2: 8a-a;;; 4; 8; 4.; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "home,_ Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4.s; "Beau-ti-ful home so bright,"; bar //14 1: 4.d~f~; 4.d~f~; 4df; 8r; fa; engn; fa; 2: 8da;;; 4; 8; 4; 8r; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "band,_ Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8s; 4.s; "Beau-ti-ful band of might,"; bar //15 1: 4.a~f+~; 4.a~f+~; 4.af+; 8; ge+; fd+; 2: 8dd+;;;;;; 4.; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "crown,_ Shin-ing so"; VS 8; 8; 8; 8; 8; 8; 4.; 4.s;"Beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful crown,"; bar //16 1: 4.g~b~; 4.g~b~; 4gb; 8r; 8bd+; ac+; gb; 2: 8gd+;;;;;; 4; 8r; 4.r; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 8; 8; 8; "fair,_ Beau-ti-ful"; VS 8; 8; 8; 8; 8; 8; 4; 8s; 4.s;"Shin-ing, yes, shin-ing so fair,"; bar //17 1: 4.fa; ea; fa; 8ge+; fd+; ec+; 2: 8ad+;;; 4ac+; 8ac+; 4.ad+; 8a-a;;; VS "man-sion bright, gath-er us"; VS 8; 8; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 8; 8; 8; "Beau-ti-ful man-sion bright, gath-er us"; bar //18 1 1: 4.d+~; 4.d+~; 4d+; 8r; 4.s; 1 2: 4f; 8; g;;; 4f; 8s; 4.s; 2 1: 4a; 8; b;;; 4a; 8r; 4.s; 2 2: 4.d~; 4.d~; 4d; 8s; 4.s; VS 4.; 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; "there._"; VS 4; 8; 8; 8; 8; 4; 8s; 4.s; "there, yes gath-er us there."; endbar