// !Mup vs.6.9 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // // Hymn Source: The Great Awakening // A choice collection of New // and standard Gospel songs // Editor Sam. P. Jones // Publisher: John Church Company., // 74 W. Fourth St. // Chicago: Root & Sons Music Co., 200 Wabash Ave. // New York: The J. Church Co., 55 E. 13th St. // Copyright: 1886 // Hymn No. 11 // // // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 05/27/2014; rev. 09/26/2022 // HymnsToGod.org // ****************************************** top title (100)"" title bold (19) "" "Are You Washed In The Blood?" "" title (11)"" title (11) "" "\s(17)\f(TI)\:...they\ washed\ their\ ro\|bes,\ and\ made\ them\ white in\ the\ blood\ of\ th\|e\ Lamb.\ -\ Rev.\ 7:14" "" title (11) "" title (11) "A \(flat) - 4 - MI" "" "" title (13) "Elisha A. Hoffman" "" "Elisha A. Hoffman, 1878" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "" title (11) "" title (11) "" "HymnsToGod.org" "" score label="" packexp = 0.0 packfact = 0.5 pad = 1 vscheme = 2f staffsep = 20 //25 //adjust as needed scorepad= -20 scoresep= 6 scale = 1.45 //1.65 //adjust as needed lyricssize = 15 //adjust as needed pageheight=7.5 pagewidth=10.0 topmargin=.350 bottommargin=.350 withfontfamily=palatino noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" staffs=2 time=4/4 key=4& staff 2 key=4& clef=bass // **************************************** block newpage music //define macros //Lyrics define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define DSVS lyrics below 2: @ //Chorus define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ //Fermatas define SFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define BFERM(COUNT) mussym (9) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Time Signature define P1 [pad 5; =t]@ define P2 [=s]@ define TIME print (t.w - 2, t.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, t.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; print (t.w - 2, s.y - 4) "\f(newcentury bold)\s(16)4"; @ // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=95"; //=================================== bar newpage //Remove page with PDF editor //=================================== //Verse 1 //1 1: P1 8ca-; ec; 2.s; 2: P2 8ea-;; 2.s; TIME VS "<1. >-1|Have you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Are you"; // VS "<3. >-1|When the"; // VS "<4. >-1|Lay a-"; bar //2 1 1: 4ac;; 8; ec; c; ec; 1 2: 4s;; 8;; c; s; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; aa-; aa-; VS "been to Je-sus for the"; // VS "walk-ing dai-ly by the"; // VS "Bride-groom com-eth, will your"; // VS "side the gar-ments that are"; bar //3 1: 4ac; ad; ac; 8s; s; 2: 4aa-; fd; ea-; 8s; s; VS "cleans-ing pow'r?"; // VS "Sav-ior's side?"; // VS "robes be white,"; // VS "stained with sin,"; dblbar newscore //3 1: 4s; s; s; 8ae; be; 2: 4s; s; s; 8ac; ge; VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Pure and"; // VS "And be"; bar //4 1: 4c+e; 8;; 4c+e; 8be; adn; 2 1: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8bg; bf; 2 2: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8s;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "white in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //5 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 2.ge; 8s; s; 2 2: 2.s; 8s; s; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb;"; dblbar newscore //6 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 2.s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 2.s; 8; e; VS "Are you"; // VS "Do you"; // VS "Will your"; // VS "There's a"; bar //7 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; VS "ful-ly trust-ing in his"; // VS "rest each mo-ment in the"; // VS "soul be read-y for the"; // VS "foun-tain flow-ing for the"; bar //8 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; VS "grace this hour?"; // VS "Cru-ci-fied?"; // VS "man-sions bright,"; // VS "soul un-clean,"; dblbar newscore //9 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; // VS "And be"; // VS "Oh, be"; bar //10 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //11 1: 2.ae; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb!"; dblbar newscore //12 CHORUS 1: 8c+e; bd; 2.s; 2: 4r; 2.s; VS "Are you"; bar //13 1: 2.ac; 8ac; ge; 2: 4r; 8aa-;; 4; r; VS "washed in the"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 4s; "Are you washed"; bar //14 1: 2.fd; 8s; s; 2: 4r; 8da;; 4; 8s;s; VS "blood,"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; "in the blood"; dblbar newscore //15 1: 2.s; 8ge; fd; 2: 4s; 8s;; 4; 8da;; VS "In the"; bar //16 1: 4ec; 8ae; be; 4c+e; 8d+e; c+e; 2 1: 4aa-; 8ac; 8ge; 4a; 8bg; a; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4a; 8s;; VS "soul cleans-ing blood of the"; bar //17 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 4ge; 8;; 4; 8s; s; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; VS "Lamb?"; VS 4s; 8; 8; 4; 8s; s; "of the Lamb?"; dblbar newscore //18 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8; e; VS "Are your"; bar //19 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; VS "gar-ments spot-less? Are they"; bar //20 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; VS "white as snow?"; dblbar newscore //21 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; VS "Are you"; bar //22 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //23 1: 2.ac; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; VS "Lamb?"; right (157, 1.5) "End of Verse 1"; endbar newpage //=================================== //Verse 2 //1 1: P1 8ca-; ec; 2.s; 2: P2 8ea-;; 2.s; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Have you"; VS "<2. >-1|Are you"; // VS "<3. >-1|When the"; // VS "<4. >-1|Lay a-"; bar //2 1 1: 4ac;; 8; ec; c; ec; 1 2: 4s;; 8;; c; s; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; aa-; aa-; // VS "been to Je-sus for the"; VS "walk-ing dai-ly by the"; // VS "Bride-groom com-eth, will your"; // VS "side the gar-ments that are"; bar //3 1: 4ac; ad; ac; 8s; s; 2: 4aa-; fd; ea-; 8s; s; // VS "cleans-ing pow'r?"; VS "Sav-ior's side?"; // VS "robes be white,"; // VS "stained with sin,"; dblbar newscore //3 1: 4s; s; s; 8ae; be; 2: 4s; s; s; 8ac; ge; // VS "Are you"; VS "Are you"; // VS "Pure and"; // VS "And be"; bar //4 1: 4c+e; 8;; 4c+e; 8be; adn; 2 1: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8bg; bf; 2 2: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8s;; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "white in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //5 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 2.ge; 8s; s; 2 2: 2.s; 8s; s; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb;"; dblbar newscore //6 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 2.s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 2.s; 8; e; // VS "Are you"; VS "Do you"; // VS "Will your"; // VS "There's a"; bar //7 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; // VS "ful-ly trust-ing in his"; VS "rest each mo-ment in the"; // VS "soul be read-y for the"; // VS "foun-tain flow-ing for the"; bar //8 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; // VS "grace this hour?"; VS "Cru-ci-fied?"; // VS "man-sions bright,"; // VS "soul un-clean,"; dblbar newscore //9 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; // VS "Are you"; VS "Are you"; // VS "And be"; // VS "Oh, be"; bar //10 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //11 1: 2.ae; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb!"; dblbar newscore //12 CHORUS 1: 8c+e; bd; 2.s; 2: 4r; 2.s; VS "Are you"; bar //13 1: 2.ac; 8ac; ge; 2: 4r; 8aa-;; 4; r; VS "washed in the"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 4s; "Are you washed"; bar //14 1: 2.fd; 8s; s; 2: 4r; 8da;; 4; 8s;s; VS "blood,"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; "in the blood"; dblbar newscore //15 1: 2.s; 8ge; fd; 2: 4s; 8s;; 4; 8da;; VS "In the"; bar //16 1: 4ec; 8ae; be; 4c+e; 8d+e; c+e; 2 1: 4aa-; 8ac; 8ge; 4a; 8bg; a; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4a; 8s;; VS "soul cleans-ing blood of the"; bar //17 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 4ge; 8;; 4; 8s; s; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; VS "Lamb?"; VS 4s; 8; 8; 4; 8s; s; "of the Lamb?"; dblbar newscore //18 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8; e; VS "Are your"; bar //19 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; VS "gar-ments spot-less? Are they"; bar //20 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; VS "white as snow?"; dblbar newscore //21 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; VS "Are you"; bar //22 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //23 1: 2.ac; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; VS "Lamb?"; right (157, 1.5) "End of Verse 2"; endbar newpage //=================================== //Verse 3 //1 1: P1 8ca-; ec; 2.s; 2: P2 8ea-;; 2.s; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Have you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Are you"; VS "<3. >-1|When the"; // VS "<4. >-1|Lay a-"; bar //2 1 1: 4ac;; 8; ec; c; ec; 1 2: 4s;; 8;; c; s; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; aa-; aa-; // VS "been to Je-sus for the"; // VS "walk-ing dai-ly by the"; VS "Bride-groom com-eth, will your"; // VS "side the gar-ments that are"; bar //3 1: 4ac; ad; ac; 8s; s; 2: 4aa-; fd; ea-; 8s; s; // VS "cleans-ing pow'r?"; // VS "Sav-ior's side?"; VS "robes be white,"; // VS "stained with sin,"; dblbar newscore //3 1: 4s; s; s; 8ae; be; 2: 4s; s; s; 8ac; ge; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; VS "Pure and"; // VS "And be"; bar //4 1: 4c+e; 8;; 4c+e; 8be; adn; 2 1: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8bg; bf; 2 2: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8s;; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; VS "white in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //5 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 2.ge; 8s; s; 2 2: 2.s; 8s; s; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb;"; dblbar newscore //6 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 2.s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 2.s; 8; e; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Do you"; VS "Will your"; // VS "There's a"; bar //7 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; // VS "ful-ly trust-ing in his"; // VS "rest each mo-ment in the"; VS "soul be read-y for the"; // VS "foun-tain flow-ing for the"; bar //8 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; // VS "grace this hour?"; // VS "Cru-ci-fied?"; VS "man-sions bright,"; // VS "soul un-clean,"; dblbar newscore //9 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; VS "And be"; // VS "Oh, be"; bar //10 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //11 1: 2.ae; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb!"; dblbar newscore //12 CHORUS 1: 8c+e; bd; 2.s; 2: 4r; 2.s; VS "Are you"; bar //13 1: 2.ac; 8ac; ge; 2: 4r; 8aa-;; 4; r; VS "washed in the"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 4s; "Are you washed"; bar //14 1: 2.fd; 8s; s; 2: 4r; 8da;; 4; 8s;s; VS "blood,"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; "in the blood"; dblbar newscore //15 1: 2.s; 8ge; fd; 2: 4s; 8s;; 4; 8da;; VS "In the"; bar //16 1: 4ec; 8ae; be; 4c+e; 8d+e; c+e; 2 1: 4aa-; 8ac; 8ge; 4a; 8bg; a; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4a; 8s;; VS "soul cleans-ing blood of the"; bar //17 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 4ge; 8;; 4; 8s; s; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; VS "Lamb?"; VS 4s; 8; 8; 4; 8s; s; "of the Lamb?"; dblbar newscore //18 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8; e; VS "Are your"; bar //19 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; VS "gar-ments spot-less? Are they"; bar //20 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; VS "white as snow?"; dblbar newscore //21 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; VS "Are you"; bar //22 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //23 1: 2.ac; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; VS "Lamb?"; right (157, 1.5) "End of Verse 3"; endbar newpage //========================= //Verse 4 //1 1: P1 8ca-; ec; 2.s; 2: P2 8ea-;; 2.s; TIME // VS "<1. >-1|Have you"; // VS "<2. >-1|Are you"; // VS "<3. >-1|When the"; VS "<4. >-1|Lay a-"; bar //2 1 1: 4ac;; 8; ec; c; ec; 1 2: 4s;; 8;; c; s; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; aa-; aa-; // VS "been to Je-sus for the"; // VS "walk-ing dai-ly by the"; // VS "Bride-groom com-eth, will your"; VS "side the gar-ments that are"; bar //3 1: 4ac; ad; ac; 8s; s; 2: 4aa-; fd; ea-; 8s; s; // VS "cleans-ing pow'r?"; // VS "Sav-ior's side?"; // VS "robes be white,"; VS "stained with sin,"; dblbar newscore //3 1: 4s; s; s; 8ae; be; 2: 4s; s; s; 8ac; ge; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Pure and"; VS "And be"; bar //4 1: 4c+e; 8;; 4c+e; 8be; adn; 2 1: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8bg; bf; 2 2: 4a; 8;; 4a; 8s;; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "washed in the blood of the"; // VS "white in the blood of the"; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //5 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 2.ge; 8s; s; 2 2: 2.s; 8s; s; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb;"; dblbar newscore //6 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 2.s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 2.s; 8; e; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Do you"; // VS "Will your"; VS "There's a"; bar //7 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; // VS "ful-ly trust-ing in his"; // VS "rest each mo-ment in the"; // VS "soul be read-y for the"; VS "foun-tain flow-ing for the"; bar //8 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; // VS "grace this hour?"; // VS "Cru-ci-fied?"; // VS "man-sions bright,"; VS "soul un-clean,"; dblbar newscore //9 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; // VS "Are you"; // VS "Are you"; // VS "And be"; VS "Oh, be"; bar //10 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //11 1: 2.ae; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; // VS "Lamb?"; VS "Lamb!"; dblbar newscore //12 CHORUS 1: 8c+e; bd; 2.s; 2: 4r; 2.s; VS "Are you"; bar //13 1: 2.ac; 8ac; ge; 2: 4r; 8aa-;; 4; r; VS "washed in the"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 4s; "Are you washed"; bar //14 1: 2.fd; 8s; s; 2: 4r; 8da;; 4; 8s;s; VS "blood,"; VS 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; "in the blood"; dblbar newscore //15 1: 2.s; 8ge; fd; 2: 4s; 8s;; 4; 8da;; VS "In the"; bar //16 1: 4ec; 8ae; be; 4c+e; 8d+e; c+e; 2 1: 4aa-; 8ac; 8ge; 4a; 8bg; a; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4a; 8s;; VS "soul cleans-ing blood of the"; bar //17 1: 2.be; 8s; s; 2 1: 4ge; 8;; 4; 8s; s; 2 2: 4s; 8;; 4; 8s; s; VS "Lamb?"; VS 4s; 8; 8; 4; 8s; s; "of the Lamb?"; dblbar newscore //18 1: 2.s; 8c+e; bd; 2 1: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8ae; e; 2 2: 4s; 8s;s; 4s; 8; e; VS "Are your"; bar //19 1: 4ac;; 8; c+e; be; ae; 2: 4ea-;; 8; aa-; gb-; ac; VS "gar-ments spot-less? Are they"; bar //20 1: 4fd;;; 8s; s; 2: 4ad;;; 8s; s; VS "white as snow?"; dblbar newscore //21 1: 4s;;; 8fd;; 2: 4s;;; 8ad;; VS "Are you"; bar //22 1: 4ec; 8;; 4ae; 8gd;; 2: 4ae; 8;; 4c+e; 8be;; VS "washed in the blood of the"; bar //23 1: 2.ac; 4s; 2: 2.aa-; 4s; VS "Lamb?"; right (157, 1.5) "End of Hymn"; endbar