// Coded with Mup vs. 5.6 - http://www.arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be in the public // domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: The Ark of Praise containing songs and hymns for the sabboth // School, Prayer Meetings, Etc. Ed. by Jno. R. Sweney & WM. J. Kirkpatrick // Pub.John J. Hood 1018 Arch Street Philadelphia, Copyright 1882 // Transcribed by: Ted Gatza, Jr. 09/06/2009 // HymnsToGod.org // **************************************************************************************** top title bold (19) "" "Abide With Me" "" title (2)"" title (11) "G-4-MI" "\f(TI)I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. - Mat. 28:20""" title (13) "Frank Gould" "John R. Sweney, 1882" bottom title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" score label="" staffs=2 time=12/8 key=1# noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" vscheme = 2f staffscale=.975 scale = 0.715 scoresep=6,20 lyricssize = 13 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 withfontfamily=palatino staff 2 key=1# clef=bass music midi all: 0 "tempo=100"; // 1 1 1: 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; 4db; 8da; 2 1: 4.s; 4.s; 4.s; 4gd+; 8gc+; lyrics 1: "<1. >-1|All the"; lyrics 1: "<1. >-1|All the"; lyrics 1: "<2. >-1|One by"; lyrics 1: "<2. >-1|One by"; bar //2 1 1: 4.g~; 4.g~; 4g; 8d; 4dg; 8bg; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4d; 8d; 4d; 8d; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; 8gd+; lyrics 1: "day,_ in sweet com-"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; "day, in sweet com-mun-ion, All the"; lyrics 1: "one,_ the ev'n- ing"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; "one, the ev'n-ing shad-ows, One by"; bar // 3 1 1: 4.b; 1 2: 4g; 8g; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; lyrics 1: "mun-"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; "day, in"; lyrics 1: "shad-"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; "one the"; invisbar newscore 1 1: 4.a~; 4.a; 4fa; 8gb; 1 2: 4f; 8f; 4f; 8f; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; lyrics 1: "ion,_ Je-sus"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; "sweet com-mun-ion, Je-sus,"; lyrics 1: "ows_ Gath-er"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8;"ev'n-ing shad-ows gath-er"; bar //4 1 1: 4.c+~; 4.c+~; 4c+; 8d+; 1 2: 4a; 8a; 4a; 8a; 4a; 8f; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4d+d; 8ca; lyrics 1: "I_ have"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; "I have walked with thee,"; lyrics 1: "dark-ly"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; "dark-ly o'er the lea,"; invisbar newscore 1 1: 4dg; 8ad; 1 2: 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4b-g; 8a-f; lyrics 1: "walked with"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; "Je-sus"; lyrics 1: "o'er the"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; "Gath-er"; bar //5 1 1: 4.b~; 4.b~; 4.b; 4db; 8da; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4d; 8d; 4.d; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4g-g; 8g-g; 4g-g; 8g-g; 4.g-g; 4gd+; 8gc+; lyrics 1: "thee;_ Do not"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4; 8; "I have walked with thee; Do not"; lyrics 1: "lea,_ Yet the"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4; 8; "dark-ly o'er the lea, Yet the"; bar //6 1 1: 4.g~; 4.g~; 4g; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4d; 8d; 4d; 2 1: 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; lyrics 1: "now_"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; "now with-draw thy pres-"; lyrics 1: "light_"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; "light of peace re-main-"; invisbar newscore 1 1: 8d; 4dg; 8gb; 1 2: 8d; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 8gb; 4gb; 8gd+; lyrics 1: "with-draw thy"; lyrics 1: 8; 4; 8; "ence, Do not"; lyrics 1: "of peace re-"; lyrics 1: 8; 4; 8; "eth, Yet the"; bar //7 1 1: 4.b; 4.a~; 4.a; 4fa; 8gb; 1 2: 4g; 8g; 4f; 8f; 4f; 8f; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; lyrics 1: "pres-ence,_ From this"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; "now with-draw thy pres-ence, From this"; lyrics 1: "main-eth_ If thou"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; "light of peace re-main-eth If thou"; bar //8 1 1: 4.c+~; 4.c+~; 4c+; 8c+; 4gb; 8fa; 1 2: 4a; 8a; 4a; 8a; 4.a; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4.dd+; 4dd+; 8dc+; lyrics 1: "hour_ a-bide with"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4; 8; "hour a-bide with me, From this"; lyrics 1: "still_ a-bide with"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4; 8; "still a-bide with me, If thou"; bar //9 1 1: 4.g~; 4.g~; 4.g; //4s; 8s; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4e; 8e; 4.d; //4s; 8s; 2 1: 4g-b; 8g-b; 4g-c+; 8g-c+; 4.g-b; //4s; 8s; lyrics 1: "me._"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; "hour a-bide with me."; lyrics 1: "me._"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; "still a-bide with me."; dblbar newscore //10 1 1: 4bd+; 8bd+; 2 1: 4r; 8r; ital (14) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; lyrics 1: "Thou my"; lyrics 1: 1; "<>"; lyrics 1: 1; "<>"; bar //11 1 1: 4.a~c+~; 4.a~c+~; 4ac+; 8ac+; 4bd+; 8ac+; 2 1: 4.r; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; lyrics 1: "life_ my on-ly"; lyrics 1: 4.s; 4; 8; 4; 8s; 4s; 8s; "thou my life,"; bar //12 1 1: 4.g~b~; 4.g~b~; 4.gb; 2 1: 4gd+; 8gd+; 4gd+; 8gd+; 4.gd+; lyrics 1: "guide,_"; lyrics 1: 4s; 8; 4; 8; 4.;"my on-ly guide"; invisbar newscore 1 1: 4gb; 8ac+; 2 1: 4gd+; 8gd+; lyrics 1: 4; 8; "There is"; //lyrics 1: 4.; 4s; 8s; "guide"; bar //13 1 1: 4bd+; 8c+e+; 4bd+; 8ac+; 4gb; 8bd+; 4ac+; 8gb; 2 1: 4gd+; 8gd+; 4gd+; 8gd+; 4gd+; 8gd+; 4fd+; 8gd+; lyrics 1: "nought in heav'n or earth I ask but"; bar newscore //14 1 1: 4.f~a~; 4.f~a~; 4.fa; 4fb; 8da; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4.dd+; 4dd+; 8dc+; lyrics 1: "thee;_ Hear my"; lyrics 1: 4s; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4s; 8s; "I ask but thee;"; bar //15 1 1: 4.g~; 4.g~; 4g; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4d; 8d; 4d; 2 1: 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; 8gb; 4gb; lyrics 1: "prayer,_"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; "prayer, my soul's pe-ti-"; invisbar newscore 1 1: 8d; 4dg; 8gb; 1 2: 8d; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 8gb; 4gb; 8gd+; lyrics 1: "my soul's pe-"; lyrics 1: 8; 4; 8; "tion, Hear my"; bar //16 1 1: 4.b; 4.a~; 4.a; 4fa; 8gb; 1 2: 4g; 8g; 4f; 8f; 4f; 8f; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; lyrics 1: "ti-tion,_ Go not"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8; 4; 8;"prayer, my soul's pe-ti-tion, Go Not"; bar //17 1 1: 4.c+~; 4.c+~; 4c+; 8c+; 4gb; 8fa; 1 2: 4a; 8a; 4a; 8a; 4.a; 4s; 8s; 2 1: 4dd+; 8dd+; 4dd+; 8dd+; 4.dd+; 4dd+; 8dc+; lyrics 1: "hence,_ a-bide with"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4; 8; "hence, a-bide with me, go not"; bar //18 1 1: 4.g~; 4.g~; 4.g; 4.s; 1 2: 4d; 8d; 4e; 8e; 4.d; 4.s; 2 1: 4g-b; 8g-b; 4g-c+; 8g-c+; 4.g-b; 4.s; lyrics 1: "me._"; lyrics 1: 4; 8; 4; 8; 4.; 4.s; "hence, a-bide with me."; endbar