// !Mup vs.7.1 arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code is believed to be // in the public domain in the United States of America. // This source code is donated to the public domain. // Hymn Source: // Great Songs Of The Church // A Comprehensive Collection of Psalms, Hymns and // Spiritual songs of first rank, Suitable for all // Services of the Church // Compiler: E. I. Jorgenson // Word and Work, Louisville, KY. // Copyright 1921 // Hymn No. 2 // // Transcribed by: // Ted Gatza, Jr. 12/22/2022 // Revisions: // Revisions 01/26/2025 [1] Updated mup code. // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR 5x8-1/2 Booklet ======= score panelsperpage=2 label="" packexp=.2 packfact=.8 pad=0 vscheme=2f staffsep=6 staffscale=.96 //adjust as needed scoresep=6 scorepad=0 scale=.82 // Adjust as needed // pageheight=7.5 // pagewidth=4.5 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 rightmargin=.300 leftmargin=.300 lyricssize=13 lyricsdist=1 lyricsfontfamily=times noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //================================= staffs=2 time=6/8 key=d staff 2 key=d clef=bass //========================== header title bold (16) "" "A Wonderful Savior" "" title (2)"" title (11)"" "\f(TI)...and have covered thee in the shadow of my hand... - Is. 51:16" "" title (11) "D - 2 - SOL" "" "" title (12) "Fanny J. Crosby" "" "William J. Kirkpatrick, 1890" footer title (11) "" "Public Domain" "HymnsToGod.org" //========================== music //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BSV lyrics below 2: @ define BSV1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BSV12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BSV21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BSV22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Chorus define CHORUS ital (13) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (13) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ // set midi midi all: 0 "temp=78"; //========================= //Verse //1 1: 4.s; 4; 8fa; 2: 4.s; 4; 8da; VS1 "<1. >-1|A"; VS1 "<2. >-1|A"; VS1 "<3. >-1|With"; VS1 "<4. >-1|When"; bar //2 1 1:8.fa; 16eg; 8df; ; e; d; 1 2: 8.s; 16; 8; ; d; ; 2: 8.da; 16; 8; ; dg; df; VS1 "won-der-ful Sav-ior is"; VS1 "won-der-ful Sav-ior is"; VS1 "num-ber-less bless-ings each"; VS1 "clothed in His bright-ness, trans-"; bar //3 1: 8.gb; 16; 8; 4fa; 8s; 2: 8.g-d+; 16; 8; 4dd+; 8s; VS1 "Je-sus my Lord,"; VS1 "Je-sus my Lord,"; VS1 "mo-ment he crowns,"; VS1 "port-ed, I rise,"; invisbar 1: 4.s; 4; 8fa; 2: 4.s; 4; 8da; VS1 "A"; VS1 "He"; VS1 "And"; VS1 "To"; bar //4 1: 8.fa; 16eg; 8df; ; eg; df; 2: 8.da; 16; 8; ; ca; da; VS1 "won-der-ful Sav-ior to"; VS1 "tak-eth my bur-den a-"; VS1 "filled with his full-ness di-"; VS1 "meet Him in clouds of the"; bar //5 1: 4.ce tie; 4; 8s; 2: 4.a-a tie; 4; 8s; VS1 "me;"; VS1 "way;"; VS1 "vine,"; VS1 "sky;"; invisbar 1 1: 8a; 4.s; 4; 1 2: 8g; 4.s; 4; 2: 8a-c+; 4.s; 4; VS1 "He"; VS1 "He"; VS1 "I"; VS1 "His"; bar //6 1 1: 8.fa; 16eg; 8df; ; e; d; 1 2: 4s; 4s; 8d; d; 2: 8.dd+; 16da; 8; 8; dg; df; VS1 "hid-eth my soul in the"; VS1 "hold-eth me up, and I"; VS1 "sing in my rap-ture, \"Oh,"; VS1 "per-fect sal-va-tion, His"; bar //7 1: 8.gb; 16; 8; 4gd+; 8s; 2: 8.g-d+; 16; 8; 4g-b; 8s; VS1 "cleft of the rock,"; VS1 "shall not be moved,"; VS1 "glo-ry to God,"; VS1 "won-der-ful love,"; invisbar 1: 8gb; 4.s; 4; 2: 8g-d+; 4.s; 4; VS1 "Where"; VS1 "He"; VS1 "For"; VS1 "I'll"; bar //8 1: 8.fa; 16; 8da; ca; cg; ce; 2: 8.a-d+; 16a-a; 8a-f; a-e; ; a-g; VS1 "riv-ers of pleas-ure I"; VS1 "giv-eth me strength as my"; VS1 "such a Re-deem-er as"; VS1 "shout with the mil-lions on"; bar //9 1 1: 4.d tie; 4; 8s; 1 2: 4.d tie; 4; 8s; 2: 4.df tie; 4; 8s; VS1 "see."; VS1 "day."; VS1 "mine!\""; VS1 "high."; dblbar newscore CHORUS //10 1 1: 8a; 4.s; 4; 1 2: 8a; 4.s; 4; 2 1: 8a; 4.s; 4; 2 2: 8a; 4.s; 4; VS1 "He"; bar //11 1: 8.gc+; 16; 8; 4; 16gb; gc+; 2 1: 8.ae+; 16; 8; 4; 16a; ; 2 2: 4s; 4.; 16a; ; VS1 "hid-eth my soul in the"; bar //12 1: 8.fd+; 16ac+; 8fb; 4fa; 8s; 2: 8.da; 16; 8dd+; 4; 8s; VS1 "cleft of the rock,"; invisbar 1: 8fa; 4.s; 4; 2: 8da; 4.s; 4; VS1 "That"; bar newscore //13 1: 8eg; d#f; eg; ce; cb; ca; 2: 8a-a; ; ; ; ; ; VS1 "shad-ows a dry, thirst-y"; bar //14 1: 4.df tie; 4; 8s; 2: 4.da tie; 4; 8s; VS1 "land;"; invisbar 1: 8fa; 4.s; 4; 2: 8da; 4.s; 4; VS1 "He"; bar //15 1: 8.fd+; 16; 8; 4; 16; ; 2: 8.da; 16; 8; 4; 16; ; VS1 "hid-eth my life in the"; bar //16 1: 8.ge+; 16gd+; 8; 4gd+; 8s; 2: 8.gb; 16; 8; 4gb; 8s; FST(4) FBT(4) VS1 "depths of His love,"; invisbar 1: 8gb; 4.s; 4; 2: 8gd+; 4.s; 4; VS1 "And"; bar //17 1 1: 8.fa; 16; 8; ea; fa; a; 1 2: 4.s; 4; 8g; 2: 8.ad+; 16; 8; a-c+; a-d+; a-e+; VS1 "co-vers me there with His"; bar newscore //18 1 1: 4.a tie; 4; 8s; 1 2: 4f; 8g; 4a; 8s; // phrase below 1: 1 til 6; 2: 4dd+; 8ec+; 4fd+; 8s; phrase above 2: 1 til 6; phrase below 2: 1 til 6; VS1 "hand,"; invisbar 1: 8gb; 4.s; 4; 2: 8g-d+; 4.s; 4; VS1 "And"; bar //19 1 1: 8.fa; 16df; 8d; 8.cg; 16a-c; 8; 1 2: 4s; 8d; 4.s; 2: 8.a-d+; 16a-a; 8a-f; 8.a-e; 16a-g; 8; VS1 "co-vers me there with His"; bar //20 1: 4.a-d tie; 4; 8s; 2: 4.df tie; 4; 8s; VS1 "hand."; endbar