// !Mup 7.1 - arkkra.com // The hymn produced by this source code carries a conditional // copyright. It is declared on the copyright page of "Hymns Of The // Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. This copyright states: // "This hymn may be copied for noncomercial church or home use." // Because of the conditional copyright restrictions of this hymn, this source // code remains the property of Theodore Gatza. You are free to copy this mup // file and reproduuce the hymn as long as the hymns original copyright conditions // are maintained. // Hymn Source: Hymns Of The Church Of Jesus Christ // Of Latter-Day Saints // Publisher: The Church Of Jesus Christ // Of latter-Day Saints // Salt Lake City, Utah // Copyright: 1985 // Hymn No. 127 // Transcribed by: // Ted Gatza, Jr. 04/14/2014 // Revisions: // 01/27/2025 [1] Corrected placement of pitch and directing guid. [2] Updated mup code. // HymnsToGod.org //==== FOR 6X9 ====================== score label="" packexp=.2 packfact=.8 pad=0 vscheme=2f staffsep=6 staffscale=1.0 scoresep=6 scorepad=0 scale=.73 pageheight=9.0 pagewidth=6.0 topmargin=.200 bottommargin=.200 lyricssize=15 lyricsdist=1 extendlyrics=y lyricsfontfamily=times noteheads = "isostri semicirc diam righttri norm rect pie" //========================= staffs=2 time=3/4 key=3& staff 2 key=3& clef=bass //========================= header title bold (19) "" "Does The Journey Seem Long?" "" title (2)"" title (11) "" "\f(TI)lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and" "" title (11) "" "\f(TI)let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto" "" title (11) "" "\f(TI)Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, - Heb. 12:1-2" "" title (12) "E \(flat) - 3 - MI" "" "" title (13) "Joseph Fielding Smith" "" "George D. Pyper" footer title (11) "" "\f(TI)May be copied for noncommercial church or home use" "HymnsToGod.org" //=========================== music //=========================== //define macros //Lyrics //Lyrics Between Staffs define VS lyrics between 1&2: @ define VS1 lyrics between 1&2 using 1: @ define VS12 lyrics between 1&2 using 1 2: @ define VS21 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 1:@ define VS22 lyrics between 1&2 using 2 2:@ //Lyrics Below Bass Staff define BVS lyrics below 2: @ define BVS1 lyrics below 2 using 1: @ define BVS12 lyrics below 2 using 1 2: @ define BVS21 lyrics below 2 using 2 1:@ define BVS22 lyrics below 2 using 2 2:@ //Text - Above Staff define CHORUS ital (15) above 1: 1 "Chorus"; @ define REFRAIN ital (15) above 1: 1 "Refrain"; @ define RALL ital (15) above 1: 1 "Rall."; @ //Fermatas define FST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FSB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "uferm"; @ define FBT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "ferm"; @ define FBB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "uferm"; @ //Note Accents define AST(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ASB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 1: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABT(COUNT) mussym (10) above 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ define ABB(COUNT) mussym (10) below 2: COUNT "acc_gt"; @ //Repeats define RIT(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "rit."@ define FINE(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "fine"@ define SIGN(COUNT) mussym (10) above 1: COUNT "sign"@ define DS(COUNT) ital (15) above 1: COUNT "D. S."; @ //=========================== // Set midi midi all: 0 "tempo=80"; //=========================== // Verse //1 ital (13) above 1: 1 "Gently"; 1: 8ge bm; ad ebm; 2s; 2: 8be bm; bf ebm; 2s; VS "<1. >-1|Does the"; VS "<2. >-1|Is your"; VS "<3. >-1|Let your"; VS "<4. >-1|A land"; bar //2 1: 4.be; 8ane; 4be; 2: 4.bg; 8c+f#; 4bg; VS "jour-ney seem"; VS "heart faint and"; VS "heart be not"; VS "ho-ly and"; bar //3 1 1: 2ge; 8e bm; f ebm; 1 2: 2s; 8e bm; d ebm; 2: 2be; 8bg bm; bf ebm; VS "long, The path"; VS "sad, Your soul"; VS "faint Now the"; VS "pure, Where all"; bar //4 1 1: 4.ge; 8f#; 4ge; 1 2: 4.s; 8e; 4s; 2: 4.be; 8ane; 4be; VS "rug-ged and"; VS "wea-ry with-"; VS "jour-ney's be-"; VS "trou-ble doth"; bar //5 1 1: 2e; 8eb- bm; fbn- ebm; 1 2: 2e; 8s;; 2: 2ge; 8ge bm; gd ebm; VS "steep? Are there"; VS "in, As you"; VS "gun; There is"; VS "end, And your"; bar //6 1: 4gc; fc; gc; 2 1: 4ec; d; ec; 2 2: 4s; c; s; VS "bri-ars and"; VS "toil 'neath your"; VS "One who still"; VS "life shall be"; bar //7 1: 4ac; bc; c+c; 2: 4fa-; ga-; aa-; VS "thorns on the"; VS "bur-den of"; VS "beck-ons to"; VS "free from all"; bar //8 1: 2fd; 8ge bm; ad ebm; 2: 2ab-; 8be bm; bf ebm; VS "way? Do sharp"; VS "care? Does the"; VS "you. So look"; VS "sin, Where no"; bar //9 1: 2be; 8c+e bm; d+f ebm; 2 1: 2bg; 8a bm; bn ebm; 2 2: 2s; 8a bm; g ebm; VS "stones cut your"; VS "load heav-y"; VS "up-ward in"; VS "tears shall be"; bar //10 1: 2e+g; 8d+g bm; c+g ebm; 2: 2c+c; 8c+e bm; e+g ebm; VS "feet As you"; VS "seem You are"; VS "joy And take"; VS "shed, For no"; bar //11 1: 4bnf;;; 2: 4d+g;;; VS "strug-gle to"; VS "forced now to"; VS "hold of his"; VS "sor-rows re-"; bar //12 1: 2c+e; 8ac bm; 8fc ebm; 2: 2c+a; 8fa- bm; aa- ebm; VS "rise To the"; VS "lift? Is there"; VS "hand; He will"; VS "main. Take his"; bar //13 1: 4be; bd; be; 2: 4gb-; fb-; gb-; VS "heights thru the"; VS "no one your"; VS "lead you to "; VS "hand and with"; bar //14 1 1: 4b; bg; bf; 1 2: 4a; s;; 2: 4c+b-; bb-; ab-; VS "heat of the"; VS "bur-den to"; VS "heights that are"; VS "him en-ter"; bar //15 1: 2be; 4s; FST(1) 2: 2ge; 4s; FBB(1) VS "day?"; VS "share?"; VS "new\(emdash)"; VS "in."; endbar